
Página SATURDAY APRIL 30th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE istian TO Inal Guillermo Niehaus Co.
the Pere AEROVIAS NACIONALES VACUNAS contra el carbón Laboratorio CARLOS VIQUEZ SERVICIO AEREO SEMANAL LIMON, COSTA RICA MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Compro cacao Material de Tranvía BLUE FIELDS Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo y Importación de mercadería en general, Via BARRA DEL COLORADO. soborescens.
Whan tha British sovereings preferences, so his apartment Robert JOHNSTON pay a state visit to Paris next will retain the present color June they will be housed on scheem of gold and red.
AGENTE EN LIMON the Quai Orsay; and the His bathtub will be of gold King will occupy Napoleon mosaics, while the Queen bed, while the Qeen will sleep will be of silver in the one formerly used by The office belonging to the Marie Antoinette.
chief of the press department Following the Queen wis in being transformed into the hes, her apartment, one of the King bathroom. Furniture, rooms of which used to be the for the most part the most DEATH CLAIMS ANOTHER LANDMARK late Aristide Briand private valuable museuro pieces, in Iron in Cemeteries Stolen office, will be done in pale being brougit from VersaiIt is with feelings of much Order. Wonderful crowd green. King George has no lles.
of sadne we relate that the the members of the Craft, a MANAGUA, Nicaragua. The Grim Feaper has claimed anot long with Duis many other price of old iron for export has SENORES GANADEROS her of the City oldest resi friends, attended the funeral become so high that, one of Ma dents. Mr. Josepa Fraser, who rites.
nagua leading newspapers, had reached the advanced oge As the result of a misunders says iron crosses from tombsof three score and fourteen tanding among the Senior Past tones and iron fences around gra years, and had not been in the Chief Rangers, the cortege rea ves have been stolen from some MAMITIS, ABORTO, etc.
enjoyment of good health for ched the cemetery so late that cementeries and sold to metal some time.
the solemn rites usually perdealers.
Sueros contra MORDEDURAS SERPIENTES of The deceased waga very formed over the grave had to members of the Chamber quiet unassuming charaeter be omitted much to the disDr. Guillermo Pasos Montiel, Acabo de recibir a precios bajísimos, el and never unduly displayed pleasure of the majority of the Deputies, has introduced a bill his high degree of intellect. He members as well as the friends providing for a duty of fifty was the only surviving founda of the deceased, who had for centavos to a cordoba per pound for all old metal exported.
tional member of the Ancient so long a period been promiHe said that old iron and Order. wonderful crowd ofnently associated with the Ortry. and held the position of der. However, the least said copper could be used prfitably here as President Anastasio SoAdviser and Instructor in the the sooner mended moza had authorized the NatioRitualistie Ordinance of PUBLIC TOLD OF COUNTERFEITS the May his Soot find Rest nal Railivays to construct foundry sufficiently large to pro duce any castings needed in WASHINGTON. The Treathese, a bill, the figure The government has prohibit sury has launched a drive was raised to 500. Few EuCLASE DE CAFE ed the sale of old cannon from through its Secret Service divi ropeans know that Jefferson Caie Oro 15. 847 sacos 130. 673 kilos 32 colonial days, which dealerssion to make the American pu picture is on a bill while Café Pergo 33 564. sacos 090. 470 kilos 68 wanted to export as junk to Ja blic, particudarly retailers and the 500 note bears the pophave protested storekeepers, more counterfeit trait of McKinley. Know your Total pan. Artisans 49. 411 sacos 221. 143 kilos 100 against the export of old iron, minded.
Presidents is therefore a wi copper and steel.
As part of the drive, it is ai se counsel, whether at home RUMBO med to educate the public as or abroad, for those who may Nerte 204 Sacos 14. 280 kilos Some Interesting Datas to the pictures of Presidents be targets for counterfeiters.
on notes of various denomina Of late there has been a Sur 49, 207 Sacos 206. 863 kilos 99. tions.
good deal of counterfeiting of Last year about 373. 650 per DESTINO Thousands of circulars have small coins. The upward curve Copenhagen 150 sons sailed from American and been sent to retailers throug seems to reflect the increased Sacos Gydnia 125 Canadian ports for Europe. Of Londres 43. 926 Genova 107 hout the country, showing them use of coin and slot machines.
these 153 301 were third Amsterdam 845Varberg. 100 how they could be more alert With the vast increase in class passengers. It is estima in detecting counterfeit bills.
Havre 729 Malmo 85 the number of government Hamburgo 609 Norrkoping ted that some 20. 000 Amer. The circulars give pictures and checks issued, another 50 field Gefle icans were drawa to England diagrams of the more dange has been opened to criminals.
375 Oslo 25 Stockholm 320 Bergen in May by the coronation. rous counterfeits that are row In various parts of the country, 25 bout 200. 000 visited France.
Gothenburg 535 Colón, de in circulation.
many government checks have New York 204 most of them to see the Paris Recently the Serret Service been either forged or otherAntwerp 200 Total to 49. 411 Exposition and hundreds recelved seven countericit bills wise cashed by those who had participate in the American Le from Amsterdam, all of exce no right to have them.
COMPANIAS DE VAPORES gion pilgrimage.
llent workmcaship. Lt one of few months ago a counterfeit In the peak year for AmeriUnited Fruit Co. 346 sacos ing ring in the Middle 70 can travel to Europe 1930 its Elders Fyffes printed 000 checks that 11. 926 sacos 24. 14. there were 618, 478 sailings. SS. Co.
20. 315 sacos members intended to cash, but 41. 11 The record for the intervening 933, 285. 915 in 1934, Cie. GT 689 sacos 17. 59 years was: 522 365 in 1981, 294. 324 in 1935 and 339. 304 the Secret Service caught up had Hapag Lloyd 134 sacos 379 502. 454 in 1932, 300. 017 with them before they in in 1936.
passed many VIHDITHULIHIMMATEMNIN Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso Vebes to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before COMERCIANTE dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
por más de 20 años de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Establecido en la Provincia Vende al letal Vinos y Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which cores extrunjeros y del pais, de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
MISCELANEA abarrotes en general.
5stablecimiento esquina Norte del Mercado, Entre o a Café embarcado en Puerto Limóntase counters West Edgar Young COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE DE LIMON


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