
Alphonse and his Tour in England If prematurely aged, Fertilinets use Dr. Medal Jr.
The Methodist Missionary Society of London, seemingly desirous of acquainting its consTHE VOGUE TAILORS tituency wit hthe work among the Valiente Indians, requested Rogers the presence of our brother in England.
It was solely on this account the rejuvenating we believe, the trip was made.
hormone proparation Buy Your Suits on Easy This being so, we feel sure that FOR WOMEN many of the friends of our according to Dr Ride. Weisss.
esteemed Payment Plan be brother would Ask forow illustrated booklet delighted to know how he is faring during his stay in that See Our Lines of country. On the voyage our FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES friend was invited by the CapTweeds, Serges, Palm tain to conduct the services on Literatura by the Agents: Beach, Linens and the two Sundays. He was furthFEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPEL.
er honoured by both Captain San José. Box: 329 and passengers, to be Master of Ceremonies at the farewell Make your choice. Pay party on board. On his arrival in London, he was taken right any amount from one away to the Missionary Society: then in session at the historic colón upwards. We make 24 Bishopsgate, and without further ado, was called upon your suit to your entire to address them. This Mr.
most Alphonse said was the August assembly he had ever Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel faced. Our brother seemed to that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments have made a tremendous impres sion on the Committee; for he previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulote was invited to join them next of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy dey in the conference held at Swanwick in Derbyshire; in DEPARTMENT OF DIRECT TAXATION company with such stalwarts as the redoubtable Noble, CEDULA OF IDENTITY Arthur Banks, Wm. Meeting which takes place in on the contrary we would say Paton, the distinguished author the great Central Hall, West what another outside the domi and Dermott Monahan, Aminster, the Cathedral of Brit nation has said: Mr. Alphonse Distribution of these Cedulas with Photographs will (Oxon. Keble ish Methodsim; Mr. Alphonse deserves all the good things he commence on the Ist. day of August next He returned to London on appiirson the 1) ogramme gets. For him we pray, may the following Monday and next along with the President of the his bow ever abide nn strength For the last time ALL PERSONS cbligoted to carry day Tuesday, he flew across to Conference. The official proContributed some who have not yet complied with the Low by present Paris in company with the Mis gramme reads: ing the necessary declaration on the White Formulo morked sionary Secretary; and at his The Annual Meeting of the KING GIVES UP No and have been photographed, ARE WARNED thot Cereqpest, addressed to the French Society.
dala is on indispensable requisite for all transactions and Synod, we received a Chair: Sturdy. Esg.
Acts of Citizenship, os defined by Article which is as warm welcome. In Paris he PNOM PENH, Cambodia follows: visited such historic places as Speakers: The President of French Indo China. King The Cedulo is o document of Identification and as the Louvre, Arc de Triumphe the Conference. The Rev. Ro Sistwath Monivong, ruler of such must be presented in the Tribunals, in Public Offices, with the grave of the Unknown bert Bond, Rev. Frank the ancient kingdom of Camof the Electoral Tobles as well as in oll octs of a Notarial Soldier, the great Notre Dame Noble (Southern Rhodesia. bodia, who is reputed to haor political character, civil or commercial. Public AuthoCathedral, and the Eiffel Tower. Rev. Wilfred Barnett, ve 200 daneing girl wives, tities as well as private individuals have the right to demand Flyin back to London he found (Trichinoply. Rev. Al finds that even a goldenthe presentation of a Cedula.
crowned potentate in these The White Form which carri esthe 6 is the one which engagements awaiting him for phorese. Indian Mission, Retimes cannot afford so many should be sent immediately to this Department with all Forest Gate and other places public of Panama. consorts.
in that city. In his winsome way Thus it will be seen that our the dato regarding identification, residence, etc. it may So His Majesty, who now be obtained in all the Offices of Governors, Jefes Politicos our friend seems to have hyp: brother has done remarkably is nearly 60, has decided to and Police Agents.
notized his audiences with his well and evidently succeeding reduce the number of his roDelay in obtaining this Cedula by August next will message. He is having crowded in placing Jamaica and Panama yal favorites by an even half.
occasion difficulties to those compelled to carry it, hence congregations and very flatter on the map in England. Those who no longer are the Department nows states that it will not be possible, oting compliments being paid him.
In the Child News attached to the King bed the last moment, to attend to the tardy ones.
I: is a signal honour to have paper the most popular of its, and board will eontinue their among others, Englishmen pre kind in England, edited by Ar profession as exponents of Son Jose, Moy 1938.
senting him with bouquets of thur Mee, there appears on the Cambodia famous classical JORGE ARAGON CARLOS LARA English flowers.
front page an appreciation of dancing, which is known Mr. Alphonse has also had air. Alphonse and his work by throughout Asia.
the distinction of being televis Mr. Hubert Peet, the man ed throughout London by the who brought Aggrey of AchiBritish Broadcasting Company, mote to the front. But perheps by special request and this, the greatest of all the tributes LIMON, COSTA RICA think, made him the first Meth paid to our friend is that which odist Missionary to be thus ho comes from the Missionary SoMADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS noured. Is is also announced ciety of London, requestion Sythat Mr. Alphonse has been nod in Jamaica o allow Mr AICompro cacao Material de Tranvia invited to broadcast on the phonse to remain in England Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo 1500 Meter, on the 12th of June for the English Conference of at P. from Leeds. About Methodists. We certainly do not Fábrica de Hielo Importación de mercadería en general. or A. her begrudge our brother any of the At the Society great Annuall good things coming his way; y Refrescos LIMON Nos permitimos liomar su atención a lo nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not LA FLORIDA Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitorios la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortor su servicio.
we would much regret to fake.
Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas MASHIRISHADOWHITROSTANDUPINDOTARRAK Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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