
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE an Wireless News am on Overcome life difficuties, not by fighting them, but by taking one standing in Truth; realizing the Divine Presence round about you, and go steadily forward Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone and find that the path is made level and straight while Editor English Section: NATION the hills of difficulty melt from before us, or rather from before the Presence of God which surrounds us like Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday May 14 1938 No. 194 atmosphere.
CHAMBERLAIN AND MUSSOLINI PREDICT LASTING and full a fashion the questions outstanding between us places FRIENDSHIP relations between England and Italy on a solid and durable basis.
LONDON. These telegram: whish Your Excellency has convinced that there were exchanged between Pri shown. have equally appreci can now be opened between me Minister Chamberlainana ated the work done by Lord the two countries a new period Washington. It took the Se ged. he then tripped on a rug Premier Mussolini immediate Perth and by all those who of confidence id friendship nate less than three hours to and in the fall the bayonet pe ly after the signing of the An have contributed to realization which is what you and desire discuss and approbe the expen netrated his left leg above the glo. Italian accord: of the agreement.
and which accords with our diture of 1, 104, 000, 000 dollars knee. He was admitted to a To have settled in so frank traditional relationship.
in Federal Funds for Farm hospital Mr. Chamberlain Message and Highway Programmes.
PROSPECTS BRIGHTEN FOR JAMAICA SUGAR The Agricultural Appropria Berlin. Reliable Nazi sour am delighted to learn from tion Bill, which would provi ces revealed that Italy and Lord Perth of the successful INDUSTRY de this record sum for use dur Germany had decided against outcome of conversations beting the fiscal year commenc concluding a Military Alliance ween our two governments and Messrs. Tate and Lyle, the length, and contracts for 40, 000 ing July 1st, was returned to during Hitler visit to Rome. would like to say how much great Sugar Magnates of Bri of the 70, 000 cross ties or sleep tain, having purchased some se ers needed for this work have thy House for con deration Mussolini, it was said, will pre I and my colleagues have aplocal property of some 50, 000. 000 dollars the serve friendly neutrality to preciated the spirit of good willventeen or more of the best Su been awarded Senate added to it.
ward a settlement of the Ger and cooperation which has been gar Estates in the Parish or Pro owners. The ties are to be of man Minority problem in Cze applied to our discussions vince of Westmoreland, Jamai are being carried out to see if by Florence, Italy. Ending choslovakia, which Hitler is Your Excellency. Count Cianoca, the economic outlook of that native harcjwood. Experiments to determined to achieve, but by and all concerned on the Italian seem pretty promising. Trucks from concrete and iron castings; sector of a dramatic six days visit the Isle of Springs, the remaining 30, 000 can be had his close collaborator, Beni peaceful means.
laden with skilled and unskill if not, they will be obtained by to Mussolini, Adolf Hitler head It is a matter of sincere sa ed workmen are reported cons similar contracts.
ed across the Alps tow ra tisfaction to me, as am sure tantly the move between This stupendous undertaking many on thy 10th. instant. Manchester, Ergland. Wins it is also to Your Excellency, Kingston and the locality in con also provides for the establishThe German Furers train ton Churchill. Independent Con that such a comprehensive aseqeunce of the decision of the ment of a Commissariat and pulled out of Florence just servation Leader, in one of greement when it comes into purchasers to spend the sum of general Store from which the at midnight for the Brenner the most vigorous speaches of full operation, will dispose of half a million pounds stering, labourers will be able to obtain Pass, the Alpine Gateway to his career, proposes an alliance all outstanding points of dif about fifteen million colones, in all their personal wants, and Italy which Hitler pledged his of Britain France, Russia, Po erence between us and con the development of the estates, the different properties, the nation would forever consider land with the Danubian, Bal fidently expert that thereafter The plan aims at a thorough goods or articles needed for the inviolate. He was accorded atic and Ssandinavian nations elations between our two coun and complete consolidation of proper carrying on of the indus partires spectacle which riva to preserve the Peace of Euro tries will once again be found the industry, and includes the try. Modern cottages are to be lled all other grandiose events pe.
firmly based on confidence and erection of one large Central erected in the vicinity of the of his stay. As the Fascist and friendship which so long exist Factory equipped with the most in theCentraj Factory, in which Nazi Dictators reached the VICAR APOSTOLIC TO ed in the past.
modern machinery for extrae the workers required to be in Railway station a barrette of ting every possible particle of regular attendance will be hou fireworks burst from the Sta VISIT ST. ANTHONY Premier Mussolini Message saccharine matter from the ca sed along with their families.
tion roof, illumination the sky thank you warmly for your ne. The machinery existing in Chureh, a School and a Hosfor miles around. chorus of It is expected that Monseñor message. indeed am glad that the severaj old factories will be pital will also be conducted at 10, 000 children, uniformed and Odendahl will pay his first vi he Anglo Italian conversations scrapped and most of it smelted the expense of the Estate Owlined up row on roy against sit to the St. Anthony Associalave so happily ended and that in an up to date Foundry and ners for the benefit to the work the nearby fountains, sang a reached gives workshop to be established in men and their families. Special farewell to the German Chan tion on Tuesday the 17th, ins ne agreement with the factory. trains will be run to transport tant, the night of the Big Social you, as it does me, full satis connection cellor. Coloured floodlights Concert.
factions both as regards its sco Work on the buildings have al the labourers who do not reside played on the Square. Bands His Lordship visit is timed pe and the spirit underlying it ready commenced and it is ex in the locality where they will played and thousands of for 30 and a short, but It is a pleasure to me to as pected they will be ready to from time to time be employed.
troops formed a tinal honour fitting programme, is being arsure you that it have sincerely handle the coming crop of cane. Taking all these facilities un Guard for the departing guests. ranged for his welcome. It is appreciated the good. will and The several estates will be der consideration, this seem one only reasonable to anticipate a cordial spirit of understanding connected with the Central Fac of the most comprehensive and Crattanooga, Tena. ser capacity filled Hall, as there troy by a narrow guage railway, beneficial concerns ye undermon on the evils of war covering about twenty miles in taken in the Island of Jamaica.
en will be the spicy concert pro THE CHINO JAPANESE ded here in severe jury to the gramme to be enjoyed at the Rev Herbert Morgan. The Mi close of the welcoming funcCONFLICT nister, holding aloft a German tion.
bayonet, compared it to the This attractive entertainment After more than 300 deys Gospel saying This sword, is open to the public for the of war which has cost, approxi just like the Gospel, is two ed small admission fee of 0. 25.
mately, one and a half million lives between the two nations, SERVICIO DE VAPORES the Japs have failed in their two ofensives in Central ChiSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York a. They are now organizing con escala en Habana solamente.
the third in an effort to doLlevando cafe para todos los puertos Europeos ninate the lines of communiLUMBER YARD cation between Russia and y Americanos Chang Kai Shek, by mcars VAPORES SALIDAS of the Lunghai Railway.
We have opened a Lumber Yard The Chine resistence is most determinedly stubborn, where we carry in stock a complete TALAMANCA Mayo 16 an danother disaster seem to assortment of all kinds of Native be awaiting Japan despite her QUIRIGUA Mayo 23 bombardment, by air raids, of Lumber. Special sizes tu order.
oll the strategic positions of JAMAICA Mayo 30 the railway to prevent reinWe also have Portland Ceinent, Roof orcements reaching the Chine se who are supposed to have ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen4. 000 well equipped men ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
at tine and all other building materials.
this point.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
The army of General Chu SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Teh, Chinesewas reported to Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la have fought its way to within twelve miles of Peipin, UNITED FRUIT COMPANY where defenses were deplete en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica by the withdrawal of JepaneLimon Division se troops for the Slantung TELEFONO 1 6 pon, UNITED FRUIT COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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