
THE ATLANTIC VOICE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Do not strain and strive by mere ordinary human efforts to achieve attainments, but become inwardly adjusted to Good, and Divine blessings will attend our efforts in a wonderful way. If we hope for and expect other people to help us, we either cannot find the right ones or they refuse to help. but when we find the GREAT WITHIN? people come along of their own accord and wish to help. God does not do things for us, but He does do things through. us. if we attune ourselves.
Now unto him that is able to do, exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or thing, according to the Power that worketh in us, be all Glory and Praise.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zore Editor Englioh Section: C. NATION Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday April 91h 1938 Na. 190 THE HORSE STILL AN IMPRESSION Outraged and Humiliated After 40 Years in COSTA RICA to. the WITH SPAIN AND CHINA as to As we note the splendour, the beauty of the animals During the course of one a. raided by officers of our ordinates. was supposed to be being cared and trained for the Races at Cahuita on Easter life, circumstances occur which local authority under Colonelciates for the courtesy, conside give rise the opinion that don Ismael Pantoya and his sub. TO page 10)
Monday, we experience the gladsome conviction that desright thinking and correct liv.
mpite his most dangerous competitors of the present age ing are not of much value in the motorized vehicle and the mechanical device places where Morality is at a Horse yet holds his own and stoutly refutes the idea that discount.
his day of usefulness has forever departed.
For nigh on torty years For more than three score years we have been hearing have resided in this country As that the days of the Horse were numbered. At the advent without there being cause for Despite the earnest appeal eral Franco are much better don of the Bicycle, we were told the stirrup would be superseded conduct, or the least suspicionernment to be allowed the lieved the Republicans must the slightest reproach on my sent them by the Spanish govequipped, it is generally beExito by the pedal.
my character. have al At the coming of the automobile with its inflated tyres means of securing the mate eventually give way.
throughout this period comman Trial now urgently required to which inflicted less domage to our roodways, we realized that Latest advices emanating nus Cet the splendidly matched pair of attractive trotters would no ded not only the respect of the ſaid the desperate efforts being from Shanghai state that as longer be KINGS of the public highways. By the appearance rich and the poor, but the ap made to check the advance of a result of the formidable repreciation of of the Tractor, we saw there would no longer be a need for the Authorities the insurgents toward the Mesistence of the Chinese forces from the time of our never to diterranean, England and operating along the fronts, the fine pair of heavily built plow animals, while the intro be forgotten don Rafael Ygle France have reiterated their and the intense guerilla warcele duction of the Truck or Camion induced the belief that the sias; yet now that my years of determination to adhere to fare being continually wagutility of the intelligent, docile, faithful Cart Horse had delife are on the recline and their policy of non inter ed in their rear, the Japanese TAS parted para siempre. The bombing aircraft relegated into shall soon be celebrating my vention, which carries with it have entirely failed in their seventieth anniversary, oblivion the glories of the Cavalry which had for eons been am the prohibition of supplying offensive in Central China.
suspected by Officials of the arms and other warlike ma The Chinese Commander in irre the mainstay of the armies of the world and robbed the cavpresent Regime of leading a terial to one or other of the Chief of the Tientsin Pukow erte alier of that glory and admiration possessed by him from life of evil propensities and of fighting faction.
Railway Front reports his for 301 the age of Chivalry. Even the pleasing scene of the Lord of fostering immoral and illegal The recent successes obtain ces had successfully resisted motives.
the monor attired in his costly coat of red, his knee breeches ed by the insurgent forces heavy frontal attacks and had se on dhis shining top boots astride his favourtie mount, both On Sunday the 3rd. instant, have brought them, we are reoccupied Taiernchwang and a day which shall ever be re told, to within sight of the sea, Hanchwang.
bri eager for the day hunt, gets rearer and rearer, yet despite membered by me, my home though the intense counter Much concern in said to otra all these, as we observe our Racers proudly pacing around was, at the early hour of six attacks of the loyalists are have arisen in Japanese and 3d us, we feel a surge of pride that the Horse is still with us, supposed to have halted them Manchukuoan circles as the e still holding his own; that he is here for work, here for sport, in the Tortosa sector, where result of the report that Rus abe here to stay fightThough once he only shared with the Ox ond the Ass abid ing the past few days. How low River which the privilege of bearing his master burden and has now to ever, in view of the known year taken over by Japan.
do so with the many mechanical devices, whose only claim fcat that the forces of Gen1 of affinity to the animal kingdom moy lie in boasted Horse Power, we hold the opinion that instead of disappearing, the usefulness of our equine friend is grodually being restored.
ba The Race Trocks, which brought credit to man ingenuity by the production of a lighter, swifter creature than It is with the greatest satistaction we note that the SERVICIO DE VAPORES the one originally given us by nature, still increases in facultivation of the Rubber estis vour, despite the censuring of the Sweepstake and the Plant has so advanced in this Estos vapores llevarán café El servicio más rápido para Te Bet. with the thoroughbred steadily gaining in apprecia country as to have permitted puertos europeos incluyendo Londres. Seis dias hasta tion and proving himself the Lord of the animal kingdom, two packages of the product Nueva York y trasbordo inmediato para Europa.
a the while his thrilling displays in speed and endurance be being sent by the Messrs.
VAPORES Goodyear Corporation, who SALIDAS To Page are conducting the local industry, to their factory in the VERAGUA Abril 11 United States, where, according to the information afford CHIRIQUI Abril 18 ed us, the material was used for the manufacture of six au tomobile tyres. The first two Salidas semanales de Limón para Cristóbal to these to have been completLUMBER YARD ed will, we understand, be Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y sent back here as a gift to Americanos con transbordo el mismo día a los magPresident Cortes.
nificos vapores turbo eléctricos de la misma linea We have opened a Lumber Yard As the cultivation which hacia Nueva York produced this Rubber is lowhere we carry in stock a complete cated in our Province, we deSAGUA Abril 14 sire to specially express our assortment of all kinds of Native appreciation of the thought DARIEN Abril 21 Lumber. Special sizes to order.
which prompted the gift being made our Chief Executive, We also have Portland Ceinent, Roofand to add the sincere hope that the manufactured mateF. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenrial will be found to have so Agentes para Limón entirely filled the technical tine and all other building materials. requirements of the CorporaPara otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la tion important and world SEND IN YOUR ORDERS wide trade as to permit the UNITED FRUIT COMPANY local Management not only en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José establishing additional plantations as originally planned, TELEFONO 1 6 Limon Division but of extending their aid to private proprietors for a si. momentin nilar purpuse.
First Tyres the has been taking place dur retake the Islands in the YelMade From their much Costa Rican Rubber UNITED FRUIT Co.
an LIMON TRADING COMPANY ate LIMON TRADING COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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