
Tirane Lawn Party at St. Mark 301. Restaurante. Siquirres Semilla BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y madera Venta de paguetes 00 y 00 en San José Centro Comercial San José. Teléfono 2198 1938 at will 75 Ro tion.
counter sdheduled for the 22 the right throughout all parts Hitler to see Italy Power the launches the races did nit culty Scamp came in the win Homme chacin TOR Dr. MEDAL Jr.
СА Authe for The lawn at the St. Mark Rectory was thronged on the evenings of Tuesday and Wed El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en nesday of the previous week, Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alwith the pleasure seekers who morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para responded to the entertaining que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es c2. 50. E!
efforts of the Rev. Rather Cas Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, lor and his group of Church Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
workers. They certainly SULLIVAN enjoyed themselves, particular ly those who were able to inan dulge in dancing to the strains DIFFICULTIES THREATEN THE LOUIS SCHMELLING FIGHT of Professor Yankec Band.
THE CAHUITA RACES The refreshment stalls were le with We note the New York an man refugees; and they threa simply beseiged, and a swift bu This Meet passed off nouncement of the latest diffi len, should he refuse, to autho siness was the result.
on contestante Mi Temple te Clai Burrell Easter Monday and gave the Scamp. Mr.
Pebble culties with which the Louis of the fight throughout WO OH Schmelling championship en rise a most intensive boycot of public some very big surpri and Mr. Francis Black Agnes.
ses. Due to the late arrival of After experiencing much diffi nd of June is faced.
The Anti Nazi League of The German Champion is start until two o clock.
nes closely followed by Pebble America has informed Max expected to arrive in New ROME Italy air force The first event for Un Mr. Codrington Jew Rapp.
Schmelling that they desire York during the earlier part intends to stage the greatest trieds brought out five har and Mr. Verley Evening Sun him to agree to his portion of of the coming month, when he. aerial display ever seen for ses Mr. MsFarlane Dutch faced the starter for the fifth Roman the cash proceeds of the fight will no doubt announce his de the benefit of Shancellor Adolf Boy. Mr. Wild Mr McFarlane Dutch Boy being used to aid the Ger leision.
Hitler when he visits Premier wood. Mr Briton Wee event, which was won by the Benito Mussolini next month Pet. Mr. Temple Miss Lo last named very easily with Officials said the exhibition ttie. and Mr Frances Maida Duteh Boy second.
would be essentially warli Glauca. Wee Pet secured first The sixth an last race, would ke place, with Dutch Boy a close have been between Mr. Camp Three hundred land and sea TIM suauquoddess? stly bell Harry Lauder, Mr. Tem Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist planes, divided into ten squa dangerous third.
ples Scamp, Mr Francis Black De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, drons, will drop live bombs The second race consisted Agnes and Mr. Gooden Sim New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, of various sizes along a strech of Mr. Gooden Simple Mr Verple, but owing to the late hour Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional of Mediterranean coast near ley Evening Sun and Mr. it was cancelled with the con fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Up Rome, the announcement said. Francis Hurry Up. With greaa sent of the officials and parties Clínica Dental instalada. to Date Dental Clinic. Then, flying in Tormation dificulty Simple came in first interested.
contiguo a la oficina they will attack assigned ob closely followed by Evening The attendance was unuasua Located next to the del Cable. All America Cables jects. All movements will lly large and everything pasbe Sun.
directed by radio from the The third contest brought sed off in a most agreeable ground. Interplane communica out Mr. Francis Shirley Tem manner, the visitors expressing Humphrey wave their sincere appreciation cauen ST. ANTHONY SID SOCIETY CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY tion by radio will be used to ple: Mr.
of coordinate the atack manoeu Queen; Mr. Verley Maud S; the hospitality extended them st By the geniality of the of ves of the other two Buriel So vres.
Mr. Roman Pity Me Little, by the local people.
BOTE ficers of this most progressive, cieties Messrs.
sto Harold Targets with the appearan and, Mr. Clarke Spirit Weed Our next Meeting will take benevolent Society enjoyed a Smith and Bond.
ce of camouflaged warships, Maud Swas DO!
an easy winner place on the 1st of August when ispx most pleasant evening among Miss Forbes and Mr. Mitchel troops, ports and industrial zo and Wave Queen third. we expect to have an exceethe members and their friends were heard to great effect in nes will be constructed for with Shirley Temple second dingly good program as there on Tuesday the 19th instant. their duet entitled Alone. the bombing show.
The fourth race had there are promises additional horses The Society hall was crow Mr. Demit from the Siquirres taking part.
al ded to its utmost capacity and Centre gave a most appropriaFERNANDO DEL BARCO LEE res a fine programe was carried te address and was followed by through by selected Artists. Mr. Jackson and his colleagues LUIS BONILLA The introductory remarks in their beautiful quartette ABOGADOS y NOTARIOS and Welcome Address were ut The Rugged Cross. The choir tered by Mr Hayling, the then closed the first section of (Lawyers and Notaries)
Curb on Nazism in Brazil prop Second Vice President, while the programs with most Mr. Angus, in his usual se appreciated anthem.
OFICINAS: rious and hilarious custom did After the audience had been Limón San José honour to his position as Chair entertained with refreshments, RIO DE JANEIRO. To curb the man, his address, the choir ren the second part of the program Frente Almacén Peña Sucs. Frente Botica Francesa dered a chorous entitled Give me consisting of a variety of Apartado 446 Apartado 626. Tel. 4420 foreign propaganda in schools and especially to combat e unto the Lord. Dr. de items was most effectively car zism, the Federal Administraent la Bastide, the Society Direcried through.
tor of the State of Rio Grande tor, then afforded the audien The annual review and fido Sul has issued a decree naTPE EDUCATION IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE ce a fine address reviewing the nancial statement follow and tionalizing education in the year transactions along with disclose the very significant State and forbidding the teachthe financial report. Mrs fact that the sum of 11. 443. 65 As this culture is so laeking to secure the rental of a building of any language but PortuC. Clarke of the Sub. ExecuColones was expended during among the large majority of ſing of say four apartments in guese in public schools.
tive also gave a most encou the period in alleviating the our girls, we take pleasure in which a start could be made. In private primary schools raging address, while the Re sufferings of distressed huma calling attention to what Miss the rising generation would be the Portuguese language and verend Fr. Johns, the Associanity from the year revenue Amy Bailey of Jamaica has to ever grateful to those who toog Brazilian history and geography tion Executive Head spoke which reached the respectable say on so important a subject, the iniciative Are we not ad are made obligatory Foreign go on the aims of the Society, Aaggregate of 13. 052. 05 colo with the hope that some tender vised that Charty should com vernments and foreign associamusical item was rendered by nes. The Society starts on its hearted philanthropist will es mence at home? We are sure tions with branches here are the Misses Charles and West new year with a cash balance tablish a small local institution our Merchants would, if appro forbidden to subsidize schools ney, after which Mrs. Wright of 028. 35 Colones and asfor the purpose of training our ached, donate the equipment in any way.
The decree exlains that the head of the Wesleyan Women sets of the value of 386 40 younger girls, not only as to needed for such Vocational ELeague, Mr. Burrow and colones. This most pleasing po a home or of taking care of a the efficient manner of running ducation.
aim is not to destroy foreign Mr. Thomas followed with sition has been made possible husband, whenever such a one far visioned leader take the ini Brazilian nation. The law becoThe idea is now set, will a languages but to protect the choice remarks of congratula by the assiduous co. operation tions and advice. very line of the members under the cathose lines which will enable may arrive, but, generally, along ciative? mes effective in May solo was rendered by Mrs. creful guidence of Dr. de la Bernard, then came words of Bastide and his Board of mate rates of their demanding more adequamuch appreciation and encou gement.
remuneration for Rico o Pobre their labours ragement from the representiIt is true the genial Directress of our local School endeavours!
to do much in this direction, but with the limited scope of all that is necessary, if there. Si en el Hospital no hay Suero Antitetánico o CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL her department, she cannoa do SURGERY fore some help could be extend lo que se necesite en caso de accidente y si (Medical College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia ed by those in positions to do USTED desgraciadamente es la víctima, and Atlanta Southern College and Atlanta Southern College so, the distressing experiences of many of our younger people USTED ESTA EN PELIGRO Ofrece sus servicios en fecha Offers his services to the puwould be alleviated. If, instead próxima al estimable público blic of Port Limon in near of reaising subscriptions to send de Limón.
to New York in aid of a cause which seems unworkable, pu y ayude al Hospital y al Asilo para bien de todos.
blic donations were solicited a naUd. está en peligro Dr. Jiménez Guier Compre LOTERIA NACIONAL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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