
Pagina 10 BE ATLANTIO VOICE SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd. 193 NEW CONTEMPORARY LIMON TRADING COMPANY mo a que LIMON TRADING COMPANY SELLING OUT 2, 500 YARDS ai JACK ORANE STORE anca Domentan con Chile and Argentina plan Highwa, We are pleased to acknowlded ge copies of the Weekly Sear chlight of Kingston, Jamaica, edited by that foremost figure LUMBER YARD of the Legal profession of that Island, the Hon. Smith who represents the Pa We have opened a Lumber Yard rish or Province of Clarendon in the Legislative Council.
where we carry in stock a complete The Journal is the forerunner of the Daily Searchlight assortment of all kinds of Native and its setting proclaims it an impartial, fearless, independent Lumber. Special sizes to order.
protector of the Rights of JaWe also have Portland Cement, Roof.
maicans at home and abroad We therefore bespeak for it a ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenwonderful reception in this dice Leona Maricle (extrele para ser erto. La pequecountry, where Jamaicans and tine and all other building materials.
ex quierda) Douras na Edith Fellows (extremo coloured Britishers generally Iontgomery, después derecha) contempla la escena, suffer so much inconveniences SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Jea. Parker le hace ver ci de la cual ella se cons dera for lack of proper representaramente que a ella no le im culpable. Despedida de Soltion.
porta Douglas. pero le di tero. producción Columbia As a Champion of his peodemasiado vehementemen.
ple rights before the law Limon Division Courts, in the Legislative Ccun cil, and, when necessary, belo re His Majesty Colonial O:IN AID OF NICARAGUA POOR ficials at Downing Street, Lon MANAGUA, Nicaragua. their merchandise. Cases don, the Hon. Smith, The working class and the reported in which a King Council, is well BELOW COST PRICE: poor must be provided with must work an entire da widely known, so we consethe necessities of life, anno buy a spool of thread or quently anticipate the highest unced President Anastasio yard of the cheapest cof support for the Jamaica Sear Somoza as he initiated a pro material chlignt. which can be bad of ject to establish government Imported articles for Mr. Nation, Box commisaries throughout the the exchange, which is 137 Limon, at the price of republic. They will sell PETER PAN PRINTS, at five cordobas to the doll twenty. five centimos ox the cost cheap cotton goods, ma Three years ago the cord ZEPHYRS, colon per copy.
chetes, thread and agricultu was on a par with the dof ral instruments.
Since that time wages BATISTES Electric 2078 in Sta. Jof the cordoba, wages have merchandise has incred Because of the low value increased 100 per cent COTTON PIQUES.
ten Island Poison not increased proportionately 400 or 500 per cent beca Electric razors have with the cost of living and of the inflation of the curr been merchants are speculating cy.
provided by Sheriff William Dempsey for the use of pri with the exchange and with soners in Richmond County Jail at. AcLIMON cording Commissioner of Correction, Sheriff Dempsey is the first to install Valparaiso, Chile. Both cipal links in the Pan BUY EARLY. these devices in country jails. Chilean and Argentine com rican highways, joining The sheriff reported to the missions of engineers will si central sections of Chile Commission that no rezor bmultaneously plan to build Argentina.
les will be allowed in the jail highways up the sides of the The idea was adopted af at any time or under any er Andes going up to Uspallata consulting the Pan Ameri cumstances. The commission Pass, it was decided at a me Union in Washington throu Suntuosa velada nández, Victor Hugo Mora y had warnel of the danger of eting confirming the conclu the embassy in order to a Arnoldo Garcia Todos mere.
sions of a recent llowing prisoners to have rahere between the chiefs conference sider the prevailing plans Un grupo de esforzados jó een un caluroso aplauso y fe or blades in their possession departments of both of an international highway, venes entre niños y niños, licitación, y es de esperarse Sheriff Dempsey has two elec coun gentina, it is understood, preparó y llevó a efecto una que continúen con su buena ries, nie razors to meet the shaving push these plans for a hil sun tosa velada en la noche voluntad, ya que de este mo needs of the thirty six ine.
Te idea is to make the Us way in accordance with del diecinueve del corriente, io se allegan algunos fondos jail.
pallata road one of the prin general scheme.
en Sala Parroquial, desti para obras de beneficencia, y nado su producto a la protec ales diversiones nos proporción de los Ninos Pobres del cionan ratos de alegría e insJUNTO AL ROSAL Catecismo. Muy selecto pro rucción. Felicitamos por ello grama se desarrollo, siendo ambién al Director de escetodos sus números calurosa na don Lucas Ramírez, al seDedico esta sencilla poemente aplaudidos, por el gus or Cura Presbitero don Ensia a la señora doña Clement hands during time of tro German Plebiscite From Page I took a day off from his to y magnifica interpretación, rique Menzel y a don Jesús mencia Vargas de Lizano, war or national emergency; paign to consult with Ge dada a cada uno.
Navarro, que con mucho cariño y res of the Electric Power Bill ral Oestermann, Commancal cooperan con Un bello drama titulado: todo esfuerzo con el señor Ra peto.
which gives the government in Chief of Finland arm De Quien escupe al Cielo. mirez, para la preparación de una tarde a orillas de una fuente tric Industry; a regular Budiin several days and has complete control of the Elec forces who has been in B2 fué el primero que se repre estas veladitas.
centó por las señoritas Solela brisa mecia dulcemente get of 2, 876, 000, 000 yen (mo numerous dad Quesada, Lourdes Salas, Santa misión el divino rosal.
conversations re than 830, 000. 000) and a high military circles. He Antonia Fernández, Carmen II Después de seis años de hamilitary one of 4, 850. 000. 000 me to Berlin on the invitati Alvarez, Carmen Salazar y ber tenido por primera vez la Al lado del rosal rubia y muy yen (more than 1, 400, 000. 000) of Hitler Chief of High Ca Maria Fernández Santa Misión, en esta Parrobella to meet the costs of the war mand of Armed Forces.
El segundo acto de varie quia, predicada por los Reve con ojos que brillaban como es nChina during the present dades, por su orden: Alma rendos Padres Redentoristas, trella year; legislation empowering Andaluz. canto. El Abani tenemos la nueva de que el Cynthia también en flor.
the government to create anc MOSCOW. Novos. co. canto; El enterrador. día treinta y uno del mes en III partially finance two huge rrsk newspaper reports canto: La Sombrilla. concurso, nuevamente dará prin Una rosa arrancó con tierno an corporations for exploitation leven confessed wreckers to; Las Flores canto; La cipio una espiritual semana helo of conquered areas in North Siberian Railway and a Nuez. boceto cómico; La de Misión, también de los y finjiéndola pétalos de cielo and Central China.
Mine had been sentenced Cotorra. monologo; Cha Padres Rendetoristas, termia su amado entregó.
The government was also death in two trials by a teaux Margaux. canto: Vi nando el sábado vispera de IV given authority by the decla litary tribunal at Prokopie va Guines. canto; Adiós Domingo de Ramos. Ojalá es El la tomó radiante de alegria ration of a Condition of EmMuchachos. canto. Termi ta Misión sea de grande pro és se dijo ergency to expropriate the pando con un bello cuadro vecho para los buenos fieles símbolo es del amor y la poesia personal goods of the average típico La Palomita. canto católicos y la conversión de se dijo para si citizen, press him into Nat WARSAW.
The Seni y heile.
muchos extraviados, que cieional mobilization work, deny passed a Bill on the 301 Además de las niñas indi gamente no comparten de las Oh! el milagro sin par de aque him the right of free speech, March empowering the cades que tomaron parte en randezas y prácticas de la la rosa suppress his newspaper or ernment to disfranchise el crema, prestaron su con Santa Madre Iglesia, única de aquella flor divina, primo close his Bank.
tain Polish citizens livi tingente en los demás núme que nos asegura nuestra salabroad. It is thought then Fos las Srtas. Betty Muñoz, vación.
que a los novios unió.
BERLIN, Adolf Hitlerjasure was directed malicior a Zoraida Quirós, Flor de MaFlora Torres Vincenzi. is apparaently giving atten ly against Polish Jews ría Ellis, Noemi Chavarría y Corresponsal Cartago. tion to the military situation were residing outside the los jovencitos Bernardo Fer Marzo de 1938.
Colegio San Luis Gonzaga. in Northeastern Europe as he untry.
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