
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE 117 air WIRELESS NEWS border. Tu MO of theo that By seeking God perseveringly with our whole heart, at last we find Him through an opening of an inward spiritual faeulty When we reach to, or know God in this Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone way, we find His Peace. When we find His Peace, all the ills Editor English Section: NATION of life which our contrary Will and false Imagination have caused, tend to fade away: In place of our self created maAfter this Year IV No. 196 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday May 28 1938 ladjustment corres God Divine Adjustment.
necd of In order, however, to attain this consciousness we must spend a few minutes each day in silent meditation and comTHE CZECHO GERMAN DIFFICULTY THE SITUATION munion It is only when our self willing, doing and thinkThe differences between in other benefits with a view ing have died away from us, can we enter into the spiritual Czechoslovakia and the Nazi of settling the internal diffirecognition of Spirit IN MEXICO God is a Spirit, and can only be worshipped in Spirit government are regarded as culties with which the counand in Truth er having reached a much more try is faced; but no consserious position than ever in titutional reforms will be a Notwithstanding the strict consequence of the many acts Howed.
censorship measures adopted of violation which the France and England are by the government of Mexiforces of the contending na still pursuing their efforts to co, it is stated that the retiones are alleged to have ma have the entire difficulty set volutionary movement recenskede over each others territo tled through diplomatic chan tly started by General Cedi Jerusalem Threats of a SHANGHAI. Reports from Hitler is supposed to be send nels, with a view of staving nla is assuming greater dim Moslem Holy Wa Palestine Missionaries at Atuntze, on the ach Bring more troops into North off a general European con ensions than was at first tho should be partitioned without wild Tibetan Yunnan eastern Austria opposite the flict. For her part, however, ught possible. It is estimated the fulfilment of Arab demands told of a miniture war which Pri most vulnerable section of England has declared she is that about 40, 000 natives of were reported coincident with resulted rom the execution Czechoslovakia frontier, now in a condition to perfec all classes have joined the new terrorism in which three of a Tibetan official charged while the withdrawal of ot tly defend her territory in movement and that around persons lost their lives and with 200 murders and innumes her German forces previous the air despite the assertion 15, 000 of these are fully ar iwenty were injured. Sheikh rable caravan robberies.
ACH ly reported is now said to that Germany and Italy are med. Various clashes with Kashef Al Ghata, a high Mosting on orders given by the Yu have taken place only in one possessed of more and better the federal forces have ta lem authority, telegraphed the nnan government three years pe place where they ſell back war machines. In a state ken place and in view of the warning of a Jihad. or Holy previously, the soldiers shot the for only about twenty miles. ment made in Parliament, victories which it is alleged War, to King George, it was official. He Cheng Tsmng. When The home government is also Premier Chamberlain said the government obtained, Es said to be continuing the con the war planes of Britain are the President of the Repu reliably reported from Iraq. his feudal retainers heard It was said he would call on the execution, they that od centration of their forces in the most rapid in the world, blic is of the opinion attacked and the whole Moslem world to sup the town disturthe vinicity of their borders while the new types of her the strength of the captured 20 with Germany bombing machines possessed bance has been destroyed. port the Holy Lands Arabs. Blockhouse, after several days It is announced that the such tehnical improvements On the other hand it is said fighting the defender surround ure si e government is disposed to that it was hardly possible the rebels are more disposed ed them and killed nineteen.
Up concede the German minori for them to be surpassed by to centre their activities in ty local autonomy and certa those of other nations. guerilla tactics than openly VIENA. The officiaWie facing the government tro iner Zeitung, published a De.
cree onthe 25th. instantan Washington. An overpowe According to the reports of nouncing confiscation of the entring coalition, consisting large, VISIT the government, the main tire property o ſthe Monastery ly of Northern Democrats and foice of the Cedillistas are of St. Lambrecht in Styria, te, Republican, pushed the Wage of pr On Saturday, June 4th, our best efforts for the welfare of Local scholars will evidence a the community, as it realizes retiring to the mountain re longing to the Catholic Order Hour Bin through the House of awakening in matters that this tends to the well being country in order to avoid not disclosed.
gions in the North great of the of St. Benedict. Reasons were Representatives on the 25th by sta educational by the visit of the of the country. We consequen lydestruction by their troops; a vote oí 314 to 97. Many SouTe pupils of the Jesus Jimenez expect the Professors, but it is also supposed that hern Democrats fought to the School of Cartago to their coll. Teachers and Pupils of the Je General Cedilla hopes to larlast, but without success, top Ea eagues of the Rafael Yglesias sus Jimenez School are looking gely increase his followers has disclosed a letter in which giving the South lower wase Bucarest. The government force adoption of amendments he of the city. It is expected they forward to the co operation of in these parts and to obtain it is said Corneliu picks will be accorded a wonderful all who will honour the oes additional arms Codreanu, minimums than the North. The 19 and other El reception, and shown Fascist Leader of the Iron measure, great casion by their presence and fighting material from across Guards, had sought German the same standards in all sec is as it applies, passed del comradeship among our pupils interchange of thought. the frontier out of all grades. The kindest of interstate fine programme is being industry, Rebel planes piloted by help to make Rumania a Nazitions of ai sentimentality will also, we an prepared for the evening of the foreign aviators are said to country in 1939. The letter was with few exceptions. It calls ab ticipate, be displayed by the 4th of June, while a display of have raided various towns read at a secret session of the for a minimum wage starting members of our community.
Tribunal first physical exercises. which conducting at 25 cents an hour the will hips in the San Luis Potosi Military In pursuing its great work of no doubt be a lesson of art to region; no information regar the trial ow Codreanu on char year, and increasing five cents cultural comradeship, the School our local educationalists, will ding the damag es inflicted ges of Espionage and High Trea each year until 40 cents is Board of Costa Rica counts al be given at o clock the fo low. were, however, disclosed.
son. It was addressed to the attained. la provides for maxiways on the valuable co opera ing morning.
German Nazi Party and de mum weekly hours dropping tion of all who dedicate their manded material and moral irom 44 the first year to 40 support for the Iron Guards, after the second. Amendments MORE LABOUR in exchange for the promise were approved exempting that as soon as Rumania beca Fishing industry, Newspapers DISTRURBANCES me a Nazi nation, the Iron of less than 3, 000 circulation Guard would conclude a poli and Child Movie Actors from tical and economic treaty with the application of the Measure.
Germany SERVICIO DE VAPORES IN JAMAICA ad nom Salidas semanales de Limón paro Nuevo York Jamaica is reported to be cor, escala en Hobana solamente.
again in the throes of serious 9991797 labour disturbances following Llevando cafe para todos los puertos Europeos on a strike initiated by worCricket Season 1938 kers on the wharves.
y Americanos Kingston, the Capital city. VAPORES was the prinicipal centre of SALIDAS the trouble. Several clashes occurred between the police Free Prize of one Selected Cricket Bat will be JAMAICA and the strikers and their Mayo 30 sympathizers; and a woman given to the first Batsman to make 75 Runs VERAGUA Junio and her ten year old son are (aggregate) in the 1938 Competition.
reported to have been killed CHIRIQUI Junio 13 when the police opened fire CONDITIONS: Runs to be made with a on a large number of the Bat purchased from Jack Orane Store Claim strikers who had attacked employees of the Sanitary to be signed by, Captain of Club and Two OffiF. ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
department while at work cial Umpires.
on the water front.
Also a Free Gift of a Bat Facing Hammer Agentes para Limón y Puntorenos.
Several arrests have been made.
The Britsh soldiers a Cone will be given all Clubs purchacing stationed in the Island were Pare etros informes dirijase a les oficines de lo two Cricket Bats.
movilized to patrol the streUNITED FRUIT COMPANY ets of the city in motor vehicles, and the services of loen los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica cal volunteers were also seTELEFONO 3156 cured by the authorities 20 assist in ehe maintenance of LIMON To Page the UNITED FRUIT COMPANY HOMJUIC. JACK ORANE STORE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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