
Saturday May 14th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page WA some are mere These are CAFIASPIRINA days!
were (pm of AFIASPIRINA FATE OF CHANCE TAKERS THE END OF ABYSSINIA issued The Fiscal Guards are de seem capable of being used Authority has been Nations termined to put down this for the making of Chance from the Lergue of stupid mode of gambling, and Tockets. However stupid or for the recognition of Abyssi some very interesting raids simple one may think the go nia es Italian Territory.
have been effected. Some we vernment, one cannot fight Notwithstar dirt the opposi re rather smartly carried out them single handed. There is tion of Russia, England and but others were very far fet in existence a strong and France Gstained the approval ched, needing much modera well informed Bureau of mi. of their plan that the Leation in the modes of capture: xed nationality engaged in gue should authorize the resog such as the aresting of per ferretting out every sellerisition of the Italien annexasons possessed of pocket and buyer of Chances, Swe tioa. The Council of the Lea books with numbers lepstake Tickets and foreign gue inaugurated its 101st. aswritten therein.
Lotteries, hence it behoves sembly during the afternoon Some of the sellers (the na every one who ever indulged of the oth instant, in secret tive element) go so far, it is in such games to cut them session; there were present, in said, as to openly state the out. In fact, all these games, Edition to the Ethiopian Dele government cannot stop them as also raffles.
gates appointed by Haile Sela Naturally; for if there are means of deceiving and swinNew fools to whom they can sell dling people of their hard ssie, those from China, with the risk of being caught earned cash and leading them Zeala. Bolivia, Russie. Enin a ideal in which ninety ni into Vice; they should theregland and France. The Delene per cent spells losses for fore he abandoned and avoi gates from China, Bolivia and them, they deserve to suffer. ded. Think of the thousands New Zeland assisted Litvinoff AngloIt is alleged that a capture of dollars you have spent in of Rusia to refute the was recently made on the Lotteries of all kinds without French plán, but they All countries, pier among some governm obtaining any benefits. Is it outnumbered.
ent persons. How in the na not time to stop who care to do so, are no y at allowing At the first sign of a cold. sneezing, headme of all that good can one yourself to be exploited? Keep! 15ert to recognize the conache or catarrh. take CAFIASPIRINA!
sympathize with such pers far from even the appearan ouest of Italy over Abyssinia.
ons, who persist in the most ce of evil doing; keep no tic The opposin: Delegates ma CAFIASPIRINA is an unfailing remedy in absurd theing one can think kets nor numbers of any kind de an effort to have all the colds, headache, influenza and rheumatic pains.
of for spending their cash about you, which cannot be member nations called to a se The world famous Bayer Cross, shown on All Lotteries are iniquitous. easily and readily explianed: ssion to deal with the ques every tablet, guarantees the purity, harmbut Chances is the worst of Remember, it is your own ton; but Litvinoff of Russia de BAYER all, as with it one has to people and pretended friends clared it would be useless as lessness and efficacy of spend his money under fear, who are engaged to entrap the same results would be ob and dread of being detected you. uit taking Chances. Iftalaed, an it would only ser and charged with the offence there be no buyer there can ve to prolong the agonies of a misdemeanour. It is time be no seller: the fault there the poor people. The final de for all to start house clean fores lays with the buyer, heclaration of the liberty to re ing, by destroying all books, tempts the seller, cognize the annexation will be paper and machines that may approved definitely by the whole Asembly of the LeaWINNINGS OF IRISH HOSPITALS SWEEPSTAKES IMPROVEMENT IN FAILWAY PASSENGER SERVICE gue.
Faw persons may krow Sios. refused to sell a halt The Authorities of the Nor tem has however been brothat in as much as the Unit share for 700, and so lost thern Railway Company must ken by Mr. Nelson and his VISITING THE ed States of America is aver 470, as the horse did not certainly be experiecing SO men with the co operation of se to gambling in any shape get a winning place. He lowe me amount of satisfaction for the Police, and a great imDEAD or form, yet judging from the ver received 460 as a nonthe marked increase in the provement is now observed Due, perchance to a desi huge benefits obtainable by placer. Had he sold the half earnings of the passenger in the number of passengers trains, as a consequence of travelling on the regular re of scrutinizing the work charitable institutions, as well share, he would have won.
being executed by the unfor as those falling to lucky indivi 930.
blockade placed by the Spe trains.
the Irish tunate who find themselves duals, Hospitals Unfortunately the saje of cial Service Department, un While one will always sym der the direction of Mr. pothize with the regular farm detained within the Correc Sweepstakes appear to be per these tickets is prohibited by tional College the number mitted there. This is due, pro law in this country, for viewNelson, against the hund workers whose wages can of visitors to the Camp One bably, to the fact that results ing the cager attachment evidreds of men and often wom hardly cope with the expen Roadway and the Campo depend on the skill of the Joc denced by our people, Were en, in pantaloons, who had se of travelling to Limon to acquired the habit of travel see their families, no one can were the Shadows Fall. ha key an athe preparednees of they available here, we ling in and out of Limon on blame the Railway authori ve been unnusually large re his mount in the most elevat sure some of these winnings cently.
the Banana Trains as well as ties for putting on the thumbs ed Sport. Horse Racing: ühe would have come to us on the through freights to Tu crew in view of the many Keeper of the Field of Soli Sports. In consequence of this through the payment of It is also noticed that the Sport of Kings, the King 96 assited fiscal rrialba. This method of free atrocities that have been com citude is doing some exce toleration, over nine fundrediger Income Taxes.
lartravelling was asuming aslar mitted by some of these free ming conditions as it not on travellers, and to which refr llent work with the Suppos thousand pounds sterling have It is our pinion has the ly affected the passenger re rence has laready been made ed hope of providin; a great been won in the United Sta inclusion of sweepstakes. arivenue but was also telling in these colums. We have al er amount of comfort for tho tes from the last drawing, asing from horse racing in this on the freight service, as it ways heard it said that dras. Se who ccupy these to us month ago, on the Grand Na or any foreign country, in the was no uncommon thing to tic diseases should be drasti Haunts of Lonesomeness. One tional Race sees some very art prohibited list is an ill advis tomb see scores of these Dead pas cally treated, hance we conTre principal prizes distributed policy; it cannot affect the are others sengers bringing bags of, gratulate Mr. Nelson and his here, but there wich can take some amount led by this drawing, were 16 sales of our National Lotery Yams, Yuca and the like; men for the cure effected of fixing by those who ought of 30, 000 each, foruteen of tickets, from the fact that it even sacks of Cacao have co and the financial benefits, it to be interested. Then there which went to the United Sta is the better class of our citi me in, in this manner, The has secured the Campany.
neck of this pernicious sysare those whose locations hates. There were sixteen pri zens who wounld be in a posi ve completely vanished. zes 15, 000 each and a si tion to purchase the sweepsta mong these latter ones is that mllar number of 10. 000 kes tickets ard who would of a great Benefactor to ma each, one half of eacn fell to not fail to continue their sup Cricket Season 1938 ny of the poor of our Pro parties also resident in that port of our local drawings. By vince. the late Benjamin country. Many of the smaller the entry into the country of Sankey.
prizes were also won there. several thousands of pounds (C. About four years have go of the tickets sold in esterling or dollars, our revenue ne by since this good man Island of Jamaica, seven drew would also benefit greatly. It passed an, yet not even a sto horses, runners and non run is to be hoped that our proFree Prize of one Selected Cricket Bat will be ne has been placed to mark ners, which brought the hol gressive migded Prefident, given to the first Batsman to make 75 Runs the Funeral Pile; hence the ders 460. 10. cach. Smailer don Leon Cortes, will see as thought that twenty of his sums amounting to 630. me do in this matter, and so (aggregate) in the 1938 Competion. friends and benefactors might also fell to winers in that encourage the local breeding CONDITIONS: Runs to be made with a be approached to contribute Island. Chinese residing in of horses which is now much ten colones each toward the the town of Fatmouth whose on the decline by the triumph Bat purchased from Jack Orane Store Claim cost of erecting something to ticket drew the horse Airgead of motorized locomotion.
to be signed by Captain of Club and Two Offidenote where the carthly remains of this rol en Cocial Umpires.
lumn lay Also a Free Gift of a Bat Facing Hammer There are a few others who GoCone will be given all Clubs purchacing are also worthy of our remem brance. They will be referred fwo Cricket Bats.
to later on, for dear old Ben El tren de pasajeros de Limón o San José se detiene en comes first. He was too useSiquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alful a man to be allowed to morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para remain in Such abandonment.
que sea atendido a la llegado. El precio es 50. EI Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, follow the LIMON thought and suggest the seCigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
cond ten colones in the next SULLIVAN issue? 1 re und оur revenue 1 ZIARIO Restaurante. Siquirres JACK ORANE STORE Will some one асоmаnоmаintаinанонік Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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