
SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 1933 CONFIRMATION SERVICES MEXICO FACES DIFFICULTY TUTO an Lumber Deposit SAITA These are CAFIASPIRINA days. As ttee for indus Arturo an en tection ing To foreign CHAMBERLAIN. WC AFIASPIRINA that it For some time past, the bers of his flock His Grace Revd. Fr. Casler of the An left the city on Tuesday morn WITH glican Denomination had been ing by special train for Zent, Carnestly preparing his can where the solemn ceremony didates for the Rite of Con was administered to four firmation, and the coming of additional candidates. He Consequent on the stiff protArchbishop Dunn was an next visited Rio Hondo whe est made by the government of ciously awaited by the faith re two more were received the United States against the ex.
ful of the church. His Grace Rio Hondo His Grace went propriation of Mexico foreign arrived last Saturday and on From Rio Hondo His Grace owned Oil Industry. President the following day, Sunday, in went to Germania and Gua Cardenas is reported to have iCo the presence of a capacity fill cimo confirming six candida issued a call for an urgent ses5 ed edifice, forty candidates tes at each place.
sion of the country Congress were presented and received He returned to Limón at to consider the raising of an ininto full church membership. night after quite an arduous ternal loan of 100, 000, 000 pesos Accompanied by many mem day work.
to meet the claims of the Oil ed asood oooooo Companies for the loss of their properties and business. Although the Protest is understood to have contain nothing of the nature of an ultimatum, the Me xican government is describert as being much concerned regard ins the unexpected vigorons Next to LA PROVEEDORA attitude of the United States.
Messurements less than feet at At the first sign of a cold. sneezing, headA Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber It has been predicted in finan ache or catarrh. take CAFIASPIRINA!
cial circles that the government 25 per foot CAFIASPIRINA is an unfailing remedy in would be forced to resort to con colds, headache, influenza and rheumatic pains.
eeoooo00 sceso trolled inflation to ease the incnetary situation precipitated by The world famous Bayer Cross, shown on the expropriation proceedings, every tablet, guarantees the purity, harmA business having now to be conBAY lessness and efficacy of ducted on an almost 100 per cent. From Page the policy of non intervention cash basis.
plo declared his government had would continue being the best already expressed its opinion means of avoiding a world con Consideration, it is also unto which he had nothing to add, flict, and expressed an opti derstood, would be given legis.
llowed though he felt that if the re mistie note regarding the An lation to regulate administraIn ruil lationship between Checoslo glo Italian conversations tion of the Oil Industry as also thal vakia and the German mino which were being pursued in to amend the electoral and civil deve rity en that county coul be Rome. Italy had, he assured Codes in order to give equal permanently solved, it would his audience, promised in rights to women.
MORE OF THE NICARAGUAN CANAL bold do much toward establishing a GOODWILL that she would co cu feeling of confidence and sta operate with all loyalty in the Meantime Bills amounting to It looks as is this great imuno Hughes understanding, ficient bility over a region very much execution of the British plan two million dollars have been work will really be taken in based on an agreement arrises to more extensive than that which for the evacuation of all fo reported presented by the 30 hand and at no too distant a ved at in the year 1898. plamports would be directly affected by reign volunteers from Spain, vernment against the Aguila or time.
ced Costa Rica interests in Bintak a definite arrangement. It and had, in addition, declared Royal Dutch Shell and the and at no too distant a time. the boundary waters at the the should not expected that na she had neither territorial, po Huasteca or Standard of New President Somoza of Nica figure of 3, 000. 000 colones. As is te tions would automatically in litical nor economic pretensions Jersey Subsidiary Companies, ragua has invited Costa Ri this decision was never apend cur military obligations ex either in Spain or the Balearic the two largest of the concerns ca to send representatives to proved by Congress, Presidgoods cept in defence of those terri Islands. Nor would any more expropriated, for back taxes. discuss the rights of both na ent Somoza is now endeavour nports tories wherein their vital inte volumteers be sent to Spain The claims regarded by tions to the waters of the ing, we take it, to secure cation rests are involved: Britian after the withdrawal of those those connected with the Com San Juan River, along which final agreement in view of could not, he went on, automaat present there. One is forced panies as a move to reduce in the long suggested interoce the desire on the part of the tically declare war in conse to encuire for demnification figures.
what anic canal will traverse reason, to Naval Deparment of the Uniquence of the invasion of Che then, has so many lives been its outlet on the Atlantic ted States, to reach a concluscoslovakia, whereas if Belgium sacrificed and so much money side. Many years ago a some ion regarding the construc3 or France were invaded, she spent?
what similar conference was tion of the waterway.
would immediately, as her most With reference to rearmacalled in Washington, and This project is of supreme ANES vital interests are possessed by ment, we are told this was attended by delegates for importance to this country, was Wee. Le the three nations, but in con as apart from the standpoint those countries.
being attended to by Britain Sale ESTRADA He had not entertained the in priority to her other undersequence of the political dif of her labour problems, the ficulties with which Costa work, if favourable agreed proposals of the Soviet govern takings, as it was essential she tions Precios Economics Rica had at that same ment for the convening of time on, would materially help in the a should have the most completo contend, as the result of the settlement of her indebconference of the democratic Articulos del País the te equipment for her Army.
the assumption of the Presi tedness to the United States.
nations of the world to cons Navy and Air forces. New fac Abarrotes y Licores dency of the country by don The matter is therefore being beca titute an aggressive front a tories were being erected for Federico Tinoco, the discus followed with the greatest gainst Fascism, as it was the construction of airplanes LA IBERIA sions came ot an abrupt end. interest on all sides.
rpla thought such conference would and anti aircraft. In fact, the Later on, hovever, the Oreapro only aggravate the tendency necessary steps were all being of establishing exclusive taken to make Britain the stron der groups, highly prejudicial to gest country possible so as to me the Peace of Europe. The Brij effectively cope with whatever mot tish government, he said, be may arise, rotwithstanding ulian lieves that disputes among na that the fundamental base of tions should be solved by means the nation foreign policy is of pacific negotiations, not by the conservation of Peace cou armed force, to obtain pacific pled with Justice, a method and lasting settlements of all which the other Powers were (CUTTER RODEN)
disputes on the basis of Justi being urged to employ rather Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby ce. He saw no reason for not than force and threats which informed that relying on the definite affir would never carry them to the THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES mation of the German govern desired goal.
ment that no aggressive action At this all important session opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being a. would be taken against Che of the House of Commons theWELL DRESSED.
Tish coeslovakia, With respect to re were present representatives Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English Spain, Premier Chamberlain of the Soviet Union, Belgium, Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well said he was of the opinion that France, China, Argentine, The dressed man.
United States of America, Den USOur Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality mark Checoeslovakia, the SweJOSE ACHION NG den and Norway. The absence The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular Comerciante Detallista of Germany, Italy and Japan Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale. was very significant.
SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES he ria, Artículos de Ferreteria y The speech was vigorously at cor Eléctricos; todo se encuentra tacked by Winston Churchill The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor he and Major Atlee, the leader en este establecimiento.
and Cutter, have been secured PRECIOS DE SITUACION of the Labourite Party. Trans sly lated from La Tribuna of 25th ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
LIMON March. are SALOMON CHIN Tienda MIL COLORES boof Rioch es Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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