
THE ATLANTIC VOICE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK When we live in Truth we have no struggle or cometition with other people. We flow forward according our natural spontaneity, like a stream tumbling down e mountainside to join the sea.
When we learn to live lives of compassion, when e see God in everything and are united with oll our ellow creatures, by the exercise of love, with good will oll; then, and not til then, will our own life become lessed; and through our state of unity, the nations will blessed with Devine Wisdom. There is no other way see Peace on earth.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: SC. NATION No. 193 Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday May 7th. 1938 17 Wireless News Capture of false Coins at ra 150 a es JU 05 JE da es ONE MILLION COLONES FOR CONCESSION is noted that the Royal Shell your representatives in Congress that smart capture was made las Co. has arranged to give the made for Rome. Unofficial esti le their most serious threat Carmen farm by Inspector Moina te cutive one million colones for they endeavour to have provision 7, 000 persons have fallen into the building of roads mates say between 6, 000 and against the Lunghai Railway, and his Guards, of a man and his common law wife, who were makprivilege of prospecting through throughout the Prosince, the Atlantic Division for the the net spread by the Italian Hendaye. Government ing false coins of the one Colon dedes sion and operation of oil depoThe Peralta Siquirres y ad could Police in their stringent pre Troops are reported to have nomination.
well be attended to, so that when cautions for the safety of retreated in the Mora de Ru. The entire outfit, including the to the advent of the present clides occur within the area as has dolf Hitler. Many of the per bielos Sector east of Teruel mould and many of the Colon pieuinistration, Limon had ever again happened within the past week sons arrested will be kept in as the insurgents increased ces were taken. The work is said co jail during the time abandoned and neglected in comunication between these points Reichsfuehrer remains in Ita in Eastern Spain. Rains ham pert would be able to detect the the the pressure of their offensive to be so perfect that only an exwe sters which tend to improve and could still be maintained. roadly. Others were expelled from pered operations on both si counterfeit. The man is known to bellish the Province.
way from Limon to wherever the vel forces be a first class Silver. cmith; ow that this offer is before us Oil Mines may be located, should Kome, Florence and Naples, des but the Franco TTI in view of the fact that the also be constructed while those methodically attacked after hence the accuracy of his work.
enue would be derived from fa round Moin and Westfalia could bach storm. The fighting cen Every Saturday he and his woman ties within the Province, we well be asphalted and so beautify tred in the area south of the were known to travel by train to uld like to remind don Rafael the city and the surrounding suparaded her armed might in miles due east of Teruel.
Moscow. Soviet Russia Pobo mountains about 2) Turrialba where they got rid of the luarte and don Daniel Zeledón, burbs.
coins si.
ra in. swept Red Square for the annual observance of LaTHE BANANA CLUB CONGRATULATIONS TO THE EDITOR bour Day. Troops, guns, tanks, DOTS AND DASHES air. planes and people pasThis notice is to annouce the May. Dance to be held sed in review before the tomb by The Banana Club, at the Community House, Saturday of Lenin, where Josef Stalin To day, our highly estee which have ever characteriBo Evening. the 7th, at 9:00 stood with other Soviet Chief med and widely appreciated zed his mental activities chatains. There way only one Editor, Mr. Samuel Nation, racteritics which, though oftThe Club new Radio Phonograph nad Broadcasting Set has been installed and try outs have been very sucessful.
speech by the Commissar of celebrates another Anniver times seriously misunderstood, 30 War who spoke after new con sary of that memorable day have never failed in their obWe have a large supply of the latest records for fox scripts among the troops re in the distant past when he jetive the greatest good for trots, tangos, and waltzes. Also some of the latest swing cited the oath of allegience made his entree into the hu the greatest number pieces, so be sure to wear your dancing shoes.
after him. He declared the man family, and, although his We wholeheartedly wish Quota for Non Members will be 3. 03 for each gen Soviet ship of State, piloted Divinely allotted span of thim many more years of tleman and tickets will be sold at the door the evening of by Stalin, seeks neither In three score and ten years ha health and strength to pursue tie dance.
ternational adventures nor ve, well nigh pased him by his unselfish activities for the king by enemies within who we heartily rejoice to find him betterment of the communiare being ruthlessly extermi still possessed of that full ty of his adoption.
amount of zeal and virility The longest session of Con On Tuesday the session was gress in the history of Costa Rij taken up with the reorganizatook place on Monday the tion of the Judicial deportTHE COASTAL ITINERARY Shanghai The Chinese End instant. It lasted until af ment of the country. Lic. Vi report continued rapid proer mid night. Forty two of ctor Guardia Quiros was elect gress in their counter offen Our much esteemer Minis It is also very important the forty. three deputies kereed president of the Supreme sive along the centre of the ter of Finnance, don Francis that early publication be mapresent, and every Suplente or Court, while Lic. Frsco. Solor 30 mile Shantung Front whe co de Gutiérrez, having Ide of the Tariff rates covering Substitute. The election and zano was chosen for a similar re the fate of 100, 000 Japanese provided the means by which both freight and passenger credentials of the newly elect popition in the Civil dipart troops daily becomes more un we will be facilitated with a charges, so that they may no ed deputies occupied a great nent of Appeals and Lic. Luis certain. This is in addition to regular transportation servi be auddenly sprung on the part of the time. Lic. don Juan Castro Saborio for the Crimi the 12 mile gain previously ce along our Coasts, it is ho people who have to avail them Rafael Arias and Dr. Rafaci nal department.
reported North East of ped the schedule will soon be selves of this meass of transCalderon Guardia occupied, as We shall refer to the Presi Taierchwang. The Chinese al published in order that the portation formally, the positions of Pre. lential Mesage in our coming iso assert they had repulsed a travelling public may beco We are told that some of sident and vice President res. ssue.
Japanese attack at Likow, 19 me acquainted with the mov the Coastal Launches have rectively.
miles to the northeast of that ements of the launch under already increased their charcity. The further stated a fly taking the service, ges ing column had moved around the Japanese left Flank, and cut communications between Tancheng and Lini. Chinese sources estimate that 34, 000 Javanese soldiers had been killed or SERVICIO DE VAPORES wounded recently around Tanchang and Phisien Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York where the Japanese had macon escala en Habana solamente.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE MPS Llevando cafe pora todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos More of the Soviet Purge VAPORES SALIDAS PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE PORT LIMON: mn. CARIBIA. Mayo CHIRIQUI Mayo Notwithstanding the Extreme Penalty paid by the TALAMANCA Mayo 16 many as the result of the PARA EUROPA via Cristóbal Purges conducted, from tiQUIRIGUA Mayo 23 me to time, by the Special Legal Tribunals of the Nation, Soviet Russia seem to be not yet freed of the menace ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS. of subversive activities, According to the LeningraAgentes para Limón y Puntorenos.
de Press, the government Secret Police have arrested sePara otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la veral Bishops and a large num UNITED FRUIT COMPANY ber of he Clergy of the country Orthodox Church on the AGENCIA COSTA RICA en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica charges of having formulated a contra revolutionary orgaAVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 TELEFONO 3156 nization and conducting antiods.
bolshevist propaganda.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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