
Dr. Jiménez Guier Critical Posi.
SURGERY of Messrs. Tate and Lyle Ltd. Medican College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia and a principal shareholder in and Atlanta Southern College the West Indies Sugar Company (A. Roden, Cutter)
and Atlanta Southern College Ltd. is Jamaica Representative Ofrece sus servicios en su on the Colonial Sugar Committee clinica Dental situada frente offers his services in his in London, and is exerting his al Parque Vargas y contiguo new up to date Dental Clinie influence to obtain an increasC 95. 00 C95. 00 a la Municipalida. located in front of the Park ed quota for that Island. He next to the Municipality. declares that without such an Vestido hecho a la Suits made to Measureyy 0000e. oveoooOOOOO000000OOOO. OOOO increase next year the state of medida de casimir the Island Sugar Industry will of English Tweeds be most precarious.
inglés Call on us and be convinced HONOUR TO WHOM DUE Last year our local Sugar producers, Messrs. Lindo Bros. Pose usted adelante y con that this is not only on se vénzase de que no se trata Advertisement We take keen pleasure in re fore Christ was born. Here are Niehaus and Pinto, had to de un simple anuncio. Es But a Fact a Tve cording the successes of the Rev. the remains of the walls of the actually force this government cierto. Alphonse of the Methodist ancient Roman Baths, enclosing to allow them to export their Se reciben abonos desde Weekly payments of from Denomiation, who is very wid the hot spring that gives half a surplus stocks of the raw article ely known and esteemed as the million gallons of water a day. to Germany, as they proved that UN COLON ONE COLON Missionary to the Panamanian at boiling heat.
without such a facility being acIndians inhabiting the region Toward the first of April corded them, a large percentage por pagos semanales.
in the neighbourhood of our went to Newquay, the Riviera of the cane crop would not have La especialidad de la Casa We Specialize in frontier and who has also ren of England, where nearly 300 been reaped to the serious preBreeches Ingleses dered much English Breeches service with the hotels stand on the embattlement judice of all concerned in the view of extending Love and of a magnificent promontory, industry. This same fate seem Goodwill among the people of overlooking the South west to be now threatening Jamaica this Province.
coast. Here heard the famous and what with the attitude of Enrique Yankelewitz As a token of their apprecia Dr. Howard of Handsworth, lec. the striking workmen coupled tion of the work being achieved turing on St. John Gospel in with unemployment conditions Proprietor.
by him in so difficult a Circuit Creek, Dr. Leslie Church the outlook is indeed ommous.
and among 90 peculiar a tribe of preaching, and Dr. Ryder Smith human beings, the Authorities of Richmond on Wesley Hymn MEMORIAL SERVICE of the Missionary Society of Lon Book saw and touched the ings worth a quarter of a million don specially invited Mr. Al very book in which Charles pounds.
phonse to attend and assist at Wesley composed Jesus, Lover saw and heard the Lord Ma Association held a solemn me in gof the hymn Happy Ba The Costa Rica Burial Scheme after eight o clock with the the Conferences recently held in of my soul Then went to yor of Oxford, the Dean England in honour of John Wes. Canterbury, and saw the grea. Vice Chancellor of the Universi: late Ishmael Wade who died on on the piano by Brother morial service in honour of the of Pilgrims. touchingly play ley, the great Pioneer in the test Cathedral in the British ty. This wonderful dining hall propagation of the faith held by Empire. Here is the chair of Au is the second greatest in En the 22nd. May last. The deceased Creath. The Rev. Fr. Castor. se the wast number who adhere to gustine, and touched it; heregland, and is all of Irish Oak, was a member for six years and the Anglican Community. the denomination which perpeI stood on the sacred sport bedecked with gold tippings quickly receiving degrees which presided, offered a prayer tautes his name.
where Thomas a Becket was to my amazement, the Provost qualified him for promotion, read from the Scriptures: murdured; and The accompanying describe a here Hylton stood of the University, Mr. Todd explained few of the privileges afforded with awe, before the monument with gracious dignity, offer for the No. Branch, which ingly introduced the Father, ident and Financial Secretary motive for the service and Tos this most reserved, unostenta to the Black Prince.
ed me an hour and a half of latter position he held up to the replied in his accustomed plehus.
tious Follower and Servant of To attempt to describe the his company, to show me round Jesus the Christ magnificent fan shaped ceiling the Universty, if could return time of his demise. He was a ing manner. Solos were patty of this Cathedral, that took 900 the next day, and did. From capable and very helpful ically rendered by Sisters Gram Dear Mr. Editor: years to build, is sheer absurdity. the top of the Bodleian Library, member of the Promoter Ma White, Clarke, McKenzie did not want to write any. But there it stands, a dream in the first library in the world, nagement Committee, the So Bernard, while very appropri ciety governing Body.
thing of my travels, lest be stone, a rebuke to the self cen saw Oxford, the place where addresses were given by Bio On the night of Wednesday. thers Gonlbourne, come boring to the generous tredness of modern man, a glory Crammer was brunt, the public, but feel it a duty to to the devotion and austerity of where Wesley lived and taught for the memorial service and res (this latter in the Spani June 15th. the Hall was used Rhoden, Blackman and Manza, tell you some of the things Catholic saints of long ago. Thanks to Mr. Todd, have seen and heard during my Then returned to our own thrill of the centuries has come though the attendance was not language. The Rev. Fr. Caso visit to England.
great centre, at Westminster like vibrations of electricity, as large as on other occasions, delivered the requiem oratio Since left Jamaica Hall. Here spoke to 000 shall never forget. Must des there was yet quite a represent from the memorable words ative gathering to pay months ago, have travelled children and big people, and cribe what felt, when stood posth St. Paul. would not ha hers many thousands of miles in En also at the great Annual meet before the august assembly of His widow, mother and children without hope. If in this life on mous honours to the Brother, you be ignorant brethren as mot gland. This is a land of flowers ing. The Hall seats 6000 persons Divines at our Oxford Synod?
and green and lovely trees, fer It was packed on the Saturday cannot. What is a meteor like were there to hear and assist in we have hope in Christ, we a tile fields and green meadows, evening. This is London, the in the presence of the Planets the devotion to one who merit of all men most miserable.
ed such attention.
with flocks of sheep on every greatest city in the world, be. When you know this, will tell And so we bade Bro. Ishma0 hillside and in every valley.
sides New York and Tokio.
The specially prepared pro Wade.
you what felt.
It is also a land of spires, This last week and was in So returned from Oxford, gramme started a few minutes easties and towers, and every Derby, and, since, have been to Reading and to Leytonstone, town and hamlet has its shrine, to Oxford. was asked to ad minus the Oxonian accent!
where God is worshipped.
dress the Gloucester and Ox Here at Leytonstone, was asked The was in Bath, a city built be ford District Synod. Can you by an enthusiastic gathering, imagine what it meant to me to What is the impression of En From Page be addressing a Synod in Ox gland, you are taking away?
there be a relapse. For proph ford! Around me towered the What do you think of the Enlaxis, the Commission furth US country whose populace suggests a daily dose of walls of the University. The glish people? So replied that cuffer from Malaria is econom grains during the entire malal great stones telling the history once put a red bottle before ically much weaker than another seasons.
of Wesley, Ridley and Latimer, my eyes, and said to my bro wtih healthy citizens. The short Residents in this Provinom Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Christo ther Everything is red. But quinine treatment is an inva should realize the urgency of a pher Wren, Sir Joshua Reynolds; my brother said No. If co luable help for countries infest operating with the Hygieju Tude the inner walls are adorned with me to look with red eyes, will ed with malaria. The method as Department and Rockefell paintings of such intellectual see Red. but come to see recommended by the Malaria people to eradicate these dange Fábrica de Hielo celebrities as have changed the with the bottle removed, and Commission of the League of ous pests, and thereafter culture of mankind. There are, came to see with the bottle Nations consists of taking from that no cesspools or stagna GUA y Refrescos in the Christ Church Dining hall saw the Kalos Kagathos 15 to 18 grains of the medicine waters are allowed anywhere SA (where lunched with 200 daily for from five to LIMON others on that day. three paintseven encourage the breeding of deco ALPHONSE. days, to be repeated should, Plague Carriers.
FLORIDA ICE AND Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: FARM CO Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 dias the 10th of the month.
LA FLORIDA de cada mes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Fábrica de Hielo oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Venta de Leche COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Maderas HUHTUKIZOMBATON HINTHA RUHUNUNARINNAR ALTERUNIVERSALIN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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