
Página THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MAY 21st. 1938 CATTLE LIFTING Dr. Jiménez Guier Buy Your Suits on Easy your suit to your entire of Mr.
Semilla BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y madera Centro Comercial Three Year Programme Planned by Venezuela This crime is now most pre valent in our different disCIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL tricts. Some valuable milk SURGERY THE VOGUE TAILORS cows were recently stolen in Zent and Estrella and sold to (Medican College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia and Atlanta Southern College butchers while the Guards, and Atlanta Southern College Rogers whose duty it is to detect and Oireee sus servicios en su keep down the evil, do not clinica Dental situada frente offers his services in his seem to give that amount of al Parque Vargas y contiguo new up to date Dental Clinie attention to the information a la Municipalida. located in front of the Park supplied them as we should next to the Municipality.
imagine necessary: possibly.
ceoso modo because the sufferers are not Payment Plan sufficiently acquainted with ANNIVERSARY AT CIMARRONES Spanish to properly explain See Our Lines of themselves, and are not disThe atmosphere in and Pacuarito Day School, as the posed to hand up a few coloLiber Chairman for the afternoon.
Tweeds, Serges, Palm nes to assist in defraying the around the Cimarrones incidental to expenses ty Hall was filled with melo In opening the function; MP the Beach, Linens and dious sounds on Sunday the Thomas, in his accustomed elohunting out of the criminals: Drills.
While our Guards may be 8th. instant as a consequence quent maner particularly direc permitted to travel free on of the celebrating of the first ted the attention of the immen Anniversary of the Patriotic se audience to the vital nece the Railway, they will have ssity of training our children in Make your choice. Pay to incur expenses to otherwi Ethiopian Literary League.
se get from point to point, so At 30 a happy band such a way as will enable them any amount from one if complainants do not care of juveniles, who had been to worthily fill their places as to advance reasonable a skilfully prepared by Mrs our future men and women.
colón upwards. We make and mounts to cover such expen Escoe, entered the Hall, The first item on the prothe ses, what voluntad can they with a few appropiate remarks gramme was a coag by expect from the services beautifully Scharchmidt intro Choir whick was satisfaction.
those called to serve them? duced Thomas, the rendered. Several items consist well known Principal of the ing of solo, rets, quartettes and recitation followed with Miss Devi coing the neces sary musical companiment in her usual brilliant style Tre performance of all the chil dren certainly did credit to their parents and to Mrs. ESTHE ETHIOPIAN STRUGGLE STILL GOES ON Verta de paquetes 00 y 45. 00 en San José coe and her daughter who had expended much effort in Djibouti reports that news after a short resi.
their training. The splendid has been received by way of Intense fighting on all siassistance of the Pacuarito the Soudan of the surround des of Addis Ababa has been Choir did much to enhance our ing of 200 Italians in Debra reported, while several com San José. Teléfono 2198 success, and althoub we do Marcos, Western Ethiopia, panies of Italian soldiers sent not in the least wish to difwhose lives the Ethiopian from Hawash to disperse a ferentiate, we cannot help Commander promised to spa large number of native warmentioning Mr. Campbell re if they surrendered and riors who were operating in who completely captivated all gave up their arms. Reinfor the region between Olan Oia cements had been sent to their and Valeniti, were overpowwith his wonderful baratone The solos and musical rendiaid from Addis Ababa, but ered and entirely wiped out these had been subdued by Some 3, 000 alleged to have The Republic of Venezuela yversities and the perfection and tions of the Misses Woolery the native warriors. Other been carrying out mining o will, it is reported, embark on increase of the elements of nawere also highly apprecoated.
Italian troops were reported perations near the Gilre Ri a Three Year plan of public im tional defence and the Police Very inspiring addresses we beseiged in several parts of ver were also attacked by provements in the industrial system. It has also been an re given by Messrs. Ward Ly Gondar.
of night and the majority kil social and administrative sectors nounced that a revision of the ne and Fancy Pacuarito; Gallabad, a frontier twon, led; a large quantity of arms of the country.
Customs, Fiscal and Harbour Mrs Davies of 28 Miles: Mr one half of which is normal ammunition and various ma At a recent session of the Na legislation would also take pla Farquharson and Mr Feelling ly under British control is chines were captured by the tional Congress, President Elea ce with the view of altering ta ton of Madre de Dios as well now being also occupied by Ethiopians.
zar Lopez Contreras submitted riff rates, creating new bases as by Mr. Campbell to who Ethiopians. The entire Weshis programme which he antici for taxation and the adoption se efforts much of the League tern Ethiopia, including the pates being able to complete of such measures as would in success is due. After the Chair Lake Tsana region is now in during the remaining three crease maritime and river traf man had made a few yet ni possession of the Ethiopian years of his tenure of office. fic.
cely selected remarks of apof the Ethiopians, no Italians He aims at increasing the na President Lopez Contreras preciation and congratulation are left anywhere in Tigre, tion economic resources, the further plans to undertake cer the very pleasant meeting ca or Gojjam.
lowering of the cost of living. tain works with the ordinary me to a close with the singing Reports from Asbe Tafari better educational facilities, the appropriations approximating of the Doxology.
state of the arrival there of improvement of public sanita around 53, 000, 000 each year, All who had the pleasure large Ethiopian forces who tion as also the social condition while others involving an ex of attending this function exare making continuous atof the populace.
penditure of about 204, 000, 000 preaped thetr tire satisfac tacks on the more important The public works to be un Bolivars, or 68, 000, 000, pertion and reiterated their deter towns in Chercher. In Hadadertaken will include the cons annum will be financed with mination to make the Patrio ma, an Ethiopian General in truction of roads; improving long term Treasury Bonds. The tic Ethiopian Literary League flicted heavy casualties on the Fascists. The situation of Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON and augmenting the Cattle in reconstruction of the ports of a living example.
dustry: the establishment of wa Le Guarra, Maranaibo, Sucre, the Italians generally is said Wellington ter works and modern sewer Carupano, Los Morros de San to be so desperate that 10, 000 soldiers are kept on the roage disposal systems: the build Juan and Ciudad Bolivar is also ABOGADO ing of hospitals and social re conter plated under the three ve continuously, for the purpose of causing the natives to y NOTARIO PUBLICO lief stations: the establishment year plan, as well as the dredg. Slums Clearance Cost of institutions for the protection erection of Hotels and the consimagine they are additional men sent as reinforcement Oficina: Altos Pasthe construction of working truction of Bathing Beaches for These are sent by lorry from cual legianna men homes the creation of the bettering LONDON. More than 57, 000, 000 of the tourist Addis Ababa to Mogadishu rural and arts and crafts seho trade.
pound sterling has been spent by via Sidamo, and taken back (Tols; the transformation of unithe London County Council slum clearance in recent years, in volving the erection of approxima tely 86, 600 houses and flats housNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso ing 385. 000 persons.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back The magnitude of the operations de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: is shown by the fact that at the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before end of last March they gave emdentro de los primeros 10 días ployment to 5, 800 men, exclusive the 10th of the month.
of 2, 600 men engaged in maintede cada mes.
nance work.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do nos Le rogamos recordar esta clausura y evitarnos la pene The council is to be asked to vote oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que corfar su servicio.
5, 368. 800 ponds sterling more for we would much regret to take.
capital expenditure on housing this vear, while the additionalf sum of 130. 000 pounds streling in includ ed to cover the expenditure on proposals that may be approved later.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Anuncie en LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICC of motherhood and the children ing of the Maracaibo Bar, the London Over 50, 000, 000 on COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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