
Death of Passion Play Prominent Actor 28th. 1938 If enfecbled by age, ngland Why CAFIASPIRINA. Virilinets use CAFIASPIRINA sulate mocy The little Alpine Village of Oberammergau in Germany, known the world over for its the rejuvenating Passion Plays, mourns the loss hormone preparation of its most famous character, FOR MEN, the sixty three year old Anton Lang who aaording to Dr. Rich Weiss.
impersonated The excellent reputation that Ask for our illustrated bokke the Christ from 1900 to 1930. CAFIASPIRINA enjoys the The noted Actor died in a world over is sufficient proof Munich hospital during the of its excellent quality.
SOLD BY ALL DRUG STORES night of the 19th instant after CAFIASPIRINA can be dean operation for a stomach ail pended on in colds, headache, Literatura by the Agents: ment. He was generally regar influenza, and rheumatic comFEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPEL.
ded as representing the tradi plaints, and has no harmful efSan José. Box: 329 tional Germanic ideal of the fect on heart, stoma or kidneys Savious.
The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears on every tablet, quarantees its excellence.
keeper, as in the case of BEST Holt, who proved himself the BAKED he Pathfinders have return leading all rounder of the West BERLIN he BREAD from Jamaica a lot happier Indian 1828 Team, when BUNS they were last year, as kept wicket in the greater num BISCUITS CAKES succeeded in winning the ber of games in place of Dewmer High School, who are hurst, the selected Keeper.
THE PEOPLE BAKERY Champions of the Sunlight did it grandly, for he success Box 179 Limón and obtained several fully held Francis and George wn games. Due to the splen Johns.
achievements of our leadnot BAYER JA slow bowler, Si Maxwell. Leon, Lawrence of the Moti Nicaragua Builds Palace also shone with the willow ve Power, is our leading allI on the field, the team did rounder. He bowls a useful hall MANAGUA, Nicaragua The better than on their previ trough his Skipper does not Nicaraguan Government has made ientel tour. Experts have express seem to know his worth.
a contract with the American firm Le of contractors, Pablo Domobach and ments the opinion that Maxwell Ray and Sutton are the next Gautier, Ltd. of New York, the most impressive and best.
for additions to the national palading all rounder of the team. Thanks to the indefatigable ce now under construction which was seen at his best in the Secretary of the Jamaica will cost more than 300. 000 cordoGERMANS TO REPORT ALL FOREIGN CREDITS mes against the Cold Stor Mr. Lacy, who by the bas.
BERLIN The Finance, unts, securities, loans, morte and Porus Clubs. He got way has been selected as Assis The palace when completed will Ministry has issued an order gages, insurances and proce 000 ght wickets for 71 runs in the tant Manager of the 1939 West be the largest in Central America that all foreign credits ordereds of inheritances.
rmer and five for ten in the Indian tour to England, and will cost about 1, 000, 000. The by Germans or persons domour It was stated the details wuld say tter, and am surce if he had touring team was allowed free offimne that, since the earthquake ing Austria, must be repor tistical purposes and not in palace will house the government iciled in Germany, not includ were needed merely for stane domi en allowed to comence the atlenry to the Melbourne grounds of 1931, have been scattered through led to the Reichsbank.
Iphose tended ck with Smith Campbell they to watch the Club team dnes in the city in rented buildings.
to involve possible ould have won that game, as their game against the Fruit The palace is being constructed They include bank acco surrender of the credits.
ve witcket was a drying one men. It is hoped that what from the tax on cigarettes, now one trength nd suited Maxwell bowling. was seen will be always remem of the largest sources of revenue.
sed BREVITIES OF INTEREST gain, at Port Royal, if he had bered, and utilized for the im een sent in earlier the victory provement of our Cricket.
It is stated that among Haile Selassie is reported.
ould have been theirs, as he shall later on have someth ES. as on to the bowling with 15 ling to say with respect to the Francisco Fonseca Ch those nominated as candida. to have sent the Secretary tes for this year Nobel Pea General of the League of Nabodia. although batting so low West Indian Tour.
LAWYER NOTARY ce Prize are Franklin Ro tiones a cheque for 10, 000 own. In his bag are two PUBLIC osevelt, Haile Selassie and Swiss francs shortly before ler of enior Cup players, DaSilvar Lindhagen, an outstanding the meeting of the 9th. instCari nd Lewin of the Vere ANTHEMS PROHIBITED ON Swedish pacifist.
ant. The sum equalled abguf o ha równ Simms was steady as Office: 6, 500 gold francs and was a er sual but toward the close of ARGENTINE BROADCASTS Adjoining to the City According to the Voice of token payment of Ethiopia iden. Je tour he showed poor form FORMER JUDGE OF THE St. Lucia the government back dues amounting to.
these le twice reached the forties.
many mith Campbell did not of Trinidad has rejected the 117, 000 gold francs.
give BUENOS AIRES, ArgentiLIMON DISTRICT COURT suggestion of the British autf his best; due, suppose, to na. Radio broadcasting of horities for the settlement of New Anti Tank Gun for zealousness. Whenever Argentine and foreign natiorefugee Jews in that West 10 hese three failed, the Criticnal anthemns, except in speIndian Island Army su ays the side was up against it. cial cases, has been forbidden MORE LABOUR half. The Skipper did his part well. in Argentina. new 37 mm. anti. tank gun. From Page are do not think my fried was The ban prohibited broadwhich fires a shell at such velobed erious when he told the Press casting of foreign hymns, city that it can penetrate more than FROM PAGE an Inch of armor than their nan that Smith Campbell was marches and songs regarded order. They were supplied war 1, 000 yards, is now being tested by tosta Rica leading all round as contrary to Argentine po with rifles and other msical In fairness to the player, he litical ideals at any time, ex equipments.
Apparently the King de the army.
In view of the serious da cision to economize on the Down in no way superior to The fun is basically the German cept on occasions recognized for patriotic festivities of the mages done to private pro number of his dancing wives 27 mm. anti tank weapon which Iarrison of Construction; 5)
scott of Motive Power; of perty, all the public service has the hearty approval of has done such yeoman service in respective countries.
Dr. Adrián Escobar, Direc companies plants were plac the French Government who Spain and has been praised by Sroves, Isaacs, and Hayl.
ing Jr. He is not the equal ei tor General of Posts and Te ed under military protection. se slender budget for Cambo many military experts. It has been legraphs, issued the order be various establishments of the dia will not allow it to in modified and improved.
Maxwell. To name an indiviStill in the development stage, cause the Argentine Govern Chinese traders were sacked. crease the King present ciand The Governor jual as the leading all rounder ment regards much broadcas ready of the Isl vil list and royal allowances for production, it combines most as yet nowhere near a team or country, he must ting of foreign anthems and and has announced he is wi said to amount to 10. 000, 000 of the advantages of the German pesuperior to all others. Away music as having propaganda lling to appoint a Board of franes a year. Cambodia is a gun. mobility, low carriage and from the one chosen for the Conciliation to mediate bet protectorate of France purposes.
in easy concealment qualities, high position, he must be a Wisketween the strikers and their French Indo China.
velocity and penetrative power employers, in the meantime two cruisers have been dispached from Bermuda to help the local authorities in PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES controllling the situation.
The latest advices received IN DRUG STORE MATINA y 24 MILLAS by us, disclose that the disorder is spreading. clash which merits your Confidence, occurred with the military Los más surtidos Establecimientos de force in Spanish Town and LICORES, TIENDA reinforcements had to be sent ABARROTES from police headquarters in Háganos una visita.
Kingston, who were again Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
compelled to use their fireDOW Ver King Gives.
at more 13 HOP LEE LUNG The Botica Alemana arms.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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