
As previously announced, solo by Mrs. Bernard MADURO LUMBER YARD the entertainment granged Why we should support a LONDON More than by the Limon Branch of the food cause, an address by Dealers in native lumber and produce 3, 000, 000 worth of treasu Ethiopia World Federation Mr. Hall; Rhoden 215 South of Post Office re from Chinese in the war came off last Monday at the spoke on the subject of the zone, mainly silver coins and St Mark Hall. The atten Aims and Objects of the articles, reached England ra dance was rather disappoint World Federation; while COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
cently. This consignment was ing, but the funetion was, Mr. Shaw. Davis explained in addition to Chinese coins nevertheless, carried through Why we should contribute Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO worth more than 16, 000. 000 most successfully.
Al sur del correo Apartado 215 to the cause of Ethiopia.
that has alteady arrived from Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
The Rev. Fr. Castor under As a result of the efforts!
Hong Kong. Other shipments took the duties of Chairman of the local Branch of the are expected and after he had made his Federation the following amNearly 22, 000, 000 worth much appreciated opening re ounts have been received on AUSTRIAN CATHOLICS TO of silver coin that is not legal marks, a very interesting pro behalf of the Refugees Fund tender in Great Britain VOTE FOR ANNEXATION been re exported to the Unigramme, consisting of Solos. Fron Linen 68. 05: Estraaddresses, etc. da 1. 00; Matina 25. 85; Bo ted States, forming par was gone throughThe follo nifacio 1. 75: San Andres Autrian Catholics are ana series of shipments which winz are some of the items 7. 55, which aggregate the nounced to be under instruein time will account for most. We are rising, a recita sum of 74. 15 colones.
tions from their Cardinal to of the present sale of 300. 000. tion by Master Keene; 000 Chinese dollars. Part of The future of Ethiopia, an HORDE President unreservedly follow the preater German State and its the money is being spent on address by Mr. Cuthbert; armas for China.
Fuehrer. Priests and Laity SANTIAGO, Chile. spe The Usher of the Isle, HANSON, Secy. were directed regarding the cially appointed committee for DO DOOS 398020 60 couczn026930suosasor, attitude they should adopt to the defense of national indusoward the Nazi Regime. tries asked President Arturo NICARAGUA LIMITS PROIMPORTANT NOTICE They were particularly ad Alessandri to give Chilean envised to mind their religious terprise more impla protection The Public is hereby advised that duties and strictly keep away in the face of the growing vo FITS OF MECHANTS TO 20 Mr. PETGRAVE from all political activity: lume of low priced foreign has removed his office and Tailoring establishment to the The Cardinal further asked merchandise den ped on loMANAGUA. Nicaragua place formerly occupied by the Alcaldia of Siquirres where the leaders of Catholic Youth cal markets.
he will, as usual, continue to give satisfaction in his JuCo gress passed a law limitOrganizations to prepare to dicial and Commission Agency as well as in his Tailoring The request declared that it ing the profits of merchants unite with Reich Youth Instibusiness.
these conditions were allowed to not more than twenty per tutions.
YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED cent. Because of the instabiliThis attitude on the part of to continue it would mean ruin Rerenber Upstairs the Peña Store at the for national industries that ty of the Nicaraguan monetathe Austrian Catholic Authoback of the Market.
ry unit, the cordoba, many vities is said to have produced have been progressively devemerchants are speculating in 998. coDB123. 96. seossstoesss. 1000C 2000: warm satisfaction in the loping in the last few years, exchange and increasing the Reich, where it is believed Right wing publications hold price of merchandise more ADDIS ABABA REPORTED SURROUNDED that perhaps for the first time the view that the present cus than 100 per cent. commission will be crea DijiboutiFrench Recent advices to hand from Ababa with a ring of steel: and in its history, the entire Ger toms regulations are sufficient Somaliland, steadily closing in on Addis man nation, irrespective of with their flexible clauses to ted to investigate all com state that the Ethiopians are that the Italians are considering clans, provinces or religious establish limitations on imports mercial firms. Merchants. the advisability of vacating the the Ballot Box on the 10th ned that legislation allow the classes, will together go to if necessary. It is also maintaifot nd guilty are subject to a city and concentrating at Direheavy fine for the first offen za said that food and clothing Dawa.
One hundred thousand instant and unreservedly ap president to apply various reend se and for a second offense costs must be kept as low as Tigre and Wallou warriors are prove the aunexation of Aus gulations effectively to thu air shops will be closed. possible so all may eat and supposed to be on the march to tria.
the invasion of foreign goods President Anastasio Somo be clothed properly.
when it is evident that imports join the other forces already ope.
rating against Addis Ababa.
come under the classification BOOTH 096899999904020002 of unfair competition.
Airplanes are now reported BEST to be employed in conveying BAKED food and arms to the Italian gaBERLIN orrisons beseiged in numerous BREAD o places, on account of the inabiBUNS SALVADOR URGED TO LIMON, COSTA RICA lity to relieve them EISCUITS CAKES BUY ITALIAN PLANES The reported revolt among MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS the Eritrean troops is stated to THE PEOPLE BAKERY SAN SALVADOR, El Salhave been caused by some LyCompro cacao Material de Tranvía vador. Italian representatibian Officers being placed in Box 179 Limon ves have opened negotiations Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo y command of them. As they rewith the government for the gard the Lybians their enemies Importación de mercadería en general.
sale of Italian planes to the and inferiors, they resented the seegeevor SSPOREDRRIERE.
choice of these Commanding Sion, who was Assistant Chief army.
The government has been of Police in Dire Dawa, and Ato officers, and as no notice was BRAZIL AND HER COFFEE PROBLEM invited to send two representaken of their protests, they reWolde Mariam Gimiabeth volted, massacred all the white Intense fighting is also stated tatives to Italy to visit airplane factories and study proAccording to the interesting, bruary no less that 58, 554. 000 and Libian troops, and joined to be in progress throughout the duction methods.
ihtomation recently released, sacks were so coasumed. As the Ethiopians among whom Minjar Province where warriors it is noted that the govern this represents a loss of over they distributed their arms and from Bulga, Yofat, Manze and The government is considerment of Brazil, the country eight million sacks per year ammunition. They are now con Tagulet have joined the forces dernization plan but has not ing a military air service mowhich produces the world during the seven years, we solidating their positions, it is commanded by Tessema Wolde greatest quantity of Coffee, can form an idea of the im. said, preparatory to Giorgia. Several new and pro offer.
so far accepted the Italian moving has decided to resume the sys mensity of the sacrifice the toward Addis Ababa. The revolt perly trained leaders are known tem of destroying her surplus country is forced to make in is declared to be rapidly spread to be now operating in Salale production in view of the un order to keep the price of ing.
and around Gindaberat satisfactory results obtained her stable produce within a Adaberga whom the Italian are SOVIET FORTIFYING by her more recent activities reasonable and paying marAs a result to the activities of endeavouring to overcome but consequent on her disagree gin Seventy per cent of the the forces under Dedaizmatches without success So hard press ment with Colombia.
last crop is stated to have Mangasha and Yosef, the Fased are the Italians in some of the BORDERS The system of burning orj been sacrificed, and it is es cists have been forced to va districts under their control that otherwise destroying excesstimated it will need to simi cate Dessie. Much fighting is they are said to be enlisting BUCHAREST, Rumania.
crops was commenced in the larly treat thirty per cent of also reported from Garra Mu youths as young as twelve years Newspapers here year 1931, and we are told the coming one.
Uatta, where the native troops to fight against their fellow publish reports from the Russian borthat up to the end of last Fe are being led by Ato Ganre natives.
der that the Soviet is about to begin construction of fortifications along the RusNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dərsə SO Rumanian frontier of the We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back left bank of the Dniester Ride su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: ver, similar to the French Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before Maginot line.
dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
About 100 miles behind the de cada mes.
line a further fortified sector Be so good as to comply with this request and do not will be constructed. On the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Black Sea various batteries de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
will be constructed, notably in the harbors of Odessa, Sebastopol, Cherson and Nikolaijev. Several air and seaplane bases will also be conUNA structed, according to reports Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Guillermo Niehaus Co.


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