
Página 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY MAY 7th. 1938 As we If enfeebled by age.
THE NON ARAYAN AGGRESSION ALLAN SIM Virilinets use on the LẠI CỦA red duce ublic ther a and it the dgTea ll be a pres Can During baths, ations hce, ARE WE SATISFIED fons, of nomaica Teated are cent mec our wh fono aggre visable BERLIN Decree has LIMON, COSTA RICA the rejuvenating been published in the Official Importación hormon preparation Gazette threatening one year Imports and Experts FOR MEN, punishment for anyone who aprding to Dr Rich Weiss helps camouflage the jewish Exportacion Ask for our illustrand bookke ownership of a business estaLumber Depósito de Madera blishment Deposit The must efficatiouns and modern tonic yet known.
The same punishment is ON SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES rrovided for those who con Compra de Cacao en duct legal business for a Jew grano Cocoa Purchased without making it clear they are acting for a Non Arayan The Decree was signed by Field Marshal Goering in his CORRECTIONS (By Amy Bailey)
knowing that she is the better capacity as Director of the woman for it.
Four Year Self Sufficiency The better the In a recent issue of the Gle education the better should We beg to make the follow Sick Aid granted, amout The Plan, and was understood to a aner one of the city restau woman be competent to run her the ing corrections in the Annual more than 000 during draw be aimed principally at Review and Financial situation in Viena.
ranteurs gives his views on the home as efficiently as a State year.
man ment of the St. Anthony Bu We are very sorry for has lack of Domestic Training in the does his office.
rial and Sick Aid Society car errors a pearing in this one. In island. He said and he knows But besides giving the stucried in our last issued er communications in our hrough what he is talking about that dents in the Training Colleges, Instead of. must be ad impression; but as will be in nine out of every ten girls who a Domestic Science training, it Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON ded the folowing other things by the explanation givende apply for employment are unfit should be possible for the Govof negligible value for any form of domestic work, Iernment to send one or two girls read where, our English Collato and what is worse, that they abroad each year to England or among other things of negligition was ABOGADO regerttably al Anys think no training is necessary. Canada or the through ble value are the following. through illness, he is stilkersonne Also He stressed a very insteld important scholarships to qualify for a y NOTARIO PUBLICO of. paid We must consequently point when he said that emplo degree course. The time is ripe grands on the destis of 715 the indulgence of cur yers in America preferred girls and more than ripe for such Oficina: Altos Pas members and dependents amo readers, particularly in will be with at least High School educa action.
unting to over C1. 000 read where the sense of an acht thu Girls who have shown cual Ir gianna tion and that Vocationnl train special aptitude in this direcand paid death grants on 15 may be destroyed.
ing formed an integral part of tion, and who have gone as far member and dependents, and the education of the average as they can go in Jamaica should American boy or girl. be given a chance to take one wiedte should the occasion OUR YEARLY ESTIMATES We all know that every word or two years intensive training arise.
Assitar of this is true. There are so so as to become experts at their its If the Government has Anent the President Mesage The Customs departmentsbour many sides to this question that jobs Surely the island can do duty to do in this direction, so it is noted that the estimates the principal means by wor E it would be well for us to look with fourteen such at present. also have individuals. We need of our revenue is C38. 105. 142. we secure our revenue; it isasa ni on them.
If Domestic Science is to as philanthropists in this country 85 while our expenditure shows timated to produce c16 traw Whose is the fault that there sume its rightful place in our their C35. 099 52 76 of which the de 705. 84; Liquor Monopoly fions a who will give money exists this serious lack of effi scheme of living, then (which has been made in this partment of Public works and C5 317. 792. 30; Pacific tronge cient domestic servants? But whole psychology toward it how can we have efficient wai. mut change, and this is where island) to establish and endow Agriculture will sorb C10 way 529 578. 74: Expore sa Vocational Schools. We need 536 340. 84; payments on ac tis: C3. 711. 177. 09; Lienpeared tresses, cooks, pantry maids, the men can come in. Think of some Andrew Carnegies, Julian count public debts C6 755 184. C1. 873. 765 18.
In laundresses butleresses, etc. the bloodless revolution there Rosenwalds and Lord Nuflelds 41: Education C5. 031 233. 80; Our foreign debts are plasthese unless they are trained, and how would be after the shock and to help our people who cannot Finance department C3. 086. at C110. 747. 403. 90 can they be trained, unless there consternation of the woman of 624. 08; help themselves.
Police and are teachers to train them: and his choice a certificate or certiinferior those our interior, C2. 849. 999. 36; Jablic Securi 233 692 329. 59 These they how can there be teachers qual ficaties to show her ability to Whenever go to western ty C2. 823 617. 33 ified to train unless they them cook his food. and thus ensure Kingston, and see the waste of Health C1. 644 045 54: Publicus a gross indebtendness of ment C144. 439. 733. 49 strong selves be proporly qualified to his health and train his children energy, the ignorance and idlebe se give such training?
properly! At present the majo ness that are allowed to flouriobject If the girls of this country rity of men desire as wives wo sh through lack of opportunity BRITAIN URGED TO INCREASE AIR FORCE In fa are to be trained efficiently in men who will look well beside to dispel the ignorance and har.
it as Domestie Science, the schools them, and be the envy of other ness the energy. pray that LONDON Charging chat lly both Secondary, Vocational and men. How good or poor a hou could come across some hearts Britain is losing the air armmean Elementary, must do their share sekeeper she may be is forgot that will be touched enough to aments race to Germany, ART CUTTER and they can only do it if the ten at the moment until after give a helping hand. am thin Garvin urges the government Thus Read Women Training Colleges pro marriage What matters is that king specially of a trainnig to invoke the manufacturing MINTO vide trained Teachers woul This she must show him off: thus her centre for the young girls who resources of Canada and manal does not mean that every girl ass duous attention to such im have left school and must work, ke large purchases of planes Whose Tailoring Establis!
who leaves the Training Col portant triffies as are to be but who are at present unskill in the United States.
ment is located at Matin leges should be a qualified Do found in a beauty culture par ed. Not only have dreamed What is ouor wealth for the offers his Services to all why mestic Science Teacher but lour say important trifles, about it but have gone so far and our sense of freedom desire to be clothed in the gove rather that attached to each bacause in their right places as to mark the very house that worth if we do not resolve most modern Style.
issue college should be a Department they are important but as com will do for the purpose. It is here and now to pay the full tion where a studient who wants to: pared to the bigger issues of not far from me and every morn price of safety and that demo CALL AND BE CONVINCE menn may take a definite two year home caring and child trainnig ing look across and say that cracy means to be as capable to o course, after completing two they are trifles.
see is my Domestic Science Schoold as any dictatorship of organi hind. Careful examinaton dical years of normal work. This dear men the remedy lies in It is going to take quite 800 zation and the power of sa the evidence and reasonal woul would furnish quelified teachers your own hands, the economic siart it properly. aril the crifice? he asks.
presumptions have convipabed who should be drafted to the situation being as it is, the Women Liberal Club of which Mr. Garvin recalls that us that this opinion is true Secondary and Vocational Scho women. if they would be marri am a member is setting itself Winston Churchill and Gene The government and No ols. as Domestic Science Tea. Sed, must please the men, and if the herculian task of undertak ral Maxime Weygand, former people must face up the tru but chers. Why the former do you it pleases you that they come to ing it. We al th Chief of Staff in France, som in its stark unpleasantness al may not accomask? Need reply that it is the you as competent housekeepers. plish all that we hope for but etime back agreed that Bri the decisive improvement for duty of every girl to be fitted plus their other acomplism we shall make a beginning at tain frist line aircraft, num manded cannot be brougsary.
to take care of a husband, al ments, then competent house any rate. feel it in my bones hered 1, 500 against Germany about without a broad chan; ture home and children. It is true keepers they will qualify to be that many who read this article, 3, 000, and writes: in the basis of our nation econo that Dame Fortune may Sco Mark you it does not follow are going to help us, for that It is held by competent methods. We never citant wlingly deny her such a consu that every married woman will country is poor indeed that can witneses that far from begin create air parity or anythii natur mmation, nevertheless she will be called upon to do it, but she produce no philanthropists who ning to advance nearer our like it while we adhere to ti have done her the satisfaction of should have the requisite kno will leave their names in monu supposed goal (air parity. we comfortable principe of ments of stone to tell their tale are falling still further be siness as usual.
long after they have passed on.
00. 00. BE We have too few of such in JaSi usted compra hoy un billete de la maica, though the island has LOTERIA NACIONAL rich men and women. Unfortunately we only know how rich they are when the amount that CIRUJANO DENTISTA cumple con un deber cooperando al sostenimiento del DOCTOR OF DENTAL Hospital y el Asilo, y puede ser que la suerte le Government SURGERY goes to the for depare el premio mayor de death duties is published. Surely (Medical College of Virginis (Medical College of Virginia TE this is no cause for sattisfaction and Alianta Southern College and Atlanta Southern College 35. 000 We need to be Domestic Science minded; we need the help of Ofrece sus servicios en su offers services in his o uno de los menores, que siempre llegarán a su hogar Domestic Science minded. Only clínica Dental situada frente new up to date Dental Clinic en buena hora.
both the Government and phi al Parque Vargas y contiguo located in front of the Park lanthropists to help us to be a la Municipalida. next to the Municipality.
then shall we be satisfied. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
So you Dr. Jiménez Guier his


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