
RDAT om DO Why CAFIASPIRINA our OUR NEW HOSPITAL om DW FIASPIRINA Brazil Ads to Proted Political and Social Order BOOTH order with the aid or subBEST According to a Rio de Jn sidy of a foreign Power.
BAKED neiro announcement, more BERLIN than five hundred of the one MEXICO WANTS LARGER BREAD thousand and odd suspeets BUNS BISCUITS CAKES rounded up by the Police afFAMILIES ter government had subdued THE PEOPLE BAKERY the Fascist uprising of the The Republic of Mexico has BAYER 0, Box 179 Limon 11th instant, have been trans joined Italy and Germany in ferred to the Prison Colony, the campaign for larger famion an Island in Guanabara lies. President Cardenas has an BAYER Bay.
nounced the establishment of President Vargas has is an annual award of 5, 000 pesos ocas del Toro Being sued a broad list of offences for the Mother who gives the against the State for which greatest number of future citiSearched for Oil the Death penalty will hen zens to the country.
ceforth be imposed. The of It was specifically stated that fences include any attempt to the recipients must be of the change the political or social poorer class.
Under the Concession which toey hold from the government neighbouring Republic For many years CAFIASPIRINA has met. Panama, the Sinclair Oil Cor nece aration are again carrying out From Page been recognized as an unfailing remedy en in mewhat extensive operations land and construct thereon the necessory buildings for in colds, headache, influenza, and rheuthem the Bocas del Toro district. schools, workshops and the like, these youths would be reBAYER matic complaints. You should insist on som e29 years ago the Corpo claimed and converted into useful members of our comCAFIASPIRINA, not only because of tion endeavoured to locate munity In Cartago, there is an Institution conducted by e valuable fluid in this came its sure effect, but also because it does the Salesiano Fathers, where a limited number of boys are cality, but were apparently not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
th isuccessful.
fully However, they given elementory instructions, and afterwards placed in the The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears mist ve recently recommenced the workshop to learn whatever trade or profession they may arch in which more than a desire on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of tes In San José there is the Reformatory and the Home with zen of their geologists and for Orphans in which the young are cared and educated.
ining Experts are said to be enes gaged, and with the aid of Why can this some treatment not be meted out to the Nement e more up to date mechanical groid element of this Province?
yle id scientific apparatus at their It might be worth the while of some of our prominent cha sposal, it is believed it will not leaders of Thought to toke the initiative, and make proper 10 ke them long to determine as Es the existence or not of the representation to our Governor, and through him to the hed il in that district of the Repu President of the Republic. It is a matter of vital importTHE WATER PROBLEM Gandhi Says Death Near ic.
ance anto Limon has been without BOMBAY. Mohandas GanWater for the past two weeks dhi, who has led India millions CACAO embarcado en LIMON ABRIL 1938 It is most fortunate the rains along the troublesome road toward have been so persistent as political autonomy has predicted helg our housewives have beer his own early death.
bel Fecha VAPOR Embarcadores Consignatario the DESTINO Sacos enabled to perform their mul Kilos My days are numbered. al tifarious duties in a more a. 68 year old former Mahatma wrote me greable manner, and our se in the newspaper Harijan.
werage conveniences have se am not likely to live very long Orden HAMBURGO 200 14000 ANTIGUA Karl Kitzing cured a more generous supply 7000 100. parhaps a year or a little more.
Cia. Bananera Hugo Strick 924 15495 of the much needed fluid for For the first time in fifty years METAPAN Cla. Bananera Mosquero COLOMBIA 400 27668 flushings. find myself in the slough of deTe Liron Trading Co.
Orden JAPAN 363 25863 spond. All about me is darkness; 12 CORDILLERA Limon Trading Co.
CHILE 14000 We thought that by call. am praying for lights have Agencias Unidas HAMBURGO 100 7000 Karl Kitzing ing in the aid of Mr. Luis detected in me a flaw which, is 140 9800 Nichaus Co.
700 49000 Carballo, an experienced me unworthy of a votary of truth.
16 COLOMBIA Niehaus Co.
200 14000 chanic of the Northern Rail III for several months, Mr. Ghan 18 CHIRIQUI Karl Kitzing 200 14000 way Company, we would, by di is in the midst of a flight tor Limón Trading Co.
100 7000 this, have had an adequate freedom of political prisonners in Classen Co.
400 20000 21 DARIEN Cia. Bananera N. de Cho supply in our Cañeria, but Bengal Province. Despite his illCOLOMBIA 500 34685 Limon Trading Co.
Banco Popular the same fracaso remains. ness, he observed a day. long PERU 7000 100 Limón Trading Co.
Orden national JAPAN 16660 When can we expect the fast April 7, during ap Solórzano Co.
800 21000 tion 27 PHRYGIA Cañeria de Limon to be plac week.
Agencias Unidas 290 20810 Niehaus Co.
ed on equal terms of usefula CHILE 100 7000 Karl Kitring HAMBURGO 900 63000 ness to those in other com be carried into effect, so we ging Himmel von Storren Donner 50 8346 munities? Why is it the pro may enjoy the benefit of an Niehaus Co.
Orden 525 33750 mises of our President and up to date supply of waSurt Niehaus Co. Delius Co.
100 7500 Minister of Finance cannot ter?
Agencias Unidas Orden POLAND 70 4900 de Garcia Donner HAMBURGO 37 2591 29 IKIONA Limon Trading Co.
Orden JAPAN 124 8702 delet 29 VENEZUELA Agencias Unidas Gibbs Rickets Co. PERU 50 3462 Agencias Unidas PERU 70 Cricket Season 1938 TOTAL 6712 469202 (C. Resumen Free Prize of one Selected Cricket Bat will be given to the first Batsman to make 75 Runs Co. 8049 sacos HAPAG. 3212 sacos. SNSSCO 451 sacos. aggregate) in the 1938 Competition.
CONDITIONS: Runs to be made with a Embarcadores Sacos Kilos DESTINO Sacos Kilos Bat purchased from Jack Orane Store Claim Limon Trad. Co. 1225 78725 HAMBURGO 1976 299489 to be signed by Captain of Club and Two OffiG. Niehaus Co.
1625 114250 COLOMBIA 900 cial Umpires.
Karl Kitzing 1810 98800 JAPON 1315 Ed. Janin Co.
200 14000 CHILE 300 loud Also a Free Gift of a Bat Facing Hammer Cia. Bananera 1194 77748 PERU 15. 10382 Claussen Co. a Cone will be given all Clubs purchacing 400 28000 POLAND 70 4900 Agencias Unidas 501 35742 two Cricket Bats. Solórzano Co.
800 21000 de Alvarez Garcia 37 2591 von Storren 50 8346 a3d有三 200 288 18. 000 JACK ORANE STORE TOTAL 6712 469202 TOTAL 6712 469202 LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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