
THE ATLANTIC VOICE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Beat be gu be aSou 13 hner tis Is to You cannot teach a man Truth.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone You can only help him to find it within himself.
GALILEO Editor English Section: C. NATION Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday June 13th. 1938 No. 199 CHIRIQUI BANANA TRADE SHEWS LARGE INCREASE OUR NEW INCOME TAX WIRELESS NEWS total of 576, 362 bunches jore informed, been increasing of boonnas valued at 230. by leaps and bounds, and the fro Sometime ago our present mes exceeding 4, 000 and up of Customs declared VIENNA. The State Po 1544. 80 dollars were exported Chief Minister of Finance, don Fran to 10. 000 are taxed after the cisco de Gutierrez, propos rate of two per cent, while lice announce confiscation of through Puerto Armueles dur with the limited facilities of ed and actually did bring those beyond the latter athe property of Austrion Co ing lost month, according to his disposal his office is tox.
Ro from Chile an Expert in mal mount and not above 15. 000 tholic Student Organizations the information obtained from ed to capacity to handle the the Captain of the Port and constantly growing volume.
ter of Direct Taxation in the are to pay after the rate of estimated at the value of Fifteen ships called at the person of Doctor Alvaro Ren three per cent, plus, of cour 1, 200, 000 dollars. This follow Chief of Customs by the Stor ed formal dissolution of more and Herald of Panama Port during the post month to fut coret Bravo, to supervise and se, the one and one half per than twenty Societies.
These figures, it was sto toke Bananas, the cargoes bererti reorganize the taxes payable cent chargeable on the MADRID. Flying on ita ted, represent a considerable ing secured chiefly from the sh from Incomes and Holdings, mount between 2, 400. and increase over totals for pre vast plantations of the Chi Simo We are now informed of 4. 000. married man will lia nmade Savoia seaplane, a the new regulations. Forme be specially allowed an ex lone insurgent air raider again vious months and may pro riqui Land Company in that we ly incomes up to 10, 000 colo tra 1. 000 free of tax with bombed Alicante, Denia and bably set on all time record section of our neighbouring The Import and Export tro Republic.
nes were free of tax; this mi a sliding scale up to 18 per the British owned port of Goh nimum has been reduced to cent on incomes of 200. 000 co dia. The civilian section of de of the Port has also, we 2, 400, beyond which a tones and over.
Alicante which had previously mount and up to 6. 000 a tax According to the above, all suffered one of the worst bom THE FATE OF OUR CACAO of one and one half per cent earnings above two hundred bings of the war, was once.
Ar For some time it has beco of the Statistical movernents is to be paid. Hence, on an colones per month are liable more bottered. Gondia, income of 3, 000 a tax of; to pay the ne evident to the Cacao pro of Cacao in the period 1938except married the phantom raider repeal nine colones would be pay men who go free up to 283 ing his practice of strikino undue speculation, on the part in prices despite the fact that ducers of this country that 37, with the significant fail able annually and on 000 colones.
about midnight, destroyed the Lion the sum of 24 colones. Inco main warehouse of the port of the large European dealers, Western Africa had withand sank a small Spanish coas has been the cause of the ex drawn from the market and atl schooner Tremely low prices obtainable had threatened destruction of SHANGHAI The inun for this commodity. It has their crop of 200, 000 tons if THE NESTLE MILK CO IN PANAMA dations, caused by the break now become so glaring that better prices cannot be had, While very few of the ma cial concession from the Na ing of dykes of the Yellow we find the Chamber of Com and the taking of a million merce of the Island of Trini sacks of the visible stock by nd any suggestions propounded tional Government River and the heavy rains, dad making representations America. As here in the interest of our PI The Company intend to have obliged the Japanese to to the British government, continued the communication it is eviderit, economic welfare seem ever start operations at an early change the course of their op with a view to materializ, the opposite ap date, and as they have been erations directed aginst Chen matter thoroughly investigat country are quite as dissatisof having the that the producers of this pears to be the case with our unable to locally obtain the gchow. Thirty million refugees ed. Communications have el fied with prevailing prices, Sister Republic Panama, whetype of sugar required for are reported fleeing from the so been sent to this Republic which offer no protection to re from time to time we hear making condensed milk, they inundated zones.
of the inauguration of new have secured permission and all other Cacao produc the agriculturists, as is felt HONG KONG. It is of industries.
import one hundred tons of ficially announced that Chi operation and similar artion, the collaboration of our Cham ing countries requesting re in West Africa and Trinidad, The latest to rear us is the a refined class, meantime nese planes bombed the Japa establishing of a large plant they will conduct experi: nese fleet in the river Yongtze dad Chamber enjoins that, as as no remedy can be expectThe memorial of the Trini ber of Commerce is solicited at Nata for the manafacturements for the purification of sinking two warships and se. the activities, during the past ed without prompt aetion by of Milk Poducts by ihe Com the locally produced article. riously damaging two others. six months or so, of the Ca all producing countries.
pania Panameña de Alimen This should further assist the The deaths of 150, 000 civi cao Exchange in Britain clear tos Lacteos. a Subsidia country economic advance lian Chinese and 7, 000 Popoly indicate that the prices can Rica will take every step pos It is sincerely hoped Costa Ty of the Nestle Anglo Swissment.
Milk Company, under a spenese soldiers are reported as be controlled and are being, sible to assist in making a the result of the Yellow River so controlled without conside firm representation on the inundations.
ration being given to the fluc subject. The planters of Cold THE LATE SIR EDWARD BRANDIS DENHAM PARIS. The official Go tuations made necessary by Coast, Western Africa, liave All Jameica was terribly portant British Colony, which Zette publishes the decree by supply and demand that an agreed to burn their crop rashocked by the sad news of took place during the after Ice have been increased 1, 000 called with a view of stabi which it cannot be profitably which the aerial forces of Fron international Conference be ther than accept prices at the unexpected death of His noon of the 2nd of the preExcellency Sir Edward Bran sent month in the Public Gen by the Cabinet on the 13th level. The control of prices the Dark Continent, her plan men. The decree, approved lizing prices on an economic handled. In fact, though called dis Denham, eral Hospital, Kingston, after instant, raises the number of by these speculators may he ters have placed a boycoit on E, Captain General and an operation performed Governor in Chief of that im Doctors McFarlane, Westmomen required for the air for proven it is stated by the in all British goods in retaliaces from 52. 500 to 59, 410 exactitude of information e tion for the ruinous prices manating from these centres offered there for their Cacao reland and Murray, in the presence of the Superinten.
ing Medical Officer, and Doc tors Harry and Parboosingn.
Sir Edward had been sufSERVICIO DE VAPORES fering for some time and had received permission to proceed to England for special Selidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con medical treatment, but in con escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
sequence of the strikes and Llevando café para todos los puertos riots he elected to carry on The first intimation the pubEuropeos y Americanos lie had that His Excellency Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón (To Page 10 VAPORES SALIDAS THE FEAST OF CORPUS Para GUATEMALA: TALAMANCA Junio 19 CHRISTI CARIBIA Junio 28 QUIRIGUA Junlo 26 JAMAICA Julio As Customary, this Feast Para EUROPA via Cristobalt was befittingly ceelbrated he re. The High Moss during the PHOENIGA Junio 23 earlier hours of the morning ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS. and the impressive procession CARIBIA Julio Agentes para Limón y Pontarehas.
of eventide produced a feeling of happiness al around Pora otros informes dirijase a las oficinds de la However despondent may be over material requiUNITED FRUIT COMPANY rements, these manifestations tend to create a new spirit of AGENCIA COSTA RICA on los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica faith and constancy to those AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 who confide in the presence of TELEFONO 3156 Divine Guidance, so refreshing to suffering seuls.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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