
Página Saturday May 14th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE ITEMS OF INTEREST NEW CATHOLIC SOCIETY Semilla BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y, madera con from a tropical disease don Alfredo sanches, has refu Venta de paquetes 00 y 00 en San José Centro Comercial San José. Teléfono 2198 COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
from the Guillermo Niehaus Co.
From Port Said, Egypt, it The Public Registry, through is reported that due suf the of its Chief Lie.
fering the Duke is be re sed on records of lieved of his position of Vice the Country a new Faith roy of Ethiopia. The Gover which styles itself the Free nos of Lybia, Field Marshal Catholic Church of Costa Ri Fábrica de Hielo Italio Balbo, is likely to sue e Lic. Sanches in his ceed him veasons for refusal, that in y Refrescos view of the fact trat the Reli The thousands of native Fargion of the Country is the LIMON mers of the Gold Coast, Afri Apostolle Catholic Religion on ITALIANS SLAUGHTERED BY REVOLTING SOMALIS ca, who some time ago refus of Rome, he does not see how ed to dispone of their Cacao he can give legal protection to Somalis of the tribe o lase pion situation as truly terrible, Crop at the prices offered by another Catholic Church, even rawool recently arived at Italian influence being on the British buyers, are stin though its fenets be the same den, report that their fellow available as far as their machi on the Strike. This has so dis in the celebration of the seven of Sacraments of the natives who were attached to re gun bullets can reach. That turbed the industrial life Catholic LA FLORIDA one of the garrisons located beyond some 50 miles country which depends Christianity.
bevee Sasaber; and Gor the seats of their garrisons, inainly on the Cacao indus Tre matter has been referFábrica de Hielo hei revolted and in a surprise the country was Being ruled, try, that the British Secreta ed to the Supreme Court for attack killed 400 White Itaas formally, the Rases He ry for the Colonies has, it is a definite decision.
Venta de Leche lians. The Natives then cross is further alleged to have ur std. decided to trettigate necessity ed to Arussi where they joined ged the of large couditions. The Strike has exported by The Gold Coast y Maderas the Ethiopian fighters.
amounts of cash being sentended to all the Cacao produc Youth Movement and the Abo It is also reported from Djibim of the exploitation of the ing districts and is being sup rines Rights Protection Socie bouti that a numbre of Arals country was to be continued.
ty PAREJA ROMANTICA who had been fighting in the 000000000 000000000000000. en. 3000.
Fascist ranks had deserted as According to New time and COMPRE LOTERIA NACIONAL result of the gains being ma Ethiopian News travellers arri de by the Ethiopian throug ving, et Djibouti from Dire Da Con el orgullo de que hace un bien porque ayuda al hout the country.
wa declare that British Soma Hospital de San Juan de Dios y al Asilo Chapui, en donIn a confidential report said lis are bing engaged to fight the de hay sufrimientos y dolor que aliviar, y porque usted to have been sent to Mussoli Ethiopians, 9, 000 men were sabe que de las que se expenden en el país es la mejor ni, the duke of Aosta is alleg said to have lately gone to por las siguientes deducciones: ed to have described the Ethio Addis Ababa.
La Loteria Nacional, da al público 167 premios, la que más se importa sólo da 074 premios. Con nues000s 63RCORSO 309 Rooeu9oooove Co4902 tra Loteria saca usted más dinero gastando menos: con 00 puede sacarse 10. 500 y en cambio con la otra, con 00 apenas se sada 000. 800. 000000 00002 LIMON, COSTA RICA INSECT PESTS NOW TRAVEL BY PLANE WASHINGTON.
MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS With of interceptions of insects and great clippers of the air quic diseased plants.
Compro cacao Material de Tranvia kening communication bet With the cooperation of ween many Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo foreign countries Positoffice officials, about and the United States, the job 250, 000 parcel post packages Importación de mercadería en general. of keeping out alien insect from abroad were also examin pests is bigger today than evered for the same pests and inBDS. Oecor ODNORRBORG. ee before for the Federal foreign fections. The range of examiLew Ayres and Joan Perry in AUSTRIAN NAZIS BURN JEWISH WRITINGS plant quarantine force. By nations covers also shipments the airplane, destructive in of plants and plant products Shakedown Columbia Picture sects and plant diseases have imported by permit on ships Fiften thousand persons are previously made an appeal easier means of access to the from foreign countries, and Dos enamorados en El Falso said to have witnessed the to the public to deliver all United Stotes, and a better on freight cars at Mexican bor Secuestro. Film Columbia destruction, by burning, on objectionable literature for chance of arriving here in an der points.
a gasoline soaked pyre in the ced on the people by the effective condition and to unrecognized species Residez Square, Salsburg, of Schuschinigg regime. In the fiscal year 1937. Fe: to 1, 339 recognized species, Jewish writings and antiThe burning deral agents inspected 321 Francisco Fonseca Ch.
was largel Insects apprehended belong Nazi propaganda published symbolic, only one copy of airplanes from foreign coun distributed among 1, 257 geLAWYER NOTARY during the regime of Chan 2, 000 different books being tries and from Towaii Inspec nera and families. More than PUBLIC cellor Schuschnigg burned. The rest, consisting tons of 920 planes resulted in, 100, 000 new specimens were The proceedings were con of more than 30, 000 volumes 505 interceptions of proh. added in the year to the Bus Office: ducted under the auspices of collected form the University, bited and restricted plant ma reau of Entomology collec Adjoining to the City the National Socialist Teac public libraries and elseweh. terial, and the same number tions of insects from all over Public Library hers Association which had re, are to be burned later.
of the bureau, every unidentif ENGLISH SPOKEN it was only after the repre ed insect reuching our shores world, sentatives of Law and Order the Under the rules MOST UNFORTUNATE OCCURRENCE FORMER JUDGE OF THE had resorted to the use of turning up anywhere in the LIMON DISTRICT COURT their firearms with the abo on foreign plant material, or Referring to the informa The report says about 700 mentioned results that United States, must be imtion given elsewhere in this of the workmen amployed on they were able to control the mediately identified, to ascerimpression regarding the ac the construction of the fac situation.
tain whether or not it is poSOME INCOMES OF tivities recently instituted in tory buildings went on StriJamaica by Messrs. Tate and ke in protest of the rates of tencialiy dangerous BRITAIN MONEYED ONES Lyle, it is observed that the wages allowed them as well Star and Herald of Pana as the unsatisfactory housing EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ According to statistics rema states a most serious dis accomodation allotted them turbance took place on RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ cently released, there are 860 the force of Policemen was millionaires in Great Britain Estate in consequence ef rushed to the scene and so Abogados y Notarios whose incomes exceed thirty which about four or five work threatening did the strikers Lowyers. Public Notaries. SAN JOSE. LIMON thousand pounds per annum men lost their lives and mo become in their activities Office in Limon adjoins that of the Municipality and 88, 951 persons whose inre than half a dozen got ba with attemts to destroy the cpposite the Park dividual incomes are over dly wounded.
cane cultivations by fire, that 2, 000 and their aggregate inexcess of 4466, 525, 506.
The figures given also shew Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso Velog to call your attention to our remark at the back there are 71 persons with inde su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: comes ranging from 75. 000 Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina to 100, 0000; and 85 in rehis bill must be paid at our office before ceipt of more than 100. 000 dentro de los primeros 10 dias the 10th of the month.
During the period covered by de cada mes.
the statement, 3, 350, 000 perBe so good as to comply with this request and do noi sons were liable for the payLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ment of Income Taxes, and de tener que cortar su servicio.
We would much regret to take.
the amount of 87, 862 610 was received as Death Duties; eleven of the estates of the, deseased parties yieldei more than a million pounds each and 597 over 100, 900.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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