
etu. 1931 SATURDAY, MAY 21st. 1938 THE AT ANTK VOICE Page ATS LIMON TRADING COMPANY In bol VIDA ACTIVIDADES DE mittee composed of Messrs.
ated ora que The Races PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES IN DRUG STORE at Guabito LUMBER YARD By the accustomed courtewhich merits your Confidence, sy of Mr. Littleton of Guacimo, we were favoured The Botica Alemana We have opened a Lumber Yard with an official programme of the Races which were held where we carry in stock a complete Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
by the Guabito Racing Association at Blair Park, Guaassortment of all kinds of Native bito, on Saturday the 7th, ins tant under the Management Lumber. Special sizes to order.
of the Guabito Racing ComWe also have Portland Cement, RoofJ. Kelly Ponton, Jaing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenmes Patterson, Todd and Simm. The Meet tine and all other building materials.
was a grand success and proHemos tenido el gusto de de la cañeria de éste canton vided a very pleasant day for SEND IN YOUR ORDERS saludar al regresar de hacer es no solo deficiente sino both the residents of the district as well as the many vilos respectivos pagos en sus la al pasar por un caserío en LIMON TRADING COMPANY sitors from this Section of гри fincas a los señores don Lo formación en la parte sur del the Fruit Company operarenzo Telleb, don Ricardo Mo poblado y que como es natural tions.
Limon Division ra Fernández, don Sandro Sos estos habitantes deben forzoThere were Seven events, to, don Roberto Alpizar Young samente lavar y usar para to all over a distance of four Epost dos sus mesteres el agua del furlongs (12 mile) Pari Nacimiento rio que a su vez alimenta la ca Mutuel was conducted by the feria de ésta población.
Management, the intake for El hogar de don Begnicio Ro Decimos deficiente porque which was 10 per cent.
jas, y su señora esposa ha si las partes altas de la poblaThe First Race. The Mai do aumentado con el advenición por lo general no les lle den. saw five starters Nun Cirujano Denti Americano American Surgeon Dentist miento de una preciosa niñita, ga el agua y ésto se debe indu Nicer of Farm with Par De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, deseamos para sus padres y padablemente a falta de presión kinson up: Smallwood ownNew Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, ra la recién venida toda clase en los tanques de captación o ed by Patterson with Joc Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional eles de dichas.
a defectos de la misma cane. key Hart: Gallant Lady fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Upría que consisten muchas veces from Costa Rica Farm with Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic. Servicio de agua potable en gran desperdicio de agua Gibson up; Last Water of contiguo a la oficina Located next to the by en unas partes con perjuicio de Guabito Farm ridden by del Cabie. All America Cables Sobre este punto tenemos a otras y todo esto requiere la a Reid, and Reflexion owned e la llamar la atención a la honora tención de un forastero o per by Littleton with Jockey fins ble corporación municipal, pues sona encargada al efecto Stewart Gallant Lady won. Water (Barland Knight) se Race, for horses owned by halos de todos es sabido que el agua pueda regular los servicios with Last Water second and cond and third Pool Banana Contractors or Emque pueda también vigilar los Reflexion 3rd. Purses were paid 50 dollars. Time: 55 and ployees of the Division, was defectos, pues no es junto que dollars and 3rd. dollars. The 1st horse 30 dollars; 2nd. 10 seconds the most exciting. There webien THE METHODIST CHURCH pagando todos unos sean Purses were 60 dollars for re seven starters. Grant Ser servidos y otros no.
Pool paid 21. 60 dollars. Time, 59 and 12 secons.
the winner, 25 dollars for the ryman, Jockey Stewart: Shir LIMON 2nd horse and dollars for ley Shinola with Valver En cuanto a la mala calidad Five competitors again fac the 3rd.
de up; Nash Dorothy ridThe 24th May being the Two de agua ya hemos señalado aed the Starter for the Second hundredth anniversary of the grandes rasgas la razón y cree Race.
There were six starters in den by Danford; Coog Pattersons Wild the 4th. Race, and Clas le Billy Green, Jockey Gor Conversion of John Wesley from mos que para todo esto hay re Kite ridden by Hart; Red ses being barred. Shirley don; Charity Morning which the Methodist Church medio pues éste cantón está do Waterof Guabito Farm rid Shinola; Jockey Valverde; Star with Reid up; Watson took its rise, Bi Centenary ce tado de muchas fuentes de a den by Reid; Finale of Nash Dorothy ridden by Willard, Jockey Gibson, and lebrations are being arranged agua en la parte sur que pue Garm with Parkinson Danford; Charity F. Vaz, 2nd. April ridden by at all Methodist centres. In Liden utilizarse para el servicio up; Lady Star of Costa Rica Morning Star with Reid Matteson, 2nd. Aprei came mon, there will be special servi de la cañeria con la mayor fa Farm ridden by Gibson, up; Grant Serryman, in the winner with Serryman ces on Sunday 22nd when. besi cilidad siendo natural que and Trilby of Farm with Jockey Stewart Coogle 2nd and Morning SUR 3rd.
des the regular services at 11 municipalidad tendrá que hacer Stewart up. Trilby secured Billy Green ridden by Gor The Purses were 30 dollars 7, there will be one at las gestiones del caso para ob and Lady Star 2nd. and 3rd. With Jockey Gibson. Serry the 2nd horse and dollars first place with Red Water don, and Watson Willard for the winner, 10 dollars for The Rev. Airall of tenerla ador de quiera que esthe Valiente Indian Mission will te siendo uno de los elemen respectively. The Purses we man came in winner, be the Preacher, morning and tos de mayor necesidad with the 3rd. Pool paid 70 dolre The winner 40 dollars; para 2nd. Horse 20 dollars, Shinola 2nd. and Morning lars. Time 59 and 35 seconds.
evening, and preside at the Afuna población y con lo cual and Star 3rd. The Purses, were 30 ternoon Meeting On Tuesday 3rd. dollars. The Pool paid dollars for the Winner, 10 dol evening, the 24th, there will be puede evitarse una epidemia 80 dollars. Time 57 seconds lars; 2nd. horse and dollars, Five Horses came out for a Public Meeting at which seque en cualquier momento po The Third Race, open the seventh and last Race demos tener desarrollada veral addresses will be given, por all, brought out four. Hotlars. Time was 60 35 seconds, leton White War, Jockey to 3rd. horse, Pool paid 90 dol which was open to all. Lit la misma agur: pues and in addition there will be a puede water of Farm, Jockey The Fifth Event, open to all ser en cuadquier momento pre Gibson; Why Not of Farm Co horses of Class, ridden by Reid. Why Not Rally of the Months. This effort Stewart; of Farm is to raise funds for some much sentarse un caso de enferme 5, Jockey Reid: of needed repairs to our Church dad contagiosa en aquellas altu Farm 5, Jockey Parkinson: saw four starters Pat son Wild Kite ridden by and it is hoped our friends and ras y luego contaminar a toda and Littleton White Wa Blake; Red Water of Gua me owner with Jockey Gib terson Sea Spray, Jockey Blake; Hot Water of the sasympathizers will contribute la población por medio de la ter with Stewart up. Why liberally cañeria, para ello apelamos al Not was winner with white bito Farm with Reid up: bon, and Why Not of Farm testimonio de uno de los miem Flirt of Farm ridden by ridden by Reind. Why Not Referring to the special ser bros de la Honorable Corporacer estas pequeñas indicacioParkinson, and Trilby, also of again won White Water, the same Farm, ridden by Ste Barland vices announced in the above ción quien vive en aquellos lunes sin el menor fin de mortifi Knight, over the for tomorrow, the Rev. Airall gares y podrá darse cuenta me car a nadie y sí con el deseo by Red Water and Sea Spraycond with 3rd. The wart. Trilby won, followed short distance; he being sehaving found it impossible to jor que nadie de esta situa de beneficiar a toda la pobla as 2nd. and 3rd respectively. Purses were 75 dollars to the arrive in Limon on time, eión pues consideramos que to Purses were Winner 40 dol winner 25 dollars to the 2nd. one fixed for pm. has had No dudamos que los señores da persona consciente debe sen lars; 2nd horse 15 dollars, and dollars for the 3rd. Pool to be cancelled. Other fixtures munícipes ya tendrán sus pro tir temores al usar agua que and dollars for the 3rd: Pool paid 65 dollars. Time was 54 remain as stated.
yectos al respecto y que ellos no es exactamente limpia como padi 05 dollars. Time 56 45 25 seconds. E. PITT, mismos serán consecuentes con debe ser.
seconds SH Pastor Emeritus. la razón que nos asiste al ha Corresponsal The Sixth or Independent No Jockey was allowed to sit in any of the Races at less than 110 pounds, approximately stones. This is as it ought to be for it prevents horses being ridden by infants who cannot control MATINA y 24 MILLAS them, as it often happens he re.
Next to LA PROVEEDORA Los más surtidos Establecimientos de We understand a Nieet is Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber Messurements less than feet at LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES being arranged for Limon on the 4th July. It is hoged the Háganos una visita.
Management will take many 0. 25 per foot leaves from the Guabizo programme Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
la or the ción Lumber Deposit SAITA Нор HOP LEE LUNG


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