
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE WIRELESS NEWS The new Emergency Porn FISH MANURE Perfectly 251h. Mas by the Legislation Healthy say Manufacturers Omnipotence con never fail, it is only our wovering faith that can cause weakness It is of necessity Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone then that we should maintain an attitude of foith and Editor English Section: C. NATION trust in Omnipotence, by keeping our mind stayed upon God That is, ceasing from the surface activities of life with all its struggles and disharmonies, and become Year IV No. 198 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturdey June 11 1958.
attuned to the Interior Divine adjustment THE RIOTS AND STRIKES IN JAMAICA THE UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION The city of Kingston, Jamal six pence for overtime work per much revolver shots passed as ca, has passed through the most hour.
well as stone throwing This It is leamt Messrs Dan Roberts and Franklin, trying period of its existence At Spanish Town the prison mob was however soon quelled.
the only survivors of those in whose names the property of within history. From Friday the doors were attacked with a view All the commercial places had the Organization was bought in Trust, are being called 20th of May to the following of liberating the prisioners and To page 10 upon to transfer their privileged ownership to the Associo Friday, the 27th. strange extion proper periences happened in and This might be well so os to avoid further expenses in around that city and Spanish cose of the death of these gentlemen, but it might olso be Town in which over 10, 000 perBERLIN. Foreign quar lein substantial backing for well if the present administration would call o general Con sons were involved. As a conse.
vention of those interested and have a reunion of friendly quence, the Police, the Military. ters predict that developm his claim that he cnjoys the Germrelationships and a reinstatement drive among the Roce the Special Constables and the ants of the next two weeks support of Minority indicate if the demand of ans as a whole in his demaenthusiasts, so that there could be no discussions of Party Marines from the M feelings among the thousands interested in the Movement. Ajax, had to be heavily armed German and other minority nnds for autonomous governelements in Czechoslovakia ment, The notions of the earth are aiming at the dissemina and placed on the streets to en would indicate if the demand tion of movements for Peace by every word, deed and thou force law and order and to put Sion this summer. Meanwhile ght in consequence of their experiences of the horrors of an end to mob rule.
German Nazis looked forwor; there is therefore, no reason why the Negroes of Costa As the liberation of the pri ward to tomorrow Munici HENDAYE. counter Rice should not come to a conclusion os to the imbecility soners in custody was threater sal elections as they expec revolutionary movement agaof continual warfare and aloofness with the disintegration ed as well as interference with ted the German Minority inst General Franco in Naof their common interests.
food, water and light supplies. Party to poll a good vote and tionalist Southern Spain is There is no gainsaying the fact that ever since the an Emergency Law had to ther thought a completion of persistent reported. One unadopted by the Goverror bickerings and dissentions started in the Limon Division, in all returns would give HenTo pake 11 sides have been taken among the Branches on the Lines, Council to cope with the fleza!
situation and as a consequence that same spirit of turmoil and estrongement among individuol members, who might otherwise have been on the most amicable relationships, are on Wednesad evidenced in almost every section. These of course produce. Council enables Governor the corresponding result deterioration in the Aims and Objects of the Society, with no Peace, no Love, no clannis to proclaim a state of emergen The Editor As proof of this, may menhness, no comradesiaip among members, no progress, no cy whenever any body of per The Voice of the Atlantic. tion that the people in our Inottainments educationally, socially, influentially or econosons threaten to interfere with Costa Rica, Central America, dustry in the city of Hull enjoy mically in any Branch or Division of the Great Organization.
food, fuel, water, light supplies Dear Sir the best health record of any In view therefore of this new move for transference or with communications. Dur copy of your valuable industry in this big city. It is of interests nthe properties (that of Siquirres included)
ing the period the proclamation newspaper dated March 26 extremely rare that we have under one great head, we would advise that o general reuis in force, the Governor int has reached me, and was men absent from duty except nion of sentiments be called in Limon, on clear month Privy Council, can take steps to very grieved indeed to read for common colds, and never notice being given to all existing Divisions and Bronches, insure the supply of necessaries your editorial article. which once during my forty years asduring which period oil reeings or hostility should be put and otherwise preserve public was devoted to the smell of sociation with this trade have awoy All members, born in Limon and in the defunct safety Fish Manure: and possibly. we lost a man from any health Bronches, should be given a chance to reinstate themselves, because we have been shipping trouble that has been traced so that this suggested Conference would mark an era of Courts of Summary Judisdic considerable quantities to Cos back to his employment.
unselfish prosperity and social interchange of wholesome tion may try persons guilty of ta Rica recently, naturally in This, think you will agree, thoughts tending toward the best interests of the Orgaoffences under the Regulations terpreted your remarks to be is a wonderful record and one nization issued by the Governor, but directed at our product.
we have just reason to be proud cannot inflict flines of Ri. meber, it is not individual members who suffer by more Now let me say staight away of, and think it does constituthese dissentions, but the Organization itself.
Let every than one hundred pounds fully understand the te proof that whilst the smell sentences of more than three smell of this commodity Negro cease bickering and encouraging Party feelings, os can may be obnoxious, it is certain well as the idolization of the individual, and look toward months. No Proclamation can be be disagreable to people who not unhealthy.
in force for longer than the intellectual progress of the Association and all that it are not accustomed to manufac Perhaps it will interest you means to the Race month after which, however, a tirring or handling it, but do if just mention that there was new one can be issued wish to contradict most empha a time, some years ago, when No regulations under the Act, tically the statement that the we seriously considered introTO OUR COLLABORATORS can impose military or indusodour is detrimental to health.
To pake 11 trial conscription, nor can they alter the ordinary rules of cri.
Owing to the unusual call we have had for advertising minal procedure, or expose perscace, we have been compelled to hold over several articles sons to fine or imprisionment for, the coming issue. We hope our readers, and general without Trial.
supporters, will appreciate the position and overlook any On the same day, May 25th, small inconveniences which may be experienced the labour situation took a turn SERVICIO DE VAPORES for the worse in the interior parts of the Island. Canefields Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York were fired at Caymanas, situacon escala en Habana solamente.
te between Kingston and Spanish Town, and six men had to be VAPORES SALIDAS admitted in the hospital at the LUMBER YARD latter town suffering from wounds received in an affray CHIRIQUI Junio 13 (lunes)
with Special Constables on duty We have opened a Lumber Yard the Estate. The Strike Solidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con spread the Bog Walk escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
where we carry in stock a complete area on the Byebrook, Hyde and Tulloch Estates; while in Kings TALAMANCA assortment of all kinds of Native Junio 19 (domingo ton, the train services were held up The Sanitary workers, QUIRIGUA Junio 26 (domingo)
Lumber. Special sizes lo order. employees of the Gas Station We also have Portland Cement, Roof the Pumping Station, the Railw ay and every department of the irg Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenMunicipality joined in the moF. ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
vement and intimidated others Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
tine and all other building materials. from carrying on. All the men employed on the waterfront SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ceased work and prevented the Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la loading and unloading of ships.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY They demanded one shilling an hour for day work and en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica shillings for overtime: they Limon Division were offered eleven pence, reisTELEFONO 3156 Janmaz by pence Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizans del sistema Nacional de Bibliotec or that one UNITED FRUIT COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY on to LIMON TRADING COMPANY two


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