
Saturday May 14th. 1938 THE TANTE VOICE Page 11 OUR JUDGES ROTAIN THEIR POSITIONS ALLAN SEME THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE freLIMON, COSTA RICA has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havImportación Following on their recent ing cured an immense number of persons who sufImports and Exports election, the Judges of the fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These y Supreme Court has, in turn now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from Exportacion confirmed the Provincial Jud such complaints as ges in their respective posiDepósito de Madera Lamber Deposit tions or elected others to COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, such as many have been de LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, Compra de Cacao en clared vacant.
BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION grano Cocoa Purchased All ours have, fortunately, been re elected His Honour Lic. don Octavio Rodriguez SUSPICIOUS PERSONS remains as Civil Resident Ma VALUE OF NICARAGUA BIRTH OF SEPTUPLTS gistratc, and His Honour Lic. The Police nave recently been, for nthe vicinity she COTTON CROP REDUCED don Vicente Desanti continues very vigilant in searching the quents. The firsts Necromancy MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
Municipal Jodge Sr. Cauto in charge of the Penal Divi homes of decent, honeat people or Brujeria; the second, a little Nicaragua present cotton Embarcadero reported he could sion. The Alcaldes also rem on the suspicion of underworld Marijuana: the third, some Po crop, it is believed, will be confirm the birth of girls ain the same.
occurrences. How is it their ad ker gaming; or ſcurth, the selli reduced to about half of last and one boy to a farm womaa visors have not put them oning of chances to the Brutal year because of the destruc named Rafaela Casanova, reside2792 the trail of a jet black lady of Editor on her way up in the tion by locusts, boll weevil ing about 10 miles from Baya Limon would be aristocracy Truck which she alone fills and other pests.
mo in Cuba. The Judge Saided, we presume the Cuban go who is a frequent visitor to to its capacity. But Girl, doc The planters had hoped to he had himself seen the chil vernment will be arranging for beach life at nights.
tor Bud is a hard Bud fe kill.
receive more than 1, 000, 000 dren who were all alive at the the care and support of her There are only four kinds Hutten cutten, spen you mofor their crop, but experts time. saven Babes just as Cana of pastimes that this Etiopian ney strutten, for you get it for believe that the value will be Although is has not been statl da did for her Five.
Queen can possibly be looking nutten.
less than 250. 000.
With the present low price of cotton the acreage will be reduced for the coming crop and the Minister of Agriculture has issued an order that old plantations must be burnESTADO COMPARATIVO DE INGRESOS AL 31 DE MARZO DE 1938 (Primer trimestre)
ed over before new planting to destroy pests.
IMPUESTOS ADUANEROS MARZO PERIODO DE MESES Cotton is profitable at 12 1937 1938 1937 1938 Aumento Disminución cents a pound and is sent to Japan and Germany in ex Derechos de Aduana 347 892. 61 300. 823. 12 834. 692. 51 899. 257. 98 64. 565. 47 change for merchandise, but Impuesto Consular 12. 568. 22 17. 346. 20 36. 939. 08 50:332. 12 13. 393. 04 the planters claim it is un Emergencia 15. 297. 43 15. 506. 32 36. 224. 27 47. 551. 72 11. 327. 45 profitable at or cents.
Recargo 027. 20 694. 29 11. 654. 40 11. 596. 03 58. 37 Impuesto de Teatro 310. 00 755 67 871. 18 312. 04 440. 86 BOOTH Impuesto para Casas 056:90 889 19 20. 203. 80 19. 478. 49 725. 31 Derechos de Reembarque 03 123. 41 03 184. 29 183. 26 BEST Hospital 826. 10 488. 31 12. 596. 38 15. 900. 31 303. 93 BAKED Derechos cobrados ea los rñuelles 208. 14 BERLIN 242. 11 14. 598. 22 19. 239. 63 641. 41 BREAD Derechos sobre Paquetes Postales 207. 65 999. 55 662. 32 998 23 335. 91 BUNS Importación por Sixaola 437. 73 057. 11 15. 506. 11 13. 429. 93 076. 18 BISCUITS CAKES Importación por Barra del Colorado ADUANA DE LIMON Disminución en marzo 41. 907. 78 Aumento en el periodo 407. 833. 06 365. 925. 28 1086. 280. 77 THE PEOPLE BAKERY Box 179 Limon 100. 191. 33 988. 949. 30 97. 331. 47 859. 86 97. 331. 47 28 928 68 659. 73 263. 95 10. 470. 06 336. 25 85. 883. 56 361. 64 521. 38 15. 455. 89 398. 00 122. 512 34 840. 63 689, 25 25. 571. 100 685. 75 36. 628. 78 478. 99 147. 87 10. 115. 11 287. 75 159. 278. 97 55. 658. 50 103. 620. 47 55. 658. 50 42. 658 67 55. 658. 50 77. 347. 38 41. 597. 27 161. 40 907. 66 10. 036 20 225. 00 126. 354. 42 162. 25 907. 66 30. 061. 00 278. 35 49. 007. 04 162. 25 907. 66 12. 188. 20 278. 35 17. 872. 80 TASAS ADUANERAS 54. 295 18 THE METHODIST CHURCH Muelle de Importación Muelle de exportación 849. 18 LIMON Bodegajes 270. 06 Derechos de puerto 754. 88 The 24th May being the Two Derechos de Cabotaje 134, 75 hundredth anniversary of the Conversion of John Wesley from Disminución en marzo which the Methodist Church 18. 645. 38 61. 304. 05 took its rise, Bi Centenary. ce Aumento en el periodo lebrations are being arranged at all Methodist centres. In LiVARIOS mon, there will be special serviPatente Nacional 23. 319. 77 ces on Sunday 22nd when, besiExpediente de Remate des the regular services at 11 Remate de Mercaderias 7, there will be one at Servicio extraordinario 513. 60 The Rev. Airall of Eventuales the Valiente Indian Mission will be the Preacher, morning and Aumento en marzo evening, and preside at the AtC 23. 094. 16 30. 833. 37 ternoon Meeting On Tuesday Aumento en el periodo evening, the 24th, there wil be a Public Meeting at which se IMPUESTOS FIJOS DE EXPORTACION (Dólares)
veral addresses will be given, Exportación de Café 69. 504. 52 and in addition there will be a Exportación de Bananos por Limón 125 26 Rally of the Months. This effort Exportación de Bananos por Sixaola 142. 78 is to raise funds for some much Exportación varios por Limón 45 needed repairs to our Church Exportación varios por Barra del Colorado and it is hoped our friends and sympathizers will contribute Disminución en marzo 615. 74 77. 773. 01 liberally.
Disminución en el periodo EA. PITT, Pastor Emeritus.
RESUMEN Impuestos Aduaneros ART CUTTER Tasas Aduaneras Varios 53. 927. 53 158. 768 69 63. 543. 50 95220. 18 63. 543. 50 63. 543. 50 102. 927. 16 230. 24 221. 954 30 16. 338. 50 355. 00 26. 97 60. 403. 42 10. 401. 58 30. 46 321. 81 119:027. 14 23. 568. 74 102 74 326. 40 610. 53 252. 26 299. 43 010. 53 71. 157. 27 238. 674. 77 103. 179. 42 143. 635. 55 95. 093. 22 140. 20 95. 039. 22 97. 331. 47 33. 658. 50 63. 543. 50 MINTO 194. 533. 47 Aumento total en 1938 194. 533. 47 Whose Tailoring Establishment is located at Matina, offers his Services to all who desire to be clothed in the most modern Style.
Disminución total en 1938 95. 039. 22 Limón, 24 de abril de 1938.
JUAN MORA Tenedor de Libros. B9 PEDRO VIETO Administrador Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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