
SATURDAY MAY 7th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page twin LIMON TRADING COMPANY LUMBER YARD BAYER Why CAFIASPIRINA um DW CAFIASPIRINA We have opened a Lumber Yard where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native BAYER Lumber. Special sizes to order. R We also have Portland Cement, Roofing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and all other building materials.
CHARLES QUIGLEY, el últiSEND IN YOUR ORDERS mo descubrimie 15 de la Columbia, desempeña el principal LIMON TRADING COMPANY rol masculino en el nuevo film For many years CAFIASPIRINA has Columbia JUEGO DE Faldas.
Limon Division been recognized as an unfailing remedy maran in colds, headache, influenza, and theuА Aliens in Ecuador Must BAYER matic complaints. You should insist on AN EXPLANATION AND APOLOGY CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of Invest 1, 000. 00 its sure effect, but also because it does not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
Washington. The governCricket In our previous issue we, day, we wihh to express our ment of Ecuador has promulThe world famous Bayer Cross, which appears manare thought it advisable to sincere regreet for the conti gated a new law governing on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of Sperince more calle the attention nued illness of our English immigration, extradition and de fof our correspondents and ot collaborator whose absence natturalization, which requions vers to the necessity of their was the cause of the many res that all foreigners domicipwa lacingn us in possession of imperfections noticeable in led in that country must inhajheir contributions, etc. in our last week impression. vest the equivalent of 1, 000 anime to avoid delays and con We crave the clemency of all in some phase of Ecuadorean lar, equent disappointments. To until he is once more with us. industry or agriculture, acording to a report to the Department of Commerce, made pu THE ARRIVAL OF BISHOP ODENDAHL Cite blic recently In despite of the heavy morning (Sunday) were larrains experienced, the recep gely attended; during these tion of His Lordship, the Rt. the choir, rendered specially Rev. Bishop Juan Odendahl, selected pieces which added Cirujano Dentista Americano SCHUSCHNIGG TO FACE American Surgeon Dentist sloves De la Universidad de Loyola, Vicar Apostolic of Limon, much to the charm and solem From Loyola University, New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, was not surpassed in any way nity of the occasion. His Lord TRIAL IN AUTUMM previous occasions, and ship discoureses, exhortin Ofrece sus servicios pro: Offers his Professional should serve the Spiritual his flock to piety and Christofesionales en su moderna Services in his New UpVIENNA. high source head of our Diocese as an in like department, were Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic.
wholehearted ceedingly eloquent.
states that present plans call signia of the contiguo a la oficina Located next to the cling The only disappintment ex for trying Kurt Schuschnigg, esteem and affection of the del Cable. All America Cables the last Chancellor of an inde community he comes to serve perience by many of the faith pendent Austria and a foe of As was anticipated, a won ful, was the absence of EnNazism, before People derful crowd formed a spec glish. It is confident, howTHE ANGLO. ITALIAN TREATY Court early next Fall. tacular procession which es ever, that His Lordship will It would be unjust to hun corted the bishop to the ca within a short time make him about The sacred edifice self conversant with this landreds of upright Germans in thedral.
Austria who have suffered in was so crowded, that not even guage. He is not an absolute Although this Agreement, he told Chamberlain that the damp jails or were hanged by standing space could be ob stranger to it we understand.
The Atlantic Voice the ophas was most vigorously attacked Dictators knowing he would the Schuschnigg régime, this tained. An address of welcome!
source said, if the man res along with a purse was pre portunity of once more welby the Liberal and Labour Par not fight had the courage ties it nevertheless passed the say and do as they pleased. ponsible for it should escape sented to His Lordship by Dr. coming Monseñor Odendahl House of Commons by a vote Notwithstanding the Three Pow without at least moral punish Salisbury. The representati on behalf of the community, ment if not actual imprison ves of the several Societies with the hope that he of 322 to 110.
er act, Hitler is now visiting ment.
connected with the church long be spared to guide a Lloyd George termed it the Mussolini. He reached Rome on were also introduced to their people who are ever willing most miserable and dishonour Tuesday night where he was Spiritual Leader. All to be led in the path of rec able surrender Britain has ever given and enthusiastic welthe Masses the following titude and virtue.
sufered. He said it was a cyni come. Coming events, of cour Francisco Fonseca Ch.
cal Treason to Ethiopia; and se, cast their shadows ahead.
IT on exa y the WTH to de und may bi new HOP LEE LUNG PO Cricket Season 1938 (C. Office: Adjoining to the City Public Library ENGLISH SPOKEN MATINA y 24 MILLAS Free Prize of one Selected Cricket Bat will be given to the first Batsman to make 75 Runs (aggregate) in the 1938 Competion.
CONDITIONS: Runs to be made with a Bat purchased from Jack Orane Store Claim to be signed by Captain of Club and Two Official Umpires.
Also a Free Gift of a Bat Facing Hammer a Cone will be given all Clubs purchacing two Cricket Bats.
FORMER JUDGE OF THE Los más surtidos Establecimientos de LIMON DISTRICT COURT LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Háganos una visita.
THE WEATHER AROUND LIMON As we have much dis Continual rains have been Entertainments of various cussed rear article our lot from the 20th April up kinds have had to be postponed on the seaming bility to the 4th inst. In consequence However, our laundery women of Nnification among Colour of this, much inconvenience has and others were blad they were ed Peoples, we readily repro been esiperienced. The Cocoa able to get around their reguduce the following from Pu crop has ben considerably re transactions on Wednesblic Opinion of Jamaica, for duced, while Yams, Potatoes, daq. It fortunate thing that the purpose of directing fur Yuca, etc. have been so sodden, the Fruit Company had been ther attention to this defect that the prices of the small buying the wet cocoa along the and in the hope that more and quantities available have soar lines, otherwise the losses and greater remedial efforts will ed immensely. Fancy Yuca and suferings of our small cultivabe displayed by some of our Dasheen, going at 15 cents per tors would be very severe in Nachbesenlood goizeade. stema Nacional de Bibliotec Roumanisterio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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