
500 an ikan New Penal Institution SATURDAY, JUNE 18th. 1938THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 BREVITIES FROM HERE AND THERE CACAO embarcado en LIMON MAY 1938 President Roosevelt has is date the castle formerly the sued a warning that Amer home of Madame Adelina VAPOR Embarcadores Consinario DESTINO Sacos Kilos ican Aviators found partici Patti, the noted singer, was pating in revolts on foreign purchased by the Colonel in soil on the side of revolutio April, but has since been TURRIALBA Cla. Bananera nists against existing govern transferred to a Corporation MAY. E. Mosquera COLOMBIA 400 27668 PERU Agencias Unidas Gibbs Rickets Co.
30 ments would lose their licen headed by Mrs. Karel, wife 3900 VERAGUA Cia. Bananera Orden GENOVA 449 20990 ses. Such participation was, of Dr. Alexis Karel, the Amer Cia. Bananera CCAP. URUGUAY 50 3448 the President declared, a ican Scientist with whom CARIBIA Agencias Unidas Gibss Rickets Co. PERO 200 16000 gainst American policy. The Lindbergh developed the me Nichaus Co.
Orden 100 7000 not apply to chanical heart.
Banco de warning did Delius Co. HAMBURGO 100 7000 those who were assisting acG. Niehaus Co Orden 37000 CHIRIQUI Karl Kitsing 500 credited governments.
85000 Cia. Bananera LONDRES 100 6917 Auguste Baron, the French 12 SAN GIL Cia. Bananera Despi Co FRANCISCO 300 20751 Colonel and Mrs. Charles man who in 1896 invented a 13 COSTA RICA Ed. Janin Co. 30 SSH Orden HAMBURG 150 10400 Lindbergh on the 9th, ins talking fil ne forerunner Agencias Unidas AV 104 JAPAN 449 31126 tant established their new ho of the present day talkies, 16 TALAMANCA Cia. Bananera LONDRES 130 10476 Cia. Bananera on the remote Island, died on the 1st. instant in a AMSTERDAN 250 47203 me bresti sad 21 ZACAPA Limón Trading Co.
PERU 100. 7000 Iliee, off the coast of Brita Poorhouse at Neuilly, France.
26 SESOSTRIS Karl Kitzing SH HAMBURGO 23530 ny. The Island, just large He had reached the advanced Himmel von Storrent. Donner 50 enough it is said to accomo age of 83 years.
Emp. Ban. Zatcase HOD. 163 109 7000 Niehaus Co. szexs bad Orden 107 (1400 Niehaus Co. it on baw PERU 300 21000 EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ Agencias Unidas Ricketts who 17470 Agencias Unidas HAMBURGO 107 7490 RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ 27 BOLIVAR Ed. Janin Co.
470 3:90A Agencias Unidas AG. Rekets PERU 110 Abogados y Notarios 10367 30 JAMAICA Cia. Bananera Dep. Co. ed NEW YORK 600 Lowyers. Public Notaries. SAN JOSE LIMON 41502 uzun bac Office in Limon adjoins that of the Municipality opposite the Park 199 161500 TOTAL 6310 411536 bne 1000 9001 SCHUSCHNIGG MARRIED BY PROXY Resumen Tina Dots Former Austrian Chancel ding, and since his removal lor Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg from Belvedere Castle his Co. 2948 34cos. RNSSCO91212 sacos. HAPAG. 2150 sacos.
is reported to have married whereabouts are not known, bils per the Countess Vera Gzernifug This marriage is the second ger on June 1st. in a private for both parties. SchuschEmbarcadores Sacos Kilos DESTINO Sacos Kilos salos chapel in Viena, his brother nigg first wire was killed in Dr. Arthur von Schuschnigg, an automobile accident three 1995 acting as his Proxy. years ago. The previous marCia. Bananera 2298 138945 HAMBURGO 2420 171128 Agencias Unidas Still imprisoned by the Na riage of the Countess was an1199 839584 PERU 1150 808 37 Niehaus Co.
1007 zis, the Fx. Chancellor was nulled last December. She is 172190 NEW YORK 600 41502 Banco 100 1000 AMSTERDAM 2:50 17293 unable to attend his own wedl the mother of four children: Karl Kitzing 886 8120 FRANCISCO 300 29751 Ed. Janin Co.
690 43400 JAPON 412 311 26 Limon Trad. Co.
100 7000 LONDRES 250 17293 Emap. RanA. Zarous 100 19TOOO GENOVA 433 30940 von Storrent 108228T COLOMBIA 400 27668 According to rewsitemming ureful citizens and capason URUGUAY 50 3145 emanating from Stringtown, ble of earning a living. The GoOklahoma the United States vernor of the Institution declaTOTAL 6310 441536 TOTAL 6310 441536 goverment recently inaugurated red that fifty percent of the the Oklahoma Technical Insti prisioners in the State penitiatisd sit bahu lution, a Penal Institution which ry could neither read nor write, LAUNCH ELIZABETH has no guns, no walls no iron that they where there through igno FOR SALE rance. Education, therefore, he LOST The Institution replaces the thought was the only solution These are terribly hard tiBeautiful New two storey Saber ortografía es la cosa cid Strongtown prison, and is the of the serious problem. Those mes along our Coast. fortresidence Situate West más fácil del mundo. Quién newest Penal experiment of who will be confined in the night or so ago we lost one end Central Avenue, Li puede ignorar que cabeza se esthe country. The only barrier new Penal Experiment will be of our most seaworthy goers mon. Half Manzana cribe con k; cuadrado, con g; agair. st escape is the word of taught cientific farming, live the Escupe Fuego at the planted in fruit trees.
Emeterio, con eme, elefagte, con honour of the five hundred pri stock breeding, cabinet making, Prinzapolka Bar; and now co ve mange Free of Taxes Actually ele; Olegario, con ole; concejo, soners housed therein, who will end other vocations under du mes the news of the loss of rented at 125 per conce y Jalicia con jotg gallebe given an educational coursely trained college Instructors. the Elizabeth in the San month. Fine Sea View.
ga y no con jota aragonesa?
designed to permit them becoJuan del Norte. Two of her 290gs (9)
passengers, Miss Elinor Odg.
Easy Terms or Very El acento más acentuado y son and Mr. Isaac Ellis, lost OUR LABOUR MOVEMENT Creap for Cash más difundido en el idioma estheir lives; their bodies were pañol es el acento andaluz.
The Editor should, however, like to seen cut to pieces by the Dont miss this Bargain 2107 Kindly allow me the faci advise our people not to ven sharks which infest the loca RAFAEL SOLORZANO Aunque parezca fácil no lo lity of expressing a few ture too far into the wilds lity. The other passengers thoughts in your accredited unless they can speak es saber cuándo debe ponérsele the were rescued while Captain Singer Sewing Machine a una palabra be de vaca Cº San José.
be News. Organ, in connection Spanish language and are Brown and his crew were mide burro, si está acostumbrado with the movement of colour grouped where other colour raculously saved by swimming ed labourers to the Pacific, ed men work and live. This ashore.
a pescribir: vurro y baca.
will prevent a lot of possible Being recently in that Zo misunderstandings.
ne, have viewed with no uncertain amount of satisfac While on the subject, it may As soon as the approaching Rains start ALL afflicted with tion how cur fellow men can not be amiss to mention that ASTHMA will suffer violent attacks, and the ONLY thing and do honour themselves in this exodus of labourers seem their arduous tasks. noticed to have had the effect of dis that can avoid this distressing disease is the Famous.
there are quite a few hundrrupting commerce on this sied of our people working on de. Limon and other parts are farms, particularly private certainly experiencing hard ones, whose owners seem to times. But better times are in prefer the West Indian. It store for all. Cacao, though pas 10 was certainly a folly to have now low in price, is sure to (A BASE DE THIOCOL FOSFATADO)
attempted to stop a free and have a tilt upwards shortly, sebe ne la stalwart set of men from go which, coupled with a supeing where they are badly rior output of Bananas will Which may be taken by all persons with weak stomachs as it contains no Creosote and does not irritate. 179s the most effective medicine for all needed, to earn their honest surely produce good results.
living. noticed, too, that in Our labourers are thankful to Bronchial, Lung and Throat affections, for Grippe and Colds.
Puntarenas a man by the na the Fruit Company for their For sale in all Drug Stores: insects me of Jorge Lizano, adverti considerate and kindly atses openly for labourers with titude toward them, and which DROGUERIA COSTA RICA de MARCIAL SOLERA out distinction as to colour or again demonstrates that theSole Distributors.
raee and also observe that re are gentlemen of sound APARTADO 264 down at Sierpes there are ma calibre and humane feelings SAN JOSE TELEPHONE 4580 toiselt ny coloured farmers and la at the head of the different bourers doing fine work and departments.
The chief Guarantee of Curativo Pulmonar Roman is its 103 years of giving every satisfaction.
continuous splendid results.
They are a peaceful, frugal A. Petgrave set of hard working men. Siquirres.
CURATIVO PULMONAR ROMAN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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