
LEO decor foaled amor dum Sire hout.
From the thi HUMOR.
AFIASPIRINA HISTORIC RACING PEDIGREE ER Editorbred by the late Lord Michel ham in 1912 and was sent to le running of the 1933 Ep France in 1915; her name Los hombres serenos son los Derby is now history, then was Lucky Liege but que triunfan en la vida. Son los as there is bound to be was changed during the siege que ponen a la altura de todas sell ment on the fact that of that Belgian Town. The las mentalidades y ello los cas Roussel is a French colt is engaged in all the pacita para interpretar todas e bred by Monsieur Leon French Classic, do not think las comprensiones.
erra and owned by Mr. however, that he was nomir Bentty, trained at Beck nated for the Doncaster St. rior, es el dominio del apasioLa serenidad en la paz inteipton by Fred Darling Ledger.
The excellent reputation that la namiento, es el triunfo de ridden by Elliot, proCAFIASPIRINA enjoys the ly a word or two would Devil, or perhaps my am hoping the Printers conciencia sobre la animalidad.
world over is sufficient proof bad of its excellent quality.
be out of place. The hor handwriting, will give you la serenidad crea; mientras la Mientras la pasión arrastra in Bois Roussel derives bis no trouble.
CAFIASPIRINA can be deon se from the fact that he Mr. Editor.
Thanking you incomprensión enfurece, la sepended on in colds, headache, at Volterra renidad se convierte en justiinfluenza, and rheumatic comYours thankfully, sol bearing that name. His cia; mientras la violencia cieplaints, and has no harmful efzistigree is the following Aubrey Sprer fect on heart, stomach or kidneys.
ga, la serenidad es luz y es Ende eis Roussel The world famous Bayer Cross, Bay horse ANOTHER LANDMARK which appears on every tablet, Estemos siempre serenos y eten, Plucky Liege quarantees its excellence.
GONE hemos de ver cómo el huracán Therefore insist on pasa a nuestro lado dejándonos 905 e certina. Spearmint. The Grim Reaper has claim firmes, estatuarios y perdonanCAFIASPIRINA.
Prince Chimay. ed another milestone from do a los que lastiman nuestros The Os Simon. Comic Song. our midst Mrs. Eva Soun pies pero no nos oscurezcan el in the bine Maid of the Mint. ders. the mother of Mrs.
bourg. Souci II. Vaya. Carlos Evans.
fy reason for elaborating The Atlantic Voice sympahis breeding is the fact thizes with those whom she los analfabetos. Son los incot, except the Vasthi part has left to mourn her loss.
rruptibles. Nadie puede repunis pedigree, he is purely May her soul find rest.
tarles una falta.
glish. Another noteworthy tents og to mention is the fact No estaba desencaminada aBAYER Met his dam, Plucky Liege, quella maestrita que gustaba all produced the following del eufemismo y le llamaba a tha all of them successful La ortografia vino a dividir la analogia, la anatomia y a la with lions. Sir Galahad, uBII and (both in USA) Quatre la humanidad en dos bandos in ortografia, la ortopedia.
irreconciliables: of and Admiral Drake compatibles e Que lo diga si no, aquel poans il ner of the rGand Priz de el de los que escriben con or.
had is, rFance. Now comes tografia y el de los que escri bre viudo que cuando escribia in Roussel who is sure to ben sin ortografía a sus amigos anunciandoles la WHALES TO AID MEDICAL RESEARCH by din England. The old ma pérdida de su esposa, deni. Bert Plucky Liege, died last De ese mundo ortográfico es graba a la difunta al olvidarse By Erick Middleton at when in foal. She was tán, naturalmente, excluidos del acento.
BOOTH Whales are to be operatthis ed on to help forward mediBEST cal research BAKED There is still much that 10 BERLIN elt science does not know about BREAD id, ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE LA TRIBUTACION the functions of the endocBUNS trine organs of the body, and BISCUITS CAKES although sufficient is known DIRECTA about the thyroid and supraTHE PEOPLE BAKERY by renal to be of definite use in Box 179 Limon medicine, very little prosla gress has been made with the Actually the operation 08 pituitary gland.
It is known, however, that down the back of a practiswould probably send shivers he it has a definite effect ald growth, in that the pituitary carried out with the aid of ing surgeon, for they will be Te gland of giants is much lar saws and axes.
ger than in a normal saized human being.
Although Dr. Geiling requi at res, for his own use, only the ly EL DIA 1º DE AGOSTO PROXIMO COMENZARA DISTRIBUIRSE LAS Difficulty is experienced pituitary, many other reed in experimenting with this search workers have fallen in only about as big as a pea in with his idea, and have ask CEDULAS DE IDENTIDAD CON LAS FOTOGRAFIAS gland owing to its size, it is ed him to obtain for them portant actions of the gland samples of parts, of the wha now hoped that medicine le, including brains, parawill learn more about the im thyroid glands, suprarenal y se previene por última vez a los obligados a portarla que on hayan cumplido through the bright idea of capsules and even the blood con la ley, presentando las declaracion es necesarias en la formula blanca marDr. Geiling, of Chi of the mammal.
cada Nº y haciéndose fotografiar. que la cédula es requisito indispensable cago University, who intends In order to preserve the orpara todas las transacciones y para todos los actos del ciudadano, según lo to get large quantities of the gans Dr Geiling will have dispone el artículo 4º que dice: pituitary of whales, the size to pickle them in a special fi of which is much greater xative solution.
than that of man, being about Already the secretions of La Cédula es un documento de identificación y como tal 100 times heavier.
some of these glands have deberá presentarse en los Tribunales, en las oficinas públiDr. Geiling has gone to been turned to practical use, Rose Harbour, in Queen Char adrenaline and insulin being cas, en las mesas electorales y en los actos notariales o de lotte Island, where there is a two of the more important big whaling station. Here, products, the effects of which carácter político, civil o comercial. Tanto las autoridades with the assistance of a skill lead scientists to believe that ed Japanese, well versed in if only the proper method of como los particulares interesados tienen derecho a exigir la the anatomy of whales, he extraction can be discovered, presentación de la Cédula.
will extract the secretary or important advances in the gans of whales.
treatment of aberrations of binol La fórmula blanca que lleva el 6 es la que debe enviarse inmediatagrowh will be made.
mente a esta Administración con todos los datos de filiación, domicilio. etc. puede obtenerse en todas las Gobernaciones, Jefaturas Politicas y Agencias de Polieia.
a CEDULA DE IDENTIDAD on HOP LEE LUNG MATINA y 24 MILLAS La demora en obtener la cédula en agosto entrante les ocasionará difionitades a los obligados a portarla y la Oficina de la Tributación les hace presente que a última hora no le sera posible atender a todos los atrasados, Sar José, mayo de 1938.
JORGE ARAGON CARLOS LARA Los más surtidos Establecimientos de LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Háganos una visita.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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