
Página THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY MAY 7th. 1938If prematurely aged, use e Fertilinets the rejuvenating hormone proparation FOR WOMEN according to Dr Rich Weis.
Ask for our illustrated booklet FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES SERVICIO AEREO SEMANAL BLUEFIELDS Via BARRA DEL COLORADO BRIEFS OF INTEREST Wednesday last being the The Spanish Patriotic Com28th anniversary of the earth raittee resident in this country quake which destroyed the ma have sent away another apprejor portion of Cartago, causing ciable quantity of Cigars and also the loss of numrous 11 Cigarettes, made from Costa ves, various acts in cozamemo Rican tobacco, to the nationalration of the terrible catastro ist soldiers fighting in Spain phe took place in the Ancient This further gift consists, we Capital are informed, of 43, 200 cigars and 10. 000 packets of cigaret les.
AVION sale de LIMON todos los SABADOS a las a.
ROBERT JOHNSTON AGENTE EN LIMON AEROVIAS NACIONALES Just say Pathfinders and the Public will Reply lad Semilla BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y madera Centro Comercial The industrial activities which have, for some time, been setadily increasing in and around The interior of the luxurious the Barra de Colorado region French Linar La Fayette, is of the Province, have now, we reported to have been complete are told, reached very signifi ly destroyed by fire on the 4th veniences to catcursionists or cant proportions, particularly instant. The blaze was first dis even member of our Cricket In with regard to the exportation covered in one of the hold of hear! hear!
team, the Committee or mana te!
of Timber. During the past the 25. 000 ton Motor ship wii gement of the Pathfinder Sporthce eight or ten days nearly two le lying a La Havre shortly thousand logs of the Cocobolo after he arrival from New Limon may 4th 1938. Panamanian Consul Mr. Ra Club was not responsible for ou the non financial conditions of ers Mr. Editor mirez to the amount of Five were shipped to New Orleans. York; and despite the efforts of Hundred Dollars. Our The ATLANTIC VOICE As a consequence of these mo the Port Fire Fighters the enanyone. Our excursion trip was Party heit Dear Sir: had vement hundreds of labourerrstire interior was soon in the sailed from Limon on Monday a steamship trip and we ime not promised anyone board and Kindly permit me space in a March 7th and the return peregu who would otherwise be une grip cf the flames. No persona columns of your weekly Jour mits was posted to us and de lodging on the advertised fare.
ployed are receiving regular injuries are reported.
nol to reply to an article which livered by Postman to our Ad If anyone had to be pracites on apeared in your issue of April dress on March 8th. The Ca Mr. Brown or anybody to onyo 30th ur healiri Sfathfin ble received by Mr. Martin the ne, the members of our Chiket team were provides with rooms der in Dificulties in Jamaica Costa Rica Consul in Kingston page ten.
from San Jose was a sage fuard and beds throughout our stay The Pathfinder Sport Club against the posibility of Jamai in Jamaica without paying from their club at fifty cents colones seems to be a tempted targed cans applying for Visa on preper month for some of our gunners thus tence of being an Excursionist.
they Load, Aim, and fire at her The Cable advised the Gentlesions you can look out for it Referring to future excurVenta de paquetes 00 y 00 en San José with delight. They are forget man to demard re entry per next year March or April. ting however that Blank car mits before Visaing each pas There will be no Chiketers on tadges can never hit an object, sport which he immediately in but is quite comely for salut formed us.
the trip as we are expecting to make a Cricket tour to the ing purposes.
The Steamship San José. Teléfono 2198 Agent in Republic of Cuba in the end We should not talk or write the agent in Limon and receiv, an excursion to Jamaica by the Kingston immediately cabled of May 1939 but there shall be things that we knows nothinged reply that re entry permits EARTHQUAKE CAUSE MUCH DAMAGE IN TURKEY about neither should we baleiPathfinders. So talking has been granted.
about ve the statements of fools. The no more trips is just the writ.
Biting cold and almost continualed by the Government to the dis question of re entry and Visa The Consul Mr. Martin also er dream. Our aim is to give rain added to the desperate plight tressed regions.
of the Passports in Kingston received a Cable to the effect. our players International exof tens cf thousands of the sur Eighteen villages are reported des was quite a different thing on our arrival in Limon the reperience which no club wa has vivors of the series of violent earth. troyed and 22 others badly damag from the way understood by the turn permits were handed to us ever taught of doing, and we by quakes which on the 19th Aprilied. Whole families were buried ali Public of Costa Rica, the ap for distributing to the respec are sure that the dancing cle sier devastated a large and prosperous ve. Underground rumblings through plication for re entry permits tive Excursionist to be presentments from whom our funds Ho area of central Turkey, taking the a wide area of Western Asia, bor for cur Jamaicans and Pana ed by each along with passport are derived will continue of lives of nearly 1000 persons. Sco dering on the Aegean Sea accom menian excurorists was duly ete. etc. to the Captain of back us. Pathfinder has no big res of planes carrying physicians, panied the shocks. Gaping crevices tructed. Pathfinder also receiv Port and Doctor. Mr. Joseph financier behind her, no Capi no nurses and relief workers were crusheppeared.
ed a telegrann from San Jose Webb of Liverpool in giving, tålist, no Student, Graduate, hbl a few days before sailing on his lying statement, certainly no Mercahnts, as other Cocoa 000000 the day of our final payment think the public of Costa Ri and Organizations in Costa Rical would not accepi money until ca would haid him as agreat ca. Its just a group of young ex illisfies themselves bckg able to meet the Inspes men and boys born in Costa Ri acccpted and founted by our or Gore of Police of Ja ca and supported by the Pus Goverment and cur Captain of nine we also should blic.
Port of Limo vas duly ins case the nicht well before Just say Pathfinders and the that the Government had gran makius publications; had he Public will reply hear! hear!
ted Re cats is for the done so he would consider that Thank you for space Mr. Edi Next to LA PROVEEDORA Face this information they the Inspector or Colonial Se tor, Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber obtained from the Captain of cretary would call the Propriet Your for Sports, Messurements less than feel at Port by Telanhone. They also ors of the Excursion trip and Stan. Dixon demanded a signet cuplicate of make thorough investigation 25 per foot Founder And Sport Promoter the receipt for Faranians before taking any steps.
200800GOGCOCOSCOGS. Ococeocoecoonca posi which was Eiven by the Referring to financial inconto clubs suf Lumber Deposi?
SAITA Another Religious Sed Nos permitimos llamar su etención a la nota al doras de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
Vetag to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month.
Ce so good as to comply with this request and do nos oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
The latest Religious Sect desiring to legalize their activities in this country carry: we observe, the title or name of The Free Catholic Church.
An application for registering the Sect or Church as required by the Civil Code, was, it is stated, refused recently by the Registrar General, Lic.
don Alfredo Sanchez The matter will, probably, be de cided by the Supreme Court.
COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON MALNURSEMENTERITUD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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