
SATURDAY JUNE 11th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page TO IMPROVE OUR. STOCK BREEDING Semilla BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y madera y or the sanatorio De Venta de paquetes 00 y 00 en San José Centro Comercial These are CAFIASPIRINA days.
The Escupe Fuego READ The Atlantic Voice AFIASPIRINA The Botica Alemana Doctor Bernardo Montes de Oca of Canada Farm the vicinity of Duran, Cartago, formerly of don Leonidas Peralta, has brought in from the great Maryland Farm. five heifers and one young bull of the Guernsey breed.
The Youngster, a vearling, was purchased at public auction for 2000 dollars, while ANOTHER WAR THREAT the heifers are from a high strung strain of animals, the Another incident between the aviation to the Ecuadorian fron ancesters cost around 20, 000 Republics of Peru and Ecua tier at Tumbes and Puerto Pi dollars each and have an dor threatens a possible clash zarro.
abnormal milk yield of faboof arms. Peru Department of The authorities of Peru de lous weight.
Foreign Relations declares there clare they have only sent a It is hoped the Doctor is no thought or desire on the small number of men to safe efforts will be abundantly part of that country to go to guard peace and order in the vi successful.
war with Ecuador or any other cinity of the frontier; news nation, but there is said to be from Quito, however, persist a highly bellicose feeling in there has been a clash of arms At the first sign of a cold. sneezing, headEcuador against Peru in con between the military Guards at ache or catarrh sequence of the rumour that the Rocafuerte and Peruvian AdLost take CAFIASPIRINA!
latter has been sending contin vance Guards.
CAFIASPIRINA is an unfailing remedy in gents of Infantry, artillery and Reliable news has reached us colds, headache, influenza and rheumatic pains.
that the Launch Escupe Fuego The world famous Bayer Cross, shown on was wrecked at the Prinzapolka Bar, Nicaragua every tablet, guarantees the purity, harmBAYER There have been so many fallessness and efficacy of Se alarms regarding the wreck of this able seagoer that this latest sounded like the usual canard: but we have seen a tePURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES legram from the Captain to an interested friend here, giving an account of the founderIN DRUG STORE ing, while on the way for lumber for the local firm of Messrs.
ETHIOPIAN REFUGEES which merits your Confidence, Niehaus and Cº. The launch was forcing the Bar on one EnGETTING ALARMED gine only, the other having cone bad, when the collapse Information originating from Seventy two lorries laden wit took place. No lives were lost.
Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
Dilbouti, declare that the na provisions were recently seize tive warrors who had been ope by the Hawiya tribesmen.
rating in the Tigre, Wallou and Much consternation is said to FOR SALE Northwestern regions of Ethio have been created among the OIL SURVEYS CONTINUE IN BOCAS DEL TORO pia are now being concentrated Ethiopian refugees in Britis Beautiful New two storey with a view of moving against Somaliland on ahering it ru residence Although work is said to, survey will be in a position Situate West Addis Ababa as soon as the moured that the British ha be progressing swiftly in con to definitely decide if there end Central Avenue, Li rains set in promised the Italians to close nection with the scientific is a sufficient wealth of the Half Manzana The Italian Authorities at their frontiers bordering survey being undertaken in Black Gold to warrant the planted in fruit trees. Harrar and Dire Dawa are said Ethiopuia, and that the Frenc the Province of Bocas del Company renewing their con Free of Taxes. Actually to be ordering the people un had also expressed their willing Toro, there is no assurance cession with the government rented der threats of punishment to en ness to recognize Italy sovere at yet of the existence of oil in of the Republic.
month. Fine Sea View list as soldiers but they all re gnty over the Empire.
suffucient quantity to guaMeantime approximately fuse and are awaiting results.
rantee the expense of drill 100 labourers are at work Easy Terms or Very ing clearing the jungle and cutCreap for Cash According to a statement ting trails preliminary for the CRICKET SAD FATE IN LIMON recently given the Panama carrying out of the Survey; Dont miss this Bargain Many have been the com genial disposition of the wido nian Press by officials of the and as this is a windfall to the RAFAEL SOLORZANO ments by Cricket Fans regard of that inveterate Cricke Sinclair Oil Corporation, it residents of the district, it is ing the fate of this gentlemen enthusiast, Old Ben, it is almos: is expected that within the hoped the work will last for Singer Sewing Machine next few weeks, the techni la good while yet.
Cº San José.
ly sport, since the construction a certainty she will come to the of the new Hospital has depriv rescue of the Sport and grart cians who are conducting the ed them of their accustomed such a request.
playground, in which only Ne As Cricket was Old Ben pe: groes are interested, and is game and as a devoted compa in all the proposals yet made, nion of his in lifetaim, we are the correct chord has not been sure she will do anything SERVICIO AEREO SEMANAL struck his name, even in death as it Why do not the Cricket Clubs uphold the tender memories o a get amalgamated and approach was in lifetime.
Mrs. Ida Sanky with a view of getting from her the nint of Sixaola, Parismina, Tortuland which was originally bouSIE MLION FAMILIES ght as a Cricket Pitch, Foot and GST PUBLIC AID guero, Barra del Colorado Base Ball Ground and a Bicycle Washington. Probabl Course, but which she seem to 000. 000 families, compris y Bluefields have recently come in possession ing 20, 000, 000 persons, are reof Judging the affection too. ceiving some form of public ward her Rive the only one assistance, Harry Hopkins indulging in Cricket the kind chief of the WPA, told a Hou heartedness generosity se hearing in testimony maand de public recently.
He was not optimistic 011 the outlook for final solutio TC. DANIEL ZELEDON of the unemployment protlem. He said that because o ROBERT JOHNSTON technological improvement GENTE EN LIMON ABOGADO in methods, a resumption o production to 1929 levels y NOTARIO PUBLICO would still leave unemploved between 3, 000, 000 and 000 Oficina: Altos Pas000 men who were employed then, but whose jobs have cual Ingianna been superseded by improved methods. חכוח 125 per AVION sale de LIMON todos los SABADOS a las a.
AEROVIAS NACIONALES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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