
El me Sique mart Cricket Season 1938 (C. Reste Cigol TOIFFICI Wen celties they large, caune nd of Schung a the being JACK ORANE STORE could ETHIOPIA TO BE FREED BY TALK? 15 Days for Adulterating Milk Dear Mr. Editor: and should unite on this ques.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
to Kindly grant me the necessa aion as it is not confined Three dairymen were senTy space in your valuable and Ethiopia but is their common tenced to fifteen days at hard interesting Weekly for the fo lot. Those who are helping labor on roads for adulterating judge llowing: Ethiouia are not doing her a fa milk with water. The Free Prize of one Selected Cricket Bat will be When onre does well every vour, they know their duty as said that heavier penalties would be inflicted in the futu given to the first Batsman to make 75 Run body will speak of it and offer human beings, as black men congratulations, but when and women, and are trying to re. aggregate) in the 1938 Competion.
To prevent a shortage of one does ill, ones friends cer do it. am puzzled to known tainly hesitate to do hurt by hoy any black man or woman beans, rice and corn in the fu CONDITIONS: Runs to be made with National mentioning the matter. To who knows what is going on, ture the Nicaraguan Bat purchased from Jack Orane Store Clair several reach and objective one must can fail to offer whatever aid Bank has constructed store see that his equpiment is modern silos to in they can to Ethiopia. Do to be signed by Captain of Club and Two Off selmel constituperfect order. Many a worthy not see that their Race is des these grains, which cial Umpires.
cause has been lost not becau pised because this cause has te 75 per cent of the by Nito farmers for raising a grain Also a Free Gift of a Bat Facing Hamme рао səssauyeam Jauu! jo as not yet been taken up as made that caragua. Loans will be shortcomings. Just as the man whole? Do they not see Ameri a Cone will be given all Clubs purchacin who demands certain rights their own liberty is at stake? crops. Las year the governtwo Cricket Bats.
because must perform apecific duties The world judges Race by ment imported rice to entittle him to those rights the manner in which it reacts the farmers planted cotton, so those who undertake a dffi to racial injustice.
more profitable crop.
cult task must strengthen the The annihilation of the enti inner forces by means of whire Makale garrison is an indi Protest by Haile Selassie LIMON ch such a task is to be perforcation of the temper and deter mred mination of the Ethiopian figh LONDON. Haile Selassie Hen and Women who reali ters. They will be free. Let us sent personal protests to Prese that injusticie has been do not delude ourselves; we here sident Kemal Ataturk of Tur PATHFINDERS IN DIFFICULTIES IN JAMAICA ne their Race and who have are not free. Black men will key and King George II of the courage and intelligence to ont be free until they sit un Greece against their recogni Mr. Cunningham and one, was only on the Author take up the matter are determi der their own vine and fig tion of the Italian conquest of or two others coming up at in Kingston sending a ned that such injustice shall tree in the land of their fathers Ethiopia.
the last moment, the collective here that permission for ti not prevail, that MIGHT shall Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Legation is list of the passengers with return was obtained.
not take the place of RIGHT. With thanks.
sued a telegram that the exi return Permits was not comple Here, again, the Pathfini The entire Black Race EDWIN HORDE led Emperor had sent to the te to be taken along with them made a mess ow things. Turkish President and said on the excursion, but, apparen did so on their local ex a similar one had been sent tly with the promise given in sion to San Jose. The grea to the Greek King It termed the Governor office that the inconveniences were caused ST.
the recognition, announced in document would be sent on, me of the excursionists Rome an outrage of interna they left for Jamaica had not sufficient resources tional engagements and de their scheduled atayin that keep them in Kingston fic has obtained its rapid and great popularity by hav clared Ethiopians were fighta month and had it not ta ing cured an immense number of persons who sufing with increasing success During the last week of for the charitable fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These for the complete liberation of Island the excursionists be of the hotel th Ieeper, now gratfuily recommend it to all who suffer from their territory gan, we learn, to hear whis Brown, and others much such complaints as The Italian Government perings that there was no per pleasantness may have TO has not succeeded in establis mit for them to return here.
COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, caused before additional de hing milita: y control oyer Enquiries commenced, and LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, even one half of Ethiopian te was discovered that it remitances coul have read BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION Messers them. Is is eviden this will th rritory, said the telegram, Dixon and Clarke had no Docu the last excursion that will which was signed Haile Se ment to permit the reentry in attempted by the presenta lassie, Emperor NEWS FROM GUACIMO of this country ow the Jamai nagement of the Pathfinde can born unnaturalized excur for it is a scheming prop sionits hence the Costa Rican tion to encourage people Consul ata Kingston ART CUTTER declined go on a tour to a foreign cd On Easter Sunday the chil, te the real good work being to vise their passports. Mr try for a fixed period with dren of the Sabbath School done by this denomination in MINTO Webb of Liverpool thereupon first advising them of the conducted by the Baptists, ren these Districts.
took the matter up with the proximate cost to them.
dered a splendidly prepared Colonial Secretary Office and long ts the price of the pa Wbose Tailoring Establishprogram at a special function the Inspector General of Poli ge is met, some managers ment is located at Matina, young artists acquitted themce when it was found that Mr. unmindful of the offers his Services to all who consequ selves in a most pleasing man The gallant Barland Knight Martin, the Consul, had instruv cves of the sufferings exper desire to be clothed in the ner, but we are bound to spe and the game little Lucy own most modern Style.
tion not not vise the passoports ced by the simple minded cially mention the dialogue by ed by our well knowen sportof Jamaicans on the excursion are so easily duped into acc the Misses Peart and Collins, ing citizen Mr. Littleton have CALL AND BE CONVINCED which was due to leave for paying them on these ima who certainly deserved the lett for Bocas del Toro to take this port on the 12th, and it perly got together trips.
applause they received The part in the big Meet over the choir was exceptional, and re. They are looking their best Mr. Hunter, the choir master and if nothing unforeseen hap deserver mucr thanks. Func pens we are sure they will pro tions such as this are bound duce the most satisfactory re to produce a better generation sults.
and we consequently apprecia Correspondent THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE disposi AMERICA FARM HOP LEE LUNG MATINA y 24 MILLAS Los más surtidos Establecimientos de LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Háganos una visita.
on the Old Line, is to be divided into 10 hectarea, 20 hectarea and up to 50 hectarea blocks for sale to small growers who desire a permanent property with a sound legal title, at prices ranging from 25 to 50 a hectarea. If you become an owner of a section in this excellent agricultural and cattle property, your title will always protect you against transfer or sale outside your control, as has so often happened in the past. For further details see the Foreman at Germania.
Wireless News (From Page 7) fer Cake and Cheese for Pries surn for defense in lieu of the ly blessing. The Orthodox Rus annuity payments.
sian Easter fell on April 24th and believers cuscomarily MOSCOW. Soviet chil end cake called Kalich and dren were authoritatively ad a cream cheese with raisins vised to disobey parents who called Paskha to church to attempted to send them to be sprinkled with Holy Water church with the traditional Eas the Saturday before.
Sincerely yours. OEDELL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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