
SATURDAY, APRIL 9th. 1938.
AL AILANTIC VOICE Page Wireless News MEXICAN COURT TO DECIDE OIT PROBLEM dom and Hlain BAYER BAYER Emile said can The seventeen British and American owned Oil Companies whose holdings were ex TOKYO. Ambassador teem of the Church. The propriated by the Mexican Joseph Grew delivered a me speaker said his address government, are reported to morandum to the Japanese should be taken in connection have placed the matter before bu Foreign Office on the 4th ins with a statement published by the Supreme Court of that tant on the question of Amer Los Servatore Romano, which country in a last effort to ican nationals in China. Last declared the Vatican had not recover their properties. They month the Japanese govern been consulted by the Aus base their appeal to the Court ment sent notes to foreign tralian Bishops prior to or it is said on the contention Powers urging them to ask subsequent to their recent sta that President Cardenas exthe Chinese not to place mi tement calling on Australian propriation Decree violated litary objectives near chur Catholics to co operate with the Mexican Constitution, and ches, factories and other neu National Socialism (Nazism) a declaration that it is unCound tral property. It was then deconstitutional is being sought.
clared in Washington that Am ZARAGOZA One hundred In view, however, of the bassador Grew had been told and fifty English speaking recent declaration by the there rests upon American prisoners, including a group United States government Officials and other American of homesiks Americans and that Mexico was within her nationals in China no obliga Canadians, taken in the rights in seizing the propertion whatever to take precau Insurgents march toward the ties provided fair payment tionary measures requested sea, have been brought to the were made, and the efforts on behalf of contending for rear guard base. All had be which were being made to longed to the Barcelona gov reduce the claims submitted ernment International Bri by the Companies, there were HONG KONG. At the gades. The Americans beam hopes that an early solution request of the German Con ed with satisfaction when of the controversy would be sul General, Canton authori they heard a report that they lobtained ties have banned the Amer would be sent home.
ican film The Road Back.
which is based on a novel of CERBERE, France. Four post war reconstruction by thousand Spanish government the German Erich Maria Re militiamen started on their Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON marque, Author of All quiet way back to the civil war in on the Western Front. their homeland on the 4th. ins tant By journeying over the ABOGADO VATICAN CITY. The Va Pyronees into France they tican Radio Station broadcast bad, a week previously, escap y NOTARIO PUBLICO ICO a statement in German on led capture by the Insurgents. False Political Catholicism (They were now of their own Oficina: Altos Paswhich had brought heavy da choice returning to fight to cual Ingianna Los mage to the honour and es the death against the Fascists.
Why CAFIASPIRINA ces For many years CAFIASPIRINA has been recognized as an unfailing remedy in colds, headache, influenza, and rheuBAYER matic complaints. You should insist on CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of its sure effect, but also because it does not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of um DW S AFIASPIRINA 18 THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE NOVA SCOTIA ABUSTLE WITH MILITARY MOVES ido tos a THE HORSE STILL. TE OE has obtained its rapid and great popularity by having cured an immense number of persons who suffered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from such complaints as HALIFAK, For The main magazine and ry, but there are three main the first time since the bugles ammunition dump at Bedford schools of local thought on COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, sounded cease fire twenty is reported moving large the subject: LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, years ago, Halifax is alive quantities of ammunition to That guns and munition BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION again with the stir and bustle various local destinations and are being moved to positions of military preparations. The shipping points, calculated to put the city in Halifax Day Star said in Work is also being speed a better posture of defense.
news story.
ed up at Yarmouth, where a That obsolete equipment Huge trucks trundle huge cooperation field is is being cleared out to make through the streets, dragging being constructed for such way for new and up to date From Page to unknown destinations hea eventualities as employment ordnance from the English ar vy guns obviously just up of joint Canadian and Amer senals.
come the KING OF SPORTS AND THE SPORT OF KINGS. rooted from the settings and ican squadrons for the pro That the guns are being Hence he is with us to stay. He is still the same as that placements of many years. tection of the trade route bet rushed westward for the dewhich bore Wellington to welcome Blucher on the field of Other trucks, piled high with ween New England and Nova fense of British Columbia, shells and munitions, tra Scotia.
supplementing American de Waterloo, the same as that which accompanied King Riverse the city toward the ma The whole proceedings are fense plans farther down the chard, the First, throughout his Caladinic warfare on behalf gazines of outer fortifica surrounded with a well nigh West Coast.
of Christianity and gave England her Coeur de Leon. Lon tions.
impenetrable cloak of mystedon yet boasts of her Horse Guards, and the British Sovereign still uses the Great Coach of State drawn by its noted equipment of horses.
For the Polo Fields, we now find ponies being specially bred with which our Teams cross the oceans to do battle for the upkeep of the game. The Britisher meets the West Indian in the Isle of Springs, the Lords of the prairies of the Argentines and Brazil pit their skill against that of the (CUTTER A, RODEN)
North American on these proud mounts. But of far greater import are those who specialize in the Horse for pure love Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby informed that of the animal, who delight in sitting astride the well trained, docile onimol, and who, when seated on such horses partakTHE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES ing of the healthy exercise, feel themselves veritable Gods opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being of Creation. Yes, whether as a necessity for work or as an WELL DRESSED.
aid to manly sport, the Horse has been in the forefront for Qur Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English thousands of years before Pharoah murderous Charioteers Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen. Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed men.
perished in the Red Sea; and even though the present day material for the preservation of Peace or the prosecution of Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality war, for facilitating national transportation or assisting agri The last word in Hots, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particulor cultural production, has to be immensely metallic the Horse Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
is still Big. Business; there still remains a thrill in the mount SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES of a gay animal which only the true horseman horsewomon con experience. Horse and Pomp, Chivalry and Pag The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies, pod Geoh Teiler eantry have ever been associated and will ever be, despite and Sitter. haye been secured what rivalry moy be encountered in the great and swift ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietors movements of an ever shanging world.
Tienda MIL COLORES or Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

    Civil WarEnglandFranceNazismSocialism

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