
AY 28th. 193 THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE Largest Buyer Nicaraguan Products LIMON. TRADING COMPANY 50 per LIMON TRADING COMPANY NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY COSTA RICA HORARIO PUBLICO Hores Horas Horta Hora has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havMANAGUA, Nicaragua.
The United States was the lar ing cured an immense number of persons who sufLUMBER YARD fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These gest purchaser of Nicaraguan first now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from products during the such complaints as quarter of 1938, buying twothirds of all of Nicaraguan We have opened a Lumber Yard COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, exports LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, Nicaragua in turn purchaswhere we carry in stock a complete BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION ed almost two thirds of her assortment of all kinds of Native imports from the United States. Germany, with the bar Lumber. Special sizes to order.
ter system, was the second THE DUKE OF AOSTA REPORTED DEAD largest buyer and seller.
We also have Portland Cement, RoofBecause of the lowest priThe Voice of Ethiopia cists and others. It was also ce of coffee since 1880 Nicaing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenCorrespondente at Djibouti noticed that on the following ragua purchasing power reports that during the month day, the 16th. the flag at the was reduced almost tine and all other building materials.
of April there was an unu Italian Consulate in Djibouti cent.
sual amount of fighting thro was flown at half mast.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ughout the greater part of Coupled with these facts Ethiopia, and that in one of was the announcement, about the engagements which took the same time, from Port who would be returning to place between Ambo and Said, Egypt, that Field Mars Rome in consequence of havAddis Ababa the Duke of hal Italio Balbo had been se ing contracted a tropical ailLimon Division Aosta was so seriously injur lected to succeed the Duke ment.
name ed that the is believed to have died shortly after in Addis Ababa.
Although no officeial anno uncement was released by the Italian government in connAND OPERATED LINES ection with the matter, the report is said to have been greatly strengthened by the arrival of the Mother and Brother of the Duke in Djibouti from Rome on the 15th.
April. They left immediately for the interior, and on being. supposed, the critical conditions of the que regirá desde el 26 de Abril de 1937 hasta nuevo aviso Duke they left their train at Dirie Dawa and continued by (EL PRESENTE HORARIO ANULA TODOS LOS ANTERIORES)
plane to the Capital. There was also the very unusual RUMBO AL OESTE RUMBO AL ESTE order, issued by the authori(LEA PARA ABAJO. LLA PARA ARRIBA)
ties the same day, that all Dario Diano ESTACIONES Duria Claria the people in Addis Ababa Domingo Diario acepto except Daria Diario Dlarla Daria Bering caplo acepta Darle solamento should remain in their houDaminges Domingo Domingos Domingos peste ses in order, it was alleged, Hores Horts Horas Horas Hoe Horns to prevent riots between FasHoras 14 30 CO 10 30 LIMON 15 15 15 55 10 13 14 40 10 10 38 MOIN JUNCTION 15 07 15 45 10 03 UNTO CAESAR!
14 40 10 MOIN JUNCTION 15 45 10 03 14 54 30 CASTRO 15 25 945 Dear Mr. Editor: 15 34 725 ZENT 14 30 y (0 As a member of the com 15 41 745 ESTRADA 14 10 851 munity and a regular reader of your worthy Weekly. venture 10 38. MOIN JUNCTION 15 07 to intrude on your generosity 15 41 45 11 25 ESTRADA 14 20 14 10 51 with these few lines.
15 46 00 11 30 MATINA 14 15 13 45 Some time ago a statement 16 50 13 45 40 12 25 SIQUIRRES 13 35 12 15 39 47 disclosing the monetary trans16 58 13 51 48 12 31 LA JUNTA 13 20 11 25 25 71 37 actions of the Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association during a 18 05 15 25 GUACIMO JUNCTION 40 630 given period appeared in your 18 35 16 00 GUAPILES 00 00 paper, anl though it was bit16 10 terly criticized and condemned TORO AMARILLO 50 some of us who even then were 48 12 31 more kindly disposed toward it, LA JUNTA 13 20 11 25 are now convinced of its use11 00 00 13 30 PERALTA 12 24 18 45 10 10 fulness. We are confident that 12 00 40 14 00 TURRIALBA 11 53 18 10 25 had such a statement not been 12 35 15 14 28 TUCURRIQUE 11 25 17 37 35 published, we would not have 13 15 50 14 50 JUAN VIÑAS 11 05 17 14 00 been accorded the pleasure of 13 45 15 15 08 SANTIAGO 1046 16 54 23 wading through the very inte14 25 41 15. 36 PARAISO 10 20 16 29 53 resting reports subsequently 14 45 55 15 55 CARTAGO 10 05 16 17 35 released in connection with the 16 10 28 16 22 TRES RIOS 28 15 45 00 financial and general manipula17 15 15 45 55 16 45 SAN JOSE 00 15 15 tions of the other Societies. We 30 55 17 40 HEREDIA 30 were never proviously treated to such details, and while 18 10 ALAJUELA 00 we heartily appreciate the motive Hora Horas Horm Hora Hores Hora Horne Horas Hoca and sincerely congratulate those RIO BANANO RAMAL DE CAIRO RAMAL DE INDIANA RAMAL DE MONTE VERDE concerned for the successes obtained we cannot RUMBO AL CESTE forget ROMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE ROMBIESTE RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL VESTE from whence they came, hence les para abaloi ESTACIONES Klea para arriba (La para abate)
ESTACIONES Les para nibalea para Abalos ESTACIONES Lea para arriba (La para alo)
ESTACIONES La sehem Martes Sabado Vis the object of this communica Sabado Sibado solamente solamente olentata tion. to give unto Caesar that Hor Hones Horne Horde which is his; to thank Me. Pro13 10 Banarito 50 14 00 Siquirres moter Blackman and those 40 16 15 Dorotea 30 15 20 14 50 La Perla 14 10 Beverly 05 14 C6 La Junta. 16 10 associated with him, for their 50 Carmen 20 15 55 Monteverde 14 15 good services in this respect.
14 40 Limón 30 14 11 Cairo Junction 16 05 10 35 Siqüirres. Empale)
645 May they long continue their 14 55 Golden Grove 15. 20 16 10 Siquirres 14 00 unselfish activities on behalf Horne Har.
Horze Hores Нос Horas Hora suffering and needy fellow creatures.
35 01 Thanks, 10 ST9 baske CHITTENDEN, SHEEHY, Jaime C, Edwards.
GEPENI SUPERINTENDENTE, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
More Horas Martes Miércoles Miércoles solante Sabado Vered solamente Horn Hora Mora Hoca ities they Horas of our he


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