
FURDAY, JUNE 25 nd. 1938 THE ATI ANTIC VOICE Page 11 ifé embarcado en Puerto Limón Cosecha 1937 1933 alder As soon as the approaching Rains start ALL afflicted with ASTHMA will suffer violent attacks, and the ONLY thing that can avoid this distressing disease is the Famous.
LASES DE CAFE Sacos Kilos MAYO 1988 emed clie me apartman. 183 564 LO 302. 417 98. 600 72. 779 97. 93 CURATIVO PULMONAR ROMAN the Consuls TOTAL 747 398 017 100 (A BASE DE THIOCOL FOSFATADO)
fish Pharma ER claims, Delente is alle on his fell as to his em a at riter ands. be to chop is an indig adversari son Which may be taken by all persons with weak stomachs as it contains no Creosote and does not irritate. It is the most effective medicine for all Bronchial, Lung and Throat affections, for Grippe and Colds.
DROGUERIA COSTA RICA de MARCIAL SOLERA Londres 4064 Havre 520 Sole Distributors.
New Orleans 340 261 Co. 64:7 Bremen APARTADO 264 SAN JOSE TELEPHONE 4580 Со 264 Copenhagen 200 SS. 2871 Co. 1531 SCO 62 Hamburg C. 768 The chief Guarantee of Curativo Pulmonar Roman is its 103 years of Alasterdam 83 477 continuous splendid results.
Antwerp Gothenburg 52 5747 Ahus 5747 50 Canada 31 Boston THE CLOSE OF YOUNG LIFE New York FOR SALE Sutherla TOTAL 147 Beautiful New two storey We very much regret having inity. few years ago they was take residence Situate West to mention the sad closing of the removed to Cartago, and it was und althou sucos embarcados por Limón, lo de Oct. 1937. al 31 de Mayo 38164, 589 end Central Avenue, Li life of Mr. Leslie Hugh Gollop. there the remains of the deceasported to mon. Half Manzana the 15 year old and youngested were taken and interred at e time, Free of Taxes. Actually of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney noon on Wednesday, are bees planted in fruit trees. Gollop on Tuesday last. About The ATLANTIC VOICE sinering med FREEDOM OF THE PRESS a week or so previously, the cerely condoles with the afflict.
rented 125 per at following unfortunate youth became aned parents, brothers, sisters, and Mrs. Gib month. Fine Sea View.
inmate in the San Juan de Dios, other relatives; but particularly he victim he following culled from dinance was not limited to Easy Terms or Very Hospital, San José, for the with the father who, being away een the ecent issue of The New literature that is obscene or Creap for Cash purpose of undergoing an opera in Hone Creek, was unable to play, wk Times, will, we feel offensive to public morals or tion which had been medically reach Cartago in time for the the ident, evoke a great deal that advocates unlawful con Dont miss this Bargain advised some time before. This funeral ceremony. Although a sures the interest among a large duct. It could be used agatook place during the earlier life, which gave promise of much RAFAEL SOLORZANO ad been tule of our readers site ainst any printed matter, hohours of the morning of Tuesday usefulness, has been so unexpect of the wever innocent. It could have Singer Sewing Machine and his death ensued shortly edlycut off, there should be land and he Mayor and Police of been used against the pamCº San José.
ously disposed of.
consolation in the knowledge maving lesey City have had to bow phlets by which Paine fired The Gollop family resided for that our Heavenly Father doeth youngerthe decision of the Supre the Revolutionary armies, or many years in the district of all things wisely. May the soul Court of the United Sta against the authors of The UNCLE SAM SLIGHTED Florida, and are widely known of our departed one find Peace the des that the liberty of the Federalist. Surely every Ame among our West Indian Commu and Rest Eternal.
of and ss is not confined to new rican who values his counardenersapers and periodicals. but try traditions will rejoice The American Government oh indig cessarily embraces pam in the Supreme Court rei made a formal protest to Gerequence sets and leaflets. Those terated amphasis on the vi many against the confiscatPURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES o attempt to distribute tal importance of protecting ion of the property of Ameth pamphlets and leaflets this essential liberty from rican Jews in Austria, and Jersey City are cautioned every sort of infringement. also made a claim for the liIN DRUG STORE do so in an orderly man. Those who write, print or quidation of the debts contr They must not, molest, distribute matter that is obs acted with its nationals by which merits your Confidence, Weaten or coerce the wor cene or offensive to public the Austrian government ng people or invade or in morals or that advocates un prior to the seizure of that ay by bere with private proper: lawful conduct can be held country by Hitler.
The Botica Alemana No one.
The Nazi Dictator declined who ols. The is constitutional to ram al yor, Chief of Police or other to reply to the notes, but is Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
mphlet down an unwilling, official can legally impose a alleged to have remarked Pfer forker throat or to smash general ban on printed mat that, hitherto, is was Austria window ir order to lay a ter. Freedom of the press with whom President RooDACHəflet on a reluctant emplo is an integral right. We have sevelt government had to NAUSEK desk. The argument has it absolutely or not at all. It deal, but it is now The Reich.
ETHIOPIANS ADVANCING ON ASMARA erely been that freedom of is heartening to have it reafir The Correspondent at Djibouti tured and now held by the nae press is guaranteed under med by our highest court befor the Voice of Ethiopia relea tive warrors.
form of government and yond possibility of doubt. ITEMS OF CURRENT ses the information that since Natives between the ages of at no Mayor, Chief of Pothe commencement of the month 12 and 60 years are being draftes or other official can law.
INTEREST of May fighting has, on more ed, it is reported, to fight agaBy impair this freedom.
than one occasion, taken place inst the native warriors but en la Cáthis contention the Suprewithin Addis Ababa. The forts desertions are continually takDamages of a rather serious of Furi and Gulali situate about nig place.
Do dule Court upheld, without Wee. Le nature are said to have been two miles from the centre of the oto, antessent, when it invalidated large number of Etriopians, caused the Rice cultivations city were attacked and all the under the leadership of Dejazsesper ordinance of Griffin, Ga. ESTRADA in the Esparta regions as soldiers. les arbidding the distribution of slaughtered. mach Gabra Haiwot, who prePrecios Economics consequence of the torrential The towns of Daleti and Alem Iviously operated at Adowa, are omes arculars, handbooks, adverrains which fell last week Gabaya, located 20 and 30 kilo now on the move toward Asva sering of literature of any Artículos del País end in that vicinity, accomtes seránd without written perpanied by winds of hurricameters respectively from the mara. They recently arrived in adra a ission. Chief Justice Hug Abarrotes y Licores ne intensity. It is hoped this Capital, have also been recap the vicinity of the River Mareb de Lis who delivered the deciand are having the entire supLA IBERIA will not have any detrimental Primern, pointed out that the orport of the Amasin people.
effects on the loeal demand.
ces are realized, regular and larger shipments will be made.
LUIS WA CHONG In addition to their efforts in other directions, the JapaGUACIMO y GUAPILES nese interested in creating Following up the satisfacMATINA y 24 MILLAS greater and better business tory results obtained with relationships with this coun the Wine elaborated last year OX try, are now endeavouring to from native Pines by the NaCantina, Licores ExLos más surtidos Establecimientos de provide us with a new mar tional Liquor Factory, it has tranjeros y del país.
LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES ket for our Cow Hides. Fifty. been decided, we understand, Tienda bien surtida.
seven bundles of the cured to proceed with the manufac Abarrotes en general Háganos una visita.
article were recently sentturing of one hundred thousaway as a trial shipment, and and litros during the presif, as it is expected, good pri lent seasonaggenstos Precios sin competencia, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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