
URDAY, APRIL 2nd. 1938 THE AUNIR VOICE Page PRIL 2nd. 193 UMPAN on omplete Native order.
le to the very limited can well remember the LuDuring the past week rig The mode of search is bas LAWYER NOTARY Vledge of Cricket and its cas Club of Kingston, Jamai id campaigns have been con and prejudicial to the puPUBLIC rolling rules or regulat ca, winning the Champions ducted in various dictricts of blic concerned. If representapossessed by its Secret hip season after season for the Province for the detections regarding this proceduOffice: our 1937 Cricket Lea think eight straight years, of Chances and those re were made, it is a certainty Adjoining to the City did not terminate as hap yet every Club carried on in who indulge in this specula uture searches would be as one would Public Library certainly that true sporting spirit for tive game. Quite a number permissable by only one man wished. On the other which the game stands.
of persons have been caught at a time, so that the person ENGLISH SPOKEN we require, for the oc Its about time something with Tickets in their posses concerned could protect himAs the matter now FORMER JUDGE OF THE er Yard ancy of such a position, was said regarding our fixt sion, especially at Madre de self. LIMON DISTRICT COURT who will not permit him ures. take it the Pathfinders Dios, Matina and Penshurst stands, any man can be easily made a criminal no mattto be dictated to unneces will not be competing this in Estrella.
lly. It should now be cle season. Though do hope they At Matina, a Chinese traderer how innocent he may be.
y seen that Messrs Sutton will visit one, at least, of the was taken with hundreds of The Inspector of Hacienda ers may sit around and reChambers, are the only first class games. If they do books containing the Chan should be approached and fresh themselves. victrola who can carry on the manner is also kept in the hall: In sue not, they will continue being ce Tickets in his possession informed the searches are comes the Chief of the Fiscal sfully, yet when they we ignorant of what the game He was brought here and ti in which with his Secretary in office, it was common really is from such a stand ned five hundred colones by being made for the unearth Guards Turpen charged that they were the point.
the legal authorities. Several ing of these Chance Tickets and five men. They take es who were running the with It is noted that Jamaica tickets in connection The buying of Chances is a charge of the place, a search alerial sociation. Is the need for will be using the Eight past drawings were located most stupid, vile form of in for Chance Tickets is commm not now seen? Our good balls Over this season.
at Penshurst, and one man vesting hard earned cash, enced each man taking a difes end Chambers would The Australians will be in was discovered with a Sweep and should certainly be den ferente route. The proprietor nly have had things in his England this summer to do stake ticket for a past event. ounced, but as we said in our is ordered, perchance, to unal up to dote manner if battle for the world Cricket The Madre de Dios victim was last issue since our people lock his safe and while this had not changed his resi supremacy, and after carefu said to have had twenty are so foolish as to indulge in is being attended to the men nce. It is to be hoped Mr. illy considering the side from seven pieces of old tickets: the one sided game a heavy are busily engaged going all tton will be elected, once Down Under, am suffi he was fined fifty colones. impuesto, in the form of over the establishment; what pre, to the position of Se ciently bold to predict they The poor man swears he is a license, should be placed is easier therefore than for OOR stary. There are many wil should have no difficulty in innocent, that he never had on it and so cause it to either one to place some Tickets in to accept positions for the retaining the Ashes. vero the tickets in his quarters. kill itself or dwindle away to a convenient spot and so indise. Cake of holding the title, yet much regret the absence of practically nothing rather criminate the owner of the e seriously lacking when it Gregorg from the team. He gainging ground that these erwise honestminded, lawabi law in such The suspicion is rapidly than making criminals of oth business. By executing the a entire ames to a matter of actual was a tower of strength in the old tickets are carried about ding citizens.
a manner any thread ork last Test played in Australia. by some of the Guards, and man can be made a criminal The principal reason for The teams is made up of Yo after being placed at conve injustive, not of the law, but This is an example of the if the Guards so wished it.
e very poor sporting spirit, ung Ones the oldest members nient spots on the premises of the mode of its execution. effort will be made to bring We certainly hope an rticles which was so much in evi being around 30 years. Here under search, their discovery man keeps a liquor estab about an amendment which which ince during the latter part is the side Bradman. Capt. is claimed. One cannot help lishment and has a dance hall will be more in keeping with to the the Season, may truly be McCabe, Vice Capt: Badcock, entertain ing doubts regard attached to it where custom equity.
20 the entributed to the 99 out of 100 Fingleton, Brown, Chipper ing the searching methods writh the pances Excelsior had of be field, Barnes, Hassett, Rei employed, for as four or five e wages ming the Champions; hen lly, Ward, Fleetwood Smith, supposed Guards will go hun er cent the declaration. My advice Mc Cormick, Waite, White.
mas in all competing Clubs, is to Isn this a powerful combi place at the same time, haulting all over the suspected cent bevelop a winning side, but ation?
ing matresses off beds, rumof the rahen defeacted go to it again.
maging among wearing appa.
MATINA 24 MILLAS rel, and other personal effects, what is easier, therefore, than Rico o Pobre for one of the searchers, who Los más surtidos Establecimientos de may be armed with pieces of LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES the Tickets, to place them in a spot where they must be Haganos una visita.
e Part eventually found by one or joining other of his associates.
Choi en el Hospital no hay Suero Antitetánico o que se necesite en caso de accidente y si FROM SIQUIRRES CHANCE SELLER TO dopted USTED desgraciadamente es la víctima, USTED ESTA EN PELIGRO Residents of this township, other Social Clubs supposed BE DEPORTED rder to have been afforded the gre to be existing in Limon?
atest satisfaction by the apng plans Compre LOTERIA NACIONAL pointment of Mr. Lloyd Prit Isidential and business builThe aghuzy Erstood, y ayude al Hospital y al Asilo para bien de todos. for the Government School. ever in this town, and had it ther attention to the very sechard as Assistant Teacher dings is being felt more than With a view of calling furfor a Mr. Pritchard is a true Li not been for the coloured el rious manner in which the e with monense, and is highly regement there would still be a government now regards, the GERMANY SAID TO BE ARMING FORCES IN MEXICO with our Educational Depar pursuing arded by those connected greater scarcity, for these, Chance game and its detheir ment in consequence accustomed terimental effects on the sale marked intellectual abilities of their own where they ma take this opportunity of menacquire homesteads of the National Lottery, we LOS ANGELES, Calif.
he displayed while army of 100. 000 pursu ke themselves as comfortable tioning that the Chinese traen his Representative Connell of forming in the Guadalupeing his collegiate course and hygienic as in possible. der who was last week arrescite Montana alleges that Germa hills of México It would certainly be a no Were there more buildings Ited for being found with an with any was supplying arms and The gravity of the Nazible and uplifting step if a for residential purposes, Si rexceedingly large number of Comma ammunition to fascist bands and fascist movement in number of the more capable quirres would be more pros tickets in his possession, has s in Mexico, he predicted a Na North and South America and serious members of our perous, as with an increased been transferred to San Joen in zi uprising in the near futu cannot be too greatly empha coloured Race would start a population her, commercial se where he will be placed sized. am convinced that movement for the purpose of activities would improve. in safe keeping until arrang That information. he said, México will undergo a fas affording so capable and in With the populace being com ement are concluded for his has come to the liberal bloc cist revolt. Nazi Mexico tellectual a young man the ſpelled to remain as at pres deportation. He will be sent Congress of which am would be a base for operati opportunity of advancing lent for lack of more accomo out the country, we understa meraber. We have proof ons against the United States his education so he could ev dation, the community suff and, by way of Puntarenas.
that Germany is supplying by Germany, Italy and Ja Doctor of Medicine or a Lawers whenever a new business This should be a warning arms and ammunition to an pan entually qualify as either a place is established as this to those aliens or naturalized yer.
tends to cripple the older Costa Ricans, who still persist associating themselves Siquirres.
with the illicit game.
It is with a certain amoW. Petgrave unt of pity and disgust we vos LIMON, COSTA RICA note Importación Imports and Experts days by the trains from Limon without having any par CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL Exportacion ticular objetive. Some are SURGERY without a cent in their poc. Medical College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit kets, others are badly dressed and Alianta Sonthern College and Atlanta Southerr: College while all wander aimlessly Compra de Cacao en around, drifting as it were Ofrese sus servicios en fecha Offers his services to the puwith the tide. Cant somethgrano Cocoa Purchased próxima al estimable público blic of Port Limon in near ing be done for these unforde Limón.
tunate youths? What of the and the many ighwe. Ud. está en peligro an Ame on thì of the habits dh re.
abors of High TES inn ones.
תו Now ALLAN SIME buths arriving here on Sun Dr. Jiménez Guier op the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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