
1938 Annual Review End Why Financial Statement CAFIASPIRINA. מס (amkpm)
AFIASPIRINA To say that St. Anthony On the night of our last members andethers, donations rial and Sick aid Assee nniversary, we reported our to assist in burials, Grants to tes as far bac as the year membership was around 644 the Poor at. Xmos. FinanThe excellent reputation that 00, seems hardly necessary and the wish was expressed cial help to other Societies, CAFIASPIRINA enjoys the be repeated: but it will ser that we should have a thou Unniversary expensas donations and appreciations world over is sufficient proof the purpose of bringing yousand members by the next An to of its excellent quality.
realize that this Assoc isniversary, which is to night. Officers and others for work CAFIASPIRINA can be deVia first of its kind in Limon. What did we do then? We ma and services rendered, purcha was during the time of the de a drive for new members. e of type pended on in colds, headache, writer, printing Pjo influenza, and rheumatic comv. Fr. Steppers, 38 years ago and to. night we are in a po cards, prospectus, rules, piano plaints, and has no harmful ef day, that St. Anthony sition to report one thousand. repaairing and tuning, clean fect on heart, stomach or kidneys.
soc proper came into or course, it must be realized ing, messengering, books and The world famous Bayer Cross, istance. The fact that the so that of these, some are good, stationery, electric light, muwhich appears on every tablet, ity has existed for 38 long some are just so and so, and ise bench and chair hire and guarantees its excellence. ars here in Limón. a place some are bad: this also rela other unavoidable and necesTherefore insist on pere it is, usually said, not tes to the financial conditionsary items of maintainance CAFIA SPIRINA.
ng can last) and safely esca of the whole. 11. 443. 65. the storms of propagandas Looking back at what we At the close of the year, our uncharitable criticisms, have accomplished with recash account stood: In banment kept steadily devoloping gard to the increase of memco de Costa Rica, on deposit color of growing and advancing bership, we earnestly believe 3. 710. 00 as compared with more and more powerful that, if you would again 1. 860 when we started Ja gold ights, and greater useful this Anniversary night, resoleen ss and service to this comve to pull efforts together, in nuary (1937. At that same ti me, there was in the hands of unity is enough to recom the right direction; it would the Treasurer 218 35, and the end St. Anthony as the fit be nothing impossible to ha also 100. 00 in the hands of BAYER ment it society of its kind This al. ve when our next Anniversary our agents in Siquirres and the seems to reveal to us to. comes around, one thousand Cairo. This gives us a total of mure, zht, in very simple language members in good financial stan 4. 028. 35, as compared with most at Anthony, being born of ding, and bearing our. white the total of 2. 101. 60 with Inselfishness, earnest purpose, Soved to Sewe.
which we started the year. So salrvice and charity was born Let us now take a peep at then we were better off at live and destined to grow.
financial matters during the the end of the yearaby the Inasmuch as the majority of past year, and up to the pre amount of 1. 926. 75.
here present to. night had sent moment which we hope which was our actual cash at part whattever in the early will serve to dispel som of From the beginning of this To this total of 4 028. 35 two thousand Colones the year tting of the first half of this your fears and doubls.
previous. The success of the year (1938) to the present mo which was our actual cash at ssoc n, we shal only concern We starded the year 1937 operations seems miraculous, ment, we have already paid out the close of 1937.
urselves with the re. organi with: when we consider the enor 1725. 00 as death grants for Must be addet the following mous expenses we had to un tion brought about in 1934, In the Banco de members and dependtnts, and hen it started to be officially Costa other things of negligable va dergo in paying readily cheer ic 1019. 00 for sick and charity Rica 1. 860. 00 lue.
Beratod as undenomina In the hands of futh such large death grants to 40 members. We realize that We own a piano in on al society. local Society the Treasurer 141. 60 and normous sick dues und a reasmable reserve is Vitally the value of Community benefit. with In the hands of SiC 640. 00 otherwise on only 75. Mon necessary, but. we sacrifice no. outside connestio. When Piano stool 20. 00 quirres Cairo thty. Only 476 members paid legitimable chaims in sickness e started this re. organized typewriter. 275. 00 Agents 10000 the scat tax during Tast year. or deat to save money. Away One Ice cream bucciety, we had just a little mo Only 644 paid the Anniversary from the usual death tox, this than a hundred members, ket 12Qt 62. 00 TOTAL. C2. 101. 60 tax, and what is still more sur Society has no Aher tax on ad a reserye fund of a couA pair of iron prising is that, on the average, members save 00 yearly e hundred Colones. We could swings used in Total collections, dues, taonly 498 members paid the taxas extra taxes to go towards aly pay 125. 00 as death xes and other receipts, Lawn Parties for 85 40 on the 15 deaths in last year, the expenses of general opera ant. To. day, at the end of year 13. 052. 05. serving trays 12. 00 By this one can plainly see the tions and Anniversary expenvur short years, we can talk Total Ependiture, which in One desk.
30. 00 absurdity of those who believe ses.
pout a thousand listed mem cludes Payment on death geant One stationery that because we have a thouers, and thousands of Colones claims, sick dues, special conbinet 35. 00 sand members, we collect icked away in the Banco de siderations to sick memberg, Doz. chairs 170. 00 thousand Colones on the death Uosta Rica as our reserve fund. charity old and disabled Gas lamp 30. 00 of a member and always satchels or Book thousand colones in other resle bags 30. 00 pects. We too care of 105 By these figures, we find sick members last year oud that the total worth of this Paid grants on the death 715 vi Assoc at the end of last year members and dependents, (1937) was 417. 75, com amounhing to over 1000 colopared to a little more thannes.
an caa те a Anuncie en LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO or SHAREHOLDERS MEET a of e Tienda MIL MIL COLORES 1 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the AgriculTural and Cuilding Corporation of 28 Miles will be held at the usual place, Madre de Dios on the 15th May 1938 at 12 Clock to elect a New Directorate, Receive the Report for 1937 and to decide on the Life and working of the Association.
This is the second attempt to hold such a Meeting and if Members display the same callousness as on the previous occasion, the Directors will not be responsible to those who do not attend and are not represented by Proxies legally ap(CUTTER RODEN)
pointed. REMEMBER a Director cannot act as a Proxy.
Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby informed that NATION FARQUHARSON Geronto Fresident THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being WELL DRESSED.
0000000000008. odenesc030000eeees Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English IMPORTANT NOTICE Twacds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
The Public is hereby advised that Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality Mr. PETGRAVE has removed his office and Tailoring establishment to the The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular place formerly occupied by the Alcaldia of Siquirres where Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
he will, as usual, continue to give satisfaction in his Judicial and Commission Agency as well as in his Tailoring SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES business.
The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED and Cutter, have been secured Remember Upstairs the Peña Store at the back of the Market.
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