
igina 10 HE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday May 14th. 1938 KICKED OFF TRAIN HOF LEE LUNG Richkih. nervilso? agotado. Pobre de sangre. have On Monday last, a youngster by the name of Boysie MATINA y 24 MILLAS Williams, in company with two others, seem to have boarded a train leaving Limon Los más surtidos Establecimientos de and when making the SaloLICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES me Hill, the Brakeman (a Native) fully charged, appaHáganos una visita.
rently, with the spirit of the Devil, went up to him and kicked the poor chap off the train. He was found on the TO EDUCATE IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE road by some kind farmer The Editor The Alpha Cottage in Kins who placed him on his horDear Sir ton; they have all been of im se and brought him into town.
Kindly permit me a small mense help. These Institutions He now lays in the hospital space in your esteemed paper were started with voiuntary in a precarious condition suffor o suggestion on the sul donotions from Christion heart fering from an internal injuect which appeared in the led men and women, therefore ry.
issue of April 30th. Educo the same could be done in While these youths have no tion in Domestic Science this country public meet right to board the train, still do agree with the sympo ing could be held at which the Company does not encouthetic, noble, broodr vinded the couse and purpose explain rage such acts of cruelty by writer. Some time ago Mr. Da ed, then o Committee formed, her employees. The police are, Costo wrote on this same sub of say twelve true spirited we understand, on the lookut ject and wos watching for persons to go around seeking for his Brakeman some progress but, unfortuno donations.
tely, no one seem to At the close of each month given him ony support. Look in with their amounts ond JOSE ACHION NG ing at the many unfortunate the lists of donors. Entertain Comerciante Detallista young girls around us in Li ments, Picnics, etc. could also Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale.
mon, as well as in other parts be held to assist in raising the ia, Artículos de Ferretería y of the country, believe if required amount. Its an uphill Eléctricos; todo se encuentra TOME USTED they were afforded some little work, admit, but to those of en este establecimiento.
assistance by way of higher us who have an interest in our ENERGETS PRECIOS DE SITUACION training, they would be va young generation, it should be LIMON luable citizens. Take the Miss a pleasure.
El reconstituyente Ideal a base de Hierro reducido, Nuttall Orphonage for girls Lecitina y Gliserofosfato de cal only at Stany Hill in the parish With thanks. WARNING RE CEDULAS DE VENTA EN TODAS LAS FARMACIAS of St. Andrew, Jamaica, The Hart.
Feuillebois, Carvalho Appel This is once again the Cry ty( no matter how late they of the Department of Direct The Administrator General Apartado: 329 San José Teléfono 44784 in Limon. Scores of men, wo arrive, wish to leave early, Taxation has issued a notice men and children are to be hence a row or probably a that during the month of Au3. wending their way to fight, if some sensible one be gust next all Cedulas, with ward a hydrant, or Railways not near to advise patience their corresponding photos, CUBA PLANS MEMORIAL TO MARTI engine to secure a pail or buc and toleration.
will be distributed; he warns ket of this precious fluid. This system of securing wa all who are liable to carry Following on the inaugura ter fc: domestic purposes is them to see to the filing oi tion of the Company Water rather dangerous to the health their 1936 declaration form, HAVANA. Architects tiones itemized, and shall Supply a small abatement of of our people, as it is very mu the stub of which should be and sculptors of all countri devoted, in addition to repr 14 dreaded thirst was ddy when taken from the hy safely retained, in order to es of the Americas are invit senting the physical or syn ticed, but within the past fort drants and has to be set aside avoid difficulties, as at the ted to compete in the design bolic figure of Marti, to night the distreassing condi for settlement.
last moment the Department ing of a memorial to José Martinian library and mus tion has redoubled. It is appa When will th governmer! may not be able to attend to Marti, most beloved Cuban um, conditions of the con lling to see hundreds of per be in a position to start the the matter.
patriot, according to anno petition state.
soni. wastirs tome, which construction of their Cañe Those who have not yet vernment.
uncement of the Cuban Go Cost of the memorial wi could be much more profita ria Works and thus endeavour filed their 1936 form should be between 500, 000 and bly occupied, seeking such o relieve our City of Conditions and specifica 600. 000 and is to be locate This is the one tions governing the competi on the hill known small amount of water. Many and aniserable th condi which corresponds to the in tion, which closes Oct. 8, 1938 Loma de los Catalanes of are forced to suffer the worst tion?
formation for the purposes of insults, for the large majorithe photos.
are ready for distribution and erlooking the city. It is plas can be obtained through Cu ned that the monument wi an diplomatic representati stand in the center of the pri ves in the various countries. posed Civic Square, comp The first nirze is 10. 000, sed of a national library an in addition to fees for direc museum, school of fine art ting work of construction, academy of history, academ and the second and third pri of arts and Tetters and a gre zes are 000 and 2, 000, res national auditorium with pectively 1, 000 each are al capacity of 20, 000. Funds so offered.
the erection of the monumen The monumental shall be have been raised partly free architectural and public subscription, and af sculptural conception, confi propriations by the Govern ned exclusively to the condi ment.
noa this do it now.
as AMERICA FARM a SHAREHOLDERS MEET a on the Old Line, is to be divided into 10 hectarea, 20 hectarea and up to 50 hectarea blocks for sale to small growers who desire a permanent property with a sound legal title, at prices ranging from 25 to 50 a hectarea. If you become an owner of a section in this excellent agricultural and cattle property, your title will always protect you against transfer or sale outside your control, as has so often happened in the past. For further details see the Foreman at Germania.
The Annual Meeting of the Stockho ders of the Agricullural ind Colding Corporation 118 Miles will he held at the usual place, Madre de Dios on the 2nd. May 1988 at 12 Cluck to cleci a New Directorele, ke eise the Report for 1987 and to decide on the Life and working of the Association This is the second attempt to hold such a Meeting and if Members display she same calle vai ens as on the previous occasion, the Directors will not be responsible to those who do not alterd ond are not represented by Prexics legally appointed. REMEMBER a Director cannot rei as a Proxy. NATION FARQUHARSON Gernte resident Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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