
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section SC. NATION It is when we are able to stop the wheel of our Thought an dimagination that the oction of God takes place. Then it is that healing comes to our life and consciousness, harmoniously and beautifully, like the rising sun on a beautiful Spring morning. No effort, no strain, no violence, as night gives place to down, and down to the full orbed day. Then comes Peace through complete disolution of personal desires and happy self surrender to the life and keeping of God, Who doeth all things, and yet appeareth to do nothing.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday May 21 1938 No. 195 WIRELESS NEWS the an London.
Georgetown, Br. Guiana Premier Cham toward co ordination of sup OUR NEW HOSPITAL Guide has reported seeing berlain has met the insistent plies and production for reach wreckage of Paul Redferns clamour that Britain surpassing a goal of 3, 500 first line The erection of the large shed on the Plaza Ygles plane with the grave of the Germany Air rearmament planes by 1940.
lost aviator beside it sias, in front of the Cuartel, for the stacking of the mae six with a resuffle of his Cabidays travel beyond the Brit net. Viscount Switon has Washington. The Store teriol to be used in the construction of the Hospital, as ish Guiana Border near whe resigned the post of Secreta me Court has decided that a also a large room for the use of the Engineering staff, is re the Cuyuni River flows in ry of State for Air, where workman who goes on strike proceeding rapidly. All through the rains of the past week to Venezuela. Alexander Gil he had been the centre of is still an employee of his a gong of carpenters and their helpers were daily at the job, bert, Bushman who guided Parliamentary attacks, charg Company within the meaning and unlike the work on the new market, it is very refreshthe recent expedition of ing the Air programme was of the Labour Relations Act.
Theodore Waldeck, New York lagging. He is succeeded by and therefore is entitled to ing to note the inclusion of a black man in the gang.
Explorer, into the Guiana Sir Kingsley Wood who was the protection of that Act. In The plans which we have seen, portray a most elabowilds, said the expedition in charge of the Ministry of so ruling the Court lield rate construction of three distinct, specious, edifices atlearned of Redfern death Health, and whose position an order of the National Latached to the main building, while the lowns, gardens and from an Indian. This Indian, has been filled by Walter bour Board instructing according to Gilbert, swore Elliott, Secretary of State Mackay Radio and Telegraph porkettes will be a great adornment to the City and worthy he and other natives in a Sa for Scotland. The shakeup Co. to re instate in its San the memory of its Founder, don Rafael Yglesias.
vannah village saw the Red has widened further by the Francisco office five strick Much resentment has been expressed by our citizens fern plane crash and burn, resignation of Lord Weir, the ers who, the Board said, had with respect to the discriminate manner in which Limonense killing the American flier. government unofficial advi not been taken back because Labour has been studiously kept from the work at the Marser on aircraft expansion sin they had been active in a laShanghai. The Interna ce 1935. Stringent steps will bour Union ket. Up to a fortnight ago, there was not a single labourer tional Red Cross has issued now, it is expected, be taken of Limon origin employed, and had o discussion not taken urgent appeal for place between don Nopoleon Chavez and the Director of mediate financial aid, declar THE PASSING OF PROMINENT CITIZEN this Journal regarding the ill advisedness of such a proceing its funds were exhausted and that one hundred and We deeply regret having to undergo further special treatdure by the Foremon in charge of the construction, the nonown. It was. seventythousand Chinese re announce the serious loss our ment among his employing of our labourers may have continued.
We con fugees were facing a terrible Community, particularly the ve generally hoped he would have understand the engagement of the Foreman of Works, leadplight. Officials said food re ry wide circle of its populace sufficiently recovered to have ing carpenters and masons, as well as a few trustworthy men serves were adequate for on who were more closely associa returned at no distant date, but in the different branches of architectural operations who ly one more month.
ted with him, has suffered by the Divine Ruler, ordained it had given sotisfaction on other similar works; but to import the death of Mr. Jack Orane, should be otherwise, and so last who occupied so prominent a week end we received the sad ALL the labourers and artisans from the Interior who must Mexico City. Associates position in the social and com advice of his having passed on be remunerated with monies accumulated by the Municipoof the Agrarian Leader, Gen merciaj life of our City. to the Great Beyond.
lity from local rates and taxes is certainly far from equiteral Saturnino Cedilla, char Mr. Orane was for over two The Atlantic Voice sinceoble. For this reason, no doubt, we notice the employment ge President Cardenas with decades commercially connected rely condoles with his brothers, trying to drive him to rebel with Limon, though it was more who are here, his widow, chilof one Negro on the Hospital work and hope other similar lion to distract public atten recently that he came to reside dren and other relatives in Ja engagements will follow.
tion from troubles over ex among us. During the past cou maica, as well as with Mr. It is true the ordinary Ticon does not regard o Negro propriation of the foreign ple of years his health gave him Angus who has been associated born citizen as o desirable member of the communal life owned Oil Industry. Cedilla. much concern and notwithstan with him for many years and of Costa Rica, but it is time for the government to face the who has an armed peasant ding the efforts he made local has latterly sovery successfully following to whom he has ly, he had eventually to leave represented his local interests.
problem squarely, and endeavour to improve the social life allotted land on his estate in for his native land Jamaica, to May his Soul find Peace and of the many hundreds of young negroid Costa Ricans resiSan Luis Potosi, broke with Eternal Rest.
dent in this Province. These are now left to roam around Cardenas last August, and pilfering and committing various misdemeanours which must quit the Ministry of Agriculture. Since then there have eventually lead them on to o pronounced life of criminoldCHINESE PLANES INVADE JAPAN been frequent rumours gy, since they are denied the means of earning their honest he livelihood.
was ready to lead a revolt a From Hankow it is of Chinese Air force made their If the government were to set opart a plot of gainst the government. ficially announced that the first flight over Japanese ter To Page ritory yesterday. Twenty seven bombing machines participated in the invasion which covered the important port of Nagasaki, the great naval base of Sasebo and the Islands of Kyushiu and Honshiu.
No bombs were discharged, but thousands of fly SERVICIO DE VAPORES sheets bearing the following 20 were let loose. We have you Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York at our mercy, China is strong cor. escala en Habana solamente.
AG and unconquerable.
22 Mayo 31 QUIRIGUA JAMAICA VERAGUA Mayo 23 Mayo 30 JUNIO Otrop Para EUROPA vio Cristobal: ss. SESOSTRIS mn. CORDILLERA Mayo 25 Junio An underground railway wreck, regarded as the worst in the story of London Sub way, took place on the 18th instant occasioning the death of some four persons and injuries to scores of others.
An Eastbound train was re ported to have smashed into the rear of another between the busy Temple and Charing Cross Stations. Both trains were crowded and the wildest panic ensued in the underground tunnel where the victims remained trapped for hours.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
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