
DE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK HE ATLANTIC VOICE atenda, de to Private devotions are of the find God Peace; not only greatest importance to make quietism or negative passivity, contact with our Divine Source, but that intensity of abundant We all possess an interior life life that lifts us into the very into which we can withdraw heart and mind of God.
daily in spite of the uproar Can ye not watch with Me around us. It is in the cultivat awhile?
ing of this inner life that we Libre de Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION mia Bulan y pre ear IV Limon, Costa Rica, Saturdey Jure h. 1938 No. 200 LOUIS ELIMINATES SCHMELING IN FIRST ROUND VES JE endien Tener al it sous persons. so it Critical Position of Jamaica Sugar Industry WIRELESS NEWS ERLIN. Police raids on members of an Arab band who previous shipment, on May dish homes and places of bu destroyed more than a mile of 29th, was valued at iss were described officially the Tegarts Wall. a half mi 26. 300. 000 drive toward capturing antillion dollar electrified wire ten al and criminal elements, ce being erected on the Pale ANKARRA Turkey first official report issued tine Syrian border to keep To page 10 te the start of the antiJewish allien terrorists out ofthe Holy gifestations nearly three Land.
ks ago, acknowledged two THE COCONUT PLAGUE 3yds had taken place here, 460 Juegos being arrested on the 31st The disease known as Leaf y and the 17th instant. 76 PERPIGNAN, France. Ano Rot has again made its appeade pri the prisoners were said to ther shipment of Spanish 50rance in our Coconut groves.
to pro heavily incriminated, while vernment silver, valued ata habia were without nationality and 100. 000 dollars. arrived from The heart leaf in each tree is first affected, it then appears triunto foreigners without proper pa Barcelona on the Rist, for ship to blight and in a week or so The statement further de ment to the United States. The the other leaves show similar juego red those arrested were wi cases weighing 180 tons were signs, they droop, and in anout exception criminally sus rushed through the Customs at ther few days the tree is dead Cerbere and placed on a train others in the grove readily for La Havre. This is the second take the infection.
biles time Barcelona has rent bullion The Agricultural Society of CRUSALEN. On the 21 sa to the United States, presuma.
solution composed of Soap slo tant Britist troops killed two bly to pay for supplies. The the Island of Jamaica uses a Bluestone, Kerosine and Water los 30 which has been successful in stopping this rot. It is time that Gir our government, through its remi be labour difficulties on the during the previous period. department of Agriculture, invDebe Bar Estates in the Island of Provision has been made for a estigate the cause of so dangeindi waica have produced much reserve quota of 21. 000 tons rous a plant disease and see to imo cern among those interested which, if not absorbed by the its cure. Mr. Findlay and mismo the industry. Ta enable Estate Canadian and British markets. the Valverde Estate, the largest ners to reap all their canes will be taken into account when owners of Coconut groves in this este. fully recognize their con fixing next year quota. Should locality, should call Once more has Joe attention Louis within the TCCOTO time of two une ets with the small cultivators, this be necessary, it is anticipat to the ravages being made by proved himself the undisputed minutes and four seconds. Louis erste held it is necessary to ed a large quantity of the Cane the Blight otherwise the In Champion of the Pugilistic Art is stated to have delivered no el ure a larger export quota Juice will have to be made dustry may soon become a thing defeat of Max Schmeling in the the time the fight lasted, seven by his dramatic and decisive less than nineteen blows during la of what is provided by the into Rum with unfortunate of the past in this Province.
nta ernational Agreement of Lon results for the Sugar Industry.
first round of their Bout last teen of which took effect on the de for controlling the produc Under the guota restrictions Wednesday night.
German, who left the ring in a pa. of the commodity and the Estate Owners are required to THE DREADED MOSQUITO the start; and taring into the Louis took the offensive from bleeding condition con ices at which it should be take all the canes produced by crowd of around 80, 000 ura posed of compatible with the farmers under contract with German with a show of tigerish fans are estimated to have been it of production.
them, hence manufacturers re Following the lead of other aggressiveness, it is said, while present in the Stadium, 200 According to the SatdrdnaET ceived, this seasson, more canes countries, the government of he was yet in his accustomed many had not reached per According to the Standard. than was the case a year ago, Costa Rica, with the aid of the stage of early sluggishness, had their seats when the Knock Out is noted that the export quota and what will happen next Rockefeller Institute, is waging his face puffed and red within occurred. Cash receipts amount oto Jamaica, for the 1937 1938 season depends on whether or an intense warfare against the the spzce of thirty seconds. He we understand to more than a ina son which will expire in not the reserve quota is previ Mosquito; hence it behoves every rained left hooks and right million dollars. Ordinary ti 90 Reust, is 86. 000 tons It is disposed of.
intelligent citizen to assist in uppercuts under and through ckets were sold at Three dollars na imated that 120. 000 tons will Mr. Kirkwood, a Director defending himself against the his guard. Staggered by a left and fifty cents, while the Ringel produced as against 106. 00 Te page Pest.
hook Schmeling went to the mat side soared from the usual price ato The number of persons at for the first time where he re of thirty dollars to one hundred de tacked annually in British India mained for the count of three. and thirty by Malaria reaches the huge On rising he received a smashing The announcement has been total of 100. 000. 000; and it is right which again sent him down made that Louis will receive the 10reckoned that on account of this then another right followed not insignificant sum of 321. 245 disease the Central Administra which threw him into uncons. dollars and Schmeling the smation loses about sixty million ciousness and closed the contest ller amount of 160, 622.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES pounds sterling every year.
In the small kingdom of Siam, where 50. 000 deaths occur anSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con nually from the Mosquito plague escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
a leaflet, depicting a Tiger and a Llevando café para todos los puertos a Malaria carrying mosquito with the printed phrase. MosEuropeos y Americanos quitoes are millions of time more LUMBER YARD VAPORES dangerous than Tigers. is disSALIDAS tributed as propaganda against Malaria. In that contry tigers We have opened a Lumber Yard QUIRIGUA Junio 26 devour, on average, fifty where we carry in stock a complete persons esch year while the JAMAICA Julio Mosquito is responsible for the assortment of all kinds of Native VERAGUA Julio 10 deaths of fifty thousand.
In the European country of Lumber. Special sizes to order.
Roumania, where Malaria abounds, the government distriWe also have Portland Cement, RoofF. ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
butes a leaflet in which the economie side of the struggle ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenAgentes para Limón y Puntarenos.
against Malaria is emphasized. workman, thin and sickly, is tine and all other builing materials.
Paro otros informes dirijase a los oficinas de la chewn sitting against a haystack SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Furrounded by a hive of mosUNITED FRUIT COMPANY quitoes, while on the other side another labourer, who has taken en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica a treatment of quinine, is seen quietly, getting on with his TELEFONO 3156 work.
Limon Division To page mm Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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