
Take Atlantic Vaice WIRELESS NEWS to Another Concession and Monopoly so THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Trust implicitly in the Lord for His merey endureth for ever Judgment is the finger of Justice; and Divine Justice is always and at all times the expression of that which is Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone right and good and true The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercles are over all His works Editor English Section: SC. NATION Love does not condemn; but evil is its own condemnat. on. It contains, in itself, the seed of its own destruction Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Solurday April 2do 1938 No. 189 Therefore evil shall slay the wicked and they that hate good shall destroy themselves. When things seem to go so wrong that everywhere inequity reigns, look joyfully for God day of Jubilee, the day of adjustment when all things will be CHAMBERLAIN STILL BEGS FOR PEACE RELATIVE TO CHANCES made right Thy Kingdom come.
After knowing of Mussoli but that her weakened condiAll who may be interested ni declaration that he could tion was due to the prevailing either as sellers or purchasers only promise to withdraw his actualities, and he hoped she of Chances are, by this Italian troops from Spain af would later on be so re inforc means, advised that in conse.
ter General Franco had secured ed as tobe able o serve as an quence of the alarming propor his victory, but that he never effective instrument for the tion the business is assuming PARIS. Delegates of thir thoritative quarters denied theless desired the conquest of conservation of Peace.
in opposition to the sale of ty thousand striking metal there was the slightest intenEthiopia to be at once reccg.
Rferring to the Sanctions the National Lottery Tickets, workers announce they have tion of acting vindictively agnized, one cannot help feeling placed against Italy during the the Secretary of State for the after lengthy conferences ainst the former foe of Gerhurt regarding the great spe Ethiopian conflict, he stated Interier and Police. his found a basis for settlement man annexation.
ech of Britain Prime Min it was well known that the ister, before a capacity filled League had ben burdened with dressed the folowing telegram with the Ministers of Interto the Governor of this Pro ior and Co ordination of SerHouse of Commons, wherein, a grave responsibility with vices. Details of the proposed vince. It speaks for itself.
like a weakling. he declares which she was unable to scoagreement were not disclos TOKYO. By season of its he has the most implicit con pe; for to have obtained the In consequence of your con ed, but it is understood that sweeping victory in the 37rd.
lidence in the good intents of desired results, it would have sultation as to the status in Premier Blum is to persona Diet which closed one of its Mussolini for the safety of the been necessary to have had the the Penal Code of this wen lly arbitrate matters after the stormiest sessions in history known Game of Chances in strikers return to work.
Non Intervention Pact a collective security of the 52 on the 27th March, militarbe matter which the entire worla member nations, and though it your Province, it cannot ism holds potential control of the most fundamental huregards as a huge joke at En may be farfetched to expect sidered an ordinary raftte but a veritable national lotgland expence, especially now this, yet there ought to be a man and economic liberties.
VIENA, that 30. 000 more Italian sol. co laboration of a sufficient tery prohibited by Article 11 Kurth Schuch. The government gained endiers and 700 planes are repor number to form an actual, ef of Law of the 31st. August nigg, the last Chanceller of actment of the National Mo1922, and punishable by Arti independenti Austria, ted to have recently gone festive frontage of Power afaces bilization Bill which places, over, and Germany to have gainst an aggressive nation. cles and of Law 14 of the trial for violation of his own life and property of the lowvugmented her earller supplies Efforts should now, the Min i27th October 1934. Therefore, Constitution. The question of est citizen, as well as the grein all cases of seizure ister continued, be made and a death penalty is, however atest corporation, in governdy five shiploads of arms ama in no way involved, and au (TO page 10)
nunition and planes which cure this Weakness and make confiscation of Chances.
were escorted by two of her the League an effective guaran fine of five hundred colones lighting units.
ty for World Peace or in truth a is applicable, for the first offence, on proprietors, managers, Chamberlain began his spe Universal Institution.
ch by announcing he had abcommission sellers or agents of As a means of being the such prohibited national lot solute faith in the maintain greatest possible force for the tery, this in addition to thirty nce of the Peace of Europe, conservation of world peace.
ind that he did not see anyth. Great Britain, he said, ought days confinement for such per ing on the political horizon to be very strongly armed, sons. In case of a second offenIn consecuence of the du rooph 200 kilos when he lo necessitate ce, the fine will be 000 co ties on silken goods imported would erect a factory for the fundamental that when the necessity arose. lones and sixty days imprison into this country being after manufacture of artificial silk, changes in the foreign politic she would not need to worry. Great Britain. This ment. Please give the how regarding her defences or tho sery instructions to all Jefesines per kilo for the manufac fibres of certain neces. Ithe high rate of eleven colo which is obtained from the ver did not, he said. imply se of other peoples for whose Politicos and Agents of Poli tured article and trees and that England would not und security she is directly respon ce in your jurisdiction.
five eo mixed with cotton.
er any circumstances, go nes per kilo on the raw matto sible.
The particular phase regarwar. He admitted that erial for manufacturing pur ding the proposal which is rec his Regarding the recent occurfaith in the League of TODAY BIG FAIR poses, Señor Gaston Molton eiving the consideration our Na rences in Austria, the Premier tions w: profoundly shaken, of Colombia has asked a con Minister of Finance, don Pa(TO PAGE As has already been men for the establishment of a lo how much benefits will accéssion from the government co Gutiérrez, is what and tioned, the Grand Garden cal factory. He desires to be crue to the government to a Fair in aid of funds for the given exclusive manufactur compensate for the loss of the replacing of such of the more ing rights for twenty five present Duties, away essential religious and house years with the facility of im the small amount of labour from hold articles which were lost porting his raw material from wnich may be provided for a SERVICIO DE VAPORES in the never. to. be forgo France until the country number of our unemployed.
tten conflagration which not consumption of silken goods Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York only destroyed the residence ala en Habana solamente of the Diocese Vicar Apostolic, but also took the life of Estos vapores no llevarán café.
our much beloved Bishop Wollgarten, comes off this VAPORES SALIDAS afternoon.
The consegration of our ANTIGUA ABRIL new Vicar Apostolic will taVERAGUA ABRIL 11 ke place in the Cathedral, San Jose, on the 25th of the preSalidas semanales de Limón para Cristóbal sent month, and in order to Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Amerimake his coming among us as canos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magníticos vapocomfortable as might be possible under the unusual cirres de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexión rapidísima.
cumstances, several of distinguished ladies, headed PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE PORT LIMON: EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS EURO by Mrs. Anita Sheehy, our PEOS INCLUYENDO LONDRES indefatigable Catholic work.
er, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs SaMETAPAN ABRIL lisbury, are making every effort to replace those things Para PTO. BARRIOS: ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
which cannot, ordinarily be done without. It is therefore mn. CORDILLERA Abril hoped that all who can make Llevando café solamente para Londres it possible will support so Para EUROPA vio CRISTOBAL: CORRALES worthy a cause. not only by ABRIL attending the Fair, but by mn. CORDILLERA Abril 12 contribuF. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
making financial tions.
Agentes para Limón The Fair is being held on the spacious grounds of th Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la Ity. Baths and will be conti UNITED FRUIT COMPANY nued tomorrow. Our Militar AGENCIA COSTA RICA en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ea Sap José Band and an orchestra wil TELEFONO 3156 be in attendance.
AVENIDA CENTRAL. TELEFONO 2086 We bespeak bumper crowd.
con HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE our HAPAG LLOYD a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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