
DE THE ATLANTIC VOICE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Shall we release the powers of Omnipotence? In all ages there have been men who have been able to invoke Omnipotent Powers in a righteous cause, and oringto pase happenings and deliverances termed miracuTous; yet, indeed, there is no Miracle to those who by proper attunement to the Divine Mind are able to set Natural Laws in motion. When the peace of God is foun. Divine adjustment follows.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday April 30th. 1938 No. 192 JU OUR NEW VICAR APOSTOLIC TO ARRIVE TO DAY THE RECENT VISIT OF OUR MINISTER OF FINANCE The Holy Week Celebrated with much Solemnity a Wireless News to poor.
It is most refreshing to becalities experience much incon With all the Ritualistic, yet his new field of labour. able to acknowledge that des veniences account of the jack most solemn and impressive, The Atlantic Voice sincere pite the many calls on his of a proper schedule covering As on Previous occasions, ceremonials with which the ly hopes his life will be long time due to his high and in the rates and movements of a the solemn rites peculiar to Church has surrounded the ad spared to enable him to dedi portant position in the public regular Launch Service to this our Religious Denominations mission of one of her sons tocate is toward the spiritual life of his native land, don Pa port. The visit of don Paco has were conducted with all the consecration of our new Vi uplift of the Diocese inrespec co Gutierrez did not forget to brought about the realization solemnity which always chathe high and holy office; the tive of class, nationality, creed give his many admirers in this of this long hope, an Agreeracterized them. The procescar Aostolic, the Rt. Rev. Juan or colour, and that like his Province the pleasant opportument has been come to withsions along the principal Odendahl, took place in the Capredecessor, he will be found nity of welcoming him once Messrs.
streets of the city were attedral San Jose, last Monday a sincere and worthy follomore during his short vacation Niehaus Cº under which tended by thousands, and the The ceremony was carried wer of our Saviour the Christ. in the Holy Week.
this Company will run a La different acts witnessed by through by His Excellency the Monseñor Odendahl is a Although he was of serious supposed unch to the several points de immense throngs.
Nuncio Apostolic with the great enthusiast on educatio to be in the enjoyment of cided upon, under a regular minded persons. Our Municipal assistance of the Archbishop nal matters; so it is expected couple days respite, our much Time Table.
Sand took part in the several of this country and one of he will be an influence towadmired and appreciated Lithe visiting Bishops, in the prejard the intellectual uplift of It cannot be doubted that processions and dispensed most gation which included His Ex our people; and his experien monense displayed his accus don Paco realizes the fact that appropriate selections.
The behaviour of the great sence of an immense congrece as director of the Semi Itomed activity in all which re to have a happy contented po cellency Lic. don Leon Cortes, nary, San Jose, will undoub lates to the good and welfare pulace, the primary considera crowds was most exemplary and President of the Republic, the tedly be a valuable asset in of our communal life. It will tion of the Executive Council as a pleasing exception, no unbe remembered Se members of his Executive Ca his new Jurisdiction.
that, among must be directed toward the pleasant incidents took place to binet, Diplomatic of this inauguration of such measures marr the serious thougts representaHe comes at a time when the many other things, tives, Deputies to Journal had on many Congress the memory of his dear illосса as will produce satisfaction, the week.
and other high Officials.
an and enhance the living facili3 fated predecessor is much al sions voiced the need for The impressive ceremony ive in the hearts of not only itinerary with respect to curties of each citizen.
he was made al the more solemn his faithful congregation, but communications with the set We heartily welcome his vi no details. Drafted after three by the consecration also at the in those of the community at tlements along our Coasts. The sit and further kind considera months of negotiations headed by British Prime Minister same time of the Bishop of Ala large. It is hoped as a conse residents in these outlying lo tion.
Chamberlain and Irish Prime juela.
quence, Bishop Odendhal will Bishop Odendahl comes Minister Eamon de Valera, re to early captivate the love and us as the successor of our ne affection of all, as did Monseliable but unofficial sources in ver to be forgotten Father in nor Wollgarten who readily Dublin said the new agreement Christ Monseñor Wollgarten. answered every call for insettled the long standing land His arrival is expected this formation, advice or counsel; Annuities and Tarift differenafternoon and is is hoped all and whose life of humility ced between the two countries, who can possibly do so will endeared him to rich and PARIS. Czechoslovakia. ceforth they will use Vinaroz. It was believed however, that bid him a hearty welcome depending on France to plead seaport just south of the Ebro on major issue, De Valera her cause with Great Britain, river mouth, as a secondary sea dream of a United Ireland, was TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS gave Premier Daladier a me base and Valderrobres, 30 mi left untouched, at least for the morandum rejecting Nazi mi les Northwest, as a land base. prefero. Economic differences In view of the many com. time, particularly the English nority demands as threats a Shifting thy Mallorcan wal between the two countries da ments, we gather, are being le dissappointments will arise gainst Czech independence, on planes to coastal bases more te back to 1932 when De Vavellod at what is regarded as through unavoidable delaye.
the eve of his departure for than triples the air strength lera, then Irish Free State Pre our tardines in handling the We are solicit the wholehear talks in London. Czech sources cooperating with General sident, with. held payment o material submitted for publica ted cooporation of our suppor said the memorandum was the randas Infantry.
Land Annuities to Great Bri tion, we take this opportunity ters in this respect.
Government anawer to the tain amounting to 000. 000 of once more reminding our Nazi leader Henlein minimum LONDON Great Britain pounds sterling yearly, for esteemed Correspondents, Co Francisco Fonseca Ch. demands for his Sudeten Ger and Ireland have reached an advances made by Britain to llaborators and others that the man Party.
agreement which is hoped will enable Irish tenants to Atlantic Voice is not possea by LAWYER NOTARY end years of bickering. Anland. In settlement today, Iressed: yet, of its own Printery.
PUBLIC BUDAPEST. The Hurgar Announcement by the domi land was said to have agreed This branch of our work is being undertaken by one ian Revisionist League, which nions Office said the accord to spend a specified annual of Office: the establishments in San Jois openly demanding return of had been concluded, but gave (To Page Adjoining to the City se, where there is generally a Public Library a portion of Czechoslovakia to rush of work, so that notwiths Hungary. reported ENGLISH SPOKEN tanding the membership gains and intensi many facilities afforded us, unless we are pla FORMER JUDGE OF THE fied interest as a result of ced in a position to deliver our LIMON DISTRICT COURT a demonstration voicing its material within a reasonable dema. Twenty thousand persons attended the mass mee SERVICIO DE VAPORES ting to shout insistence on the return of upper Hungary, and Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York thousands more, unable to get con escala en Habana solamente.
inside Redoubten Hall on the Danube, listened to the proLlevando cafe para todos los puertos Europeos ceedings through loudspeakers.
y Americanos LUMBER YARD Revisionist League Officers said that according to their VAPORES SALIDAS calculations the membership We have opened a Lumber Yard now is about two million.
VERAGUA HENDAYA Insurgent Mayo where we carry in stock a complete bombing and combat planes CHIRIQUI were ordered massed at Mayo new assortment of all kinds of Native Bases along the Spanish cast TALAMANCA Lumber. Special sizes to order.
to blast holes for land forces Mayo 16 driving against Government de We also have Portland Cement, Rooffences north of Valencia. Gene ralissimo Franco ordered the ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenF. ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
fleats of warplanes concentra tine and all other building materials.
ted at his Mallorca Island baAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
se to support General Aranda SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Army, which had been encoun Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la tering stubborn Government UNITED FRUIT COMPANY resistance. The Mallorca air squadron have hitherto opera en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ted mainly with Admiral Juan Limon Division Cerveras blockading fleet off TELEFONO 1 56 menonton the Mediterranean coast. HenEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceLeón CortésNazismPresidentes de Costa Rica

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