
(ágina 10 ZHE ATLANTIO VOICE SATURDAY, MAY 21st. 1938 UNIFORMS FOR GERMAN DIPLOMATS SERVICIO AEREO SEMANAL BLUE FIELDS Via BARRA DEL COLORADO BERLIN German diplomats bling those designating mill are to be put in uniforms. The eut ranks have been devised to and insignia will exclude any chan ferentiate the various grades.
ce of mistaking the government Another uniform for formal they represent casions consists of the custom Each member of the German dip evening dress with a white wi lomatic service will receive two coast but with additional gold separate outfits that Hitler has ap tons on the coat and a thin proved. One will resemble closely stripe down the trouser legs.
Hitler Elite Guard black uniform, will be taken to prevent confu but will be more elaborate.
between the latter uniform and The uniform cap will be deco somewhat similar garb worn by rated with broad bands of gold lers and footmen in many. braid as will the jacket. Special tions.
diplomatic service insignia resem AVION sale de LIMON todos los SABADOS a las a.
ALLAN SIME AEROVIAS NACIONALES CEDULA DE IDENTIDAD SE Robert JOHNSTON LIMON. COSTA RICA 10 AGENTE EN LIMON Importación Imports and Experts y re Exportacion 10 Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit SE Compra de Cacao en Cocoa Purchased grano Pastor greet the of do their ST. ANTHONY CONCERT Church. He also said he was des After much anxious expectathen presented to each member proud of the Society of St. An being res and trials of communal li sical and vocal talent, and tion and speculative dreamings o (the Society Directorate as thonuy and the work tinue until nigh, on elecen de regarding the widely announc also to Messrs. Harold carried out under the conscienfe After the good Father had clock when the inmmense ed function, the day of the Smith, Nation, Ruby, and tious guidance of its President appreciated dience dispersed after expr Sen 17th, instant arrived, and was others; then after a solo had Dr. de la Bastide, and his Offi closed his much selec sions of gratitude by as we had prognostigated, ac been sung followed by the pacers. He knew too, he said that remarks, a few choice His Chairman for the eforts companied with heavy showers thetic rendering of the Ave Ma His Lordship was very satisfi tions were rendered and The forward to make the functie of rain. The Association Direcria Mr Charles Hayling ed with the disinterested sacri Lordship left the Hau.
the second part of the programme the success it was financia ble tor did not, apparently, exhibited by fully read the elaborately got toge fice being Directorate in then started; it was composed socially and sentimentally. de master the psychology of prather Address of Welcome with Association yer and so, in his zeal for the which was associated not only their efofrts to modify the cal of numerous diversions in mu welfare of St. Anthony tinged the members of Sr. Anthonys it with some amount of selfish but the entire community over ІН ness. The showers did not, in which Holy Mother Church any manner daunt the enthu had, by the guidance of Divi iasm of the members and their ne Wisdom, been pleased to friends, for however much they elect him to spiritually govern ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE LA TRIBUTACION hour may have been interested in and guide. It was earnestly hop Co the long talked about Concert, ed that his new sphere of lawh DIRECTA the salient feature was the bour would be a long period fool knowledge that they were leb to filled with happy and affectiomeet and have a heart to heart nate associations. Very appreat talk with our newly instalte ciated selections on the Violin mo ces Vicar Apostolic, His Lordship and Piano by Mrs. de la Bas de Bishop Odendahl.
tide and others were here gi After some little waiting be ven, after which His Lodrship yond the appointed time: which replied to the many kind senti th was made very agreeable 5ments and manifestations of be the affability of the Director Welcome and good cheer exev Dr. de la Bastide, and pressed by all concerned.
ter his colleagues, as well as by Monseñor began by expressEL DIA 19 DE AGOSTO PROXIMO COMENZARA DISTRIBUIRSE LAS eve the geniality of the members, ing his regret in not being His Lordship arrived accora able to use the English langua CEDULAS DE IDENTIDAD CON LAS FOTOGRAFIAS ser panied by the Rev. Fr. Johnge, but he would endeavour ed and was ushered in by Mrs. he said, to make good by using Ral Clarke, amidst a special what he called the Universal chorus of Praise beautifully Language. the language of y se previene por última vez a los obligados a portarla que on bayan cumplido Dec rendered by he Choir. He was Love and Goodwill, which fill con llev, presentando las deelaracion. uecesarias en la fórmula blanca matand ed his his heart for all and in cada Nº y haciéndose fotografiar, que la cédula es requisito indispensable Sym which he would ever hold dear para todas las transacciones y para todos los actos del ciudadano, según lo Iber not only every member of his dispone el artículo 4º que dice: flock, but the whole communi ty of Limon. He whished the La Cédula es un documento de identificación y como tal greatest prosperity and hapoiness for all. He exhorted the deberá presentarse en los Tribunales, en las oficinas públimembers and officials of the alleviation of the suffering of cas, en las mesas electorales y en los actos notariales o de their fellow creatures which Fábrica de Hielo carácter político, civil o comercial. Tanto las autoridades would not fail to produce satis factory and loving results como los particulares interesados tienen derecho a exigir la among all members of the hu man family. Like his predece presentación de la Cédula.
LIMON 3sors, Bichop Blessing and Wollgarten, His Lordship soid La fórmula blanca que lleva el No es la que debe enviarse inmediatahe would dedicate the remain mente a esta Administración eon todos los datos de filiación, domicilio, etc.
der of hisearthly life to faithy puede obtenerse en todas las Gobernaciones, Jefaturas Políticas y Agencias fully advise, guide and streng de Policia.
then the faithhful of Limon.
La demora en obtener la cédula en agosto entrante les ocasionará dificul.
LA FLORIDA In his usual offectionate tades a los obligados a portarla y la Oficina de la Tributación les hace prestyle, the Rev. Fr. John sente que a última hora no le sera posible atender a todos los atrasados.
San José, mayo de 1933.
Fábrica de Hielo plained, in English, all that His Hordship had spoken, and Venta de Leche JORGE ARAGON CARLOS LARA he expressed his feelings of oride for the consistent fervour displayed by all in braving the inclement weather to COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY VICE for y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
exy Maderas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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