
1933 THE ATLANTIC VOICE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK on 12 que Cat de was 08 of Our ida!
esta que she tit The truly harmonious life can be lived and en joyed only by those who are led by the Spirit. The Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic Zone way of the Spirit is Harmony and Peace.
All Christian Religion consists in learning to Editor English Section: C. NATION Know Ourselves; whence we came and what we are; how we are gone forth from Unity into dissentions, Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Salurday July 2nd. 1938 No. 201 wickedness and unrighteousness; how we have awokened and stirred up these evils within us; and how we may be delivered from them and recover our oriTHE CONFLICTS WEST AND EAST WIRELESS NEWS ginal Blessedness.
Intense warring goes on in, all nations, One things is Spain around the Muela de plain, the Spanish people ha SHANGHAI. Shen TesSarrion sector. This great ve proven they do not appre Ling, Director of the shippTO IMPROVE OUR EXPORT TRADE strategie point which lies a ciate the interference of for ing control Bureau of the Jabout fifty miles northwest of eigners in their private inter panese. fostered Shanghai Our Minister of Finance and Congress i! is felt that even Valencia on the highway from nal affairs. We are sure this reformed government, was as Commerce, don Paco de Gu though Japan might be the coun Teruel was taken by the in trouble would have ended sassinated Wednesday. tierrez, has been very activa com try principally aimed at how surgents but recaptured by long ago if foreigners did not His death was the fifth poli puting figures in connection could our Coffee and other prothe loyalists.
tical murder in ten days by with our Imports and Exports, ducts stand a similar treatmentMuch reinforcements have alleged anti. Japanese ele and has unearthed the impor by Great Britain. There was a reached the government and Chinese military authorities ments operating against Chi trnt fact that while some coun time when Great Britain although they admit the ter are of the belief that Japan nese puppet officials of the trias sell considerable quanti the principal seller of merchan rible pressure to which they is preparing for a new thrust Japs.
ties of goods to this Republic, dise to this country while she are beinb subjected by the in into the hear of China they in turn purchase little or is today the largest buyer force south of the Yangtze River surgents attempt to LONDON their lines of defense they to cut the main line of com Two British nothing from us; hence he has our products, although little are still holding out in spite munications linking Hankow Destroyers, the Imogen and asked Congress for the necesa merchants import very of all the hypocricies of non with the outside world. the Isis, were suddenly order ty permission to enable him to from her in return. Britain has Intervention Pacts and prohi They admit that the Ma ed from Gibraltar to Mallor increase by one hundred per on more than one ocezrion bition of supplies to the gov towchen Boom, formed of ca on Wednesday. The mo cent the import tariffs on all brought this unfavourable com ernment, while Franco gets sunken rock. laden junks vement was described by the goods entering Co ta Rica from mercial relationship to the atall he needs from Mussoli 175 miles below Hankow Admiralty as routine in con those countries which show an tention of this government, hen ni.
might soon give way under nection with the Nyon anti unfavourable commercial inter ce if we proceed against our The rebel airplanes are bu the relentless pounding from Piracy Patrol. The Italian ope change.
debtors in a harsh manner, it sy bombarding Barcelona, Va, Japanese air bombers and rated airplane base at Palma, This request has given rise is feared we may be adjudicatlencia and other defenseless gunboats. And as the river Mallorca, is however the sour to much comment in commer ed again as were the two debcities to strike terror in the continues to rise it was fear ce of many of the insurgent ciial circles, for if such an at tors in the Parable.
hearts of the civilian popu ed this would facilitate air raids on the coast of gov tituds be recommended by lace. Who would have thought the movement of the Japa ernment. Spain and British that this civil conflict would nese gunboats past the shipping in Spanish waters.
have gone into two years Boom, althoug their and when it first started? This batteries and floating miwarfare is a great exhibition nes would still constitute seand experimental station to rious obstacles.
TOKYO. Japan worst storm in sixty years in adCordially invites you dition to a heavy earthquake OUR GASOLINE MONOPOLY TO BUILD ROADS last Thursday left a death to join in the celebration of the con toll of 100 persons most of One Hundred and Sixtysecond Anniversary Many merchants who are of the present year, a profit of them in Tokvo and Yokohaar xious get into the business 298, 035. 40 colones was obtai ma. fraction more than 12 Of the founding of their Republic.
oi distributing Gasoline by who red from the manipulation of pinches of rain fell between lesale rates, have been making the monopoly which all went dawn and midnight Wednesa huge propaganda against the direct to the credit of the coun day. cliff behind the Tokyo Community House, July 2nd. Nineteen hundred and Thirtyeight p.
proprietry of the Banco de Se try general revenue to be mansion of Baron Takakimi guros, a government institution, spent as the Executive might Mitsui crashed down on 12 holding the monopoly for this consider best.
houses burying 40 persons comodity. As a set off to this, In addition to its activities in 10 of whom were known to for partial reimbursement of nas and his Cabinet felt that the Management of the Bank, Life and Property have died. 10 others were al Foreign Oil Companies who private industry has a greaInsurances, of the funds than to Congress that all the profits koadmaking Bonds to the exported in Kanagawa Prefec proposing to the Executive and the Bank now proposes to issue so similarly killed in Yokoha se properties were expropriat ter need ma, while 26 deaths were re ed March 18. President Carde the government.
cerived from the sale of the ar tent of 000. 000 colones and tiele be utilized for the cons tearing interest after the rate ture and forty in scattered truction of Highways throug of per cent per anum, rederegions.
out the country.
emable by the accustomed draDuring the first five months TO PAGE 11 MEXICO CITY. The Mex ican government has decided to abandon its plan for a National Redemption Bond isof 22. 000. 000 dollars estro The American Colony abe llet nos mi vi chi ent de UR sal HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE UNITED FRUIT COMPANY sue IO CU CARIBIA. Julio SERVICIO DE VAPORES Two More British Boats Fróximas salidas de Puerto Limón Salidas semenales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
Destroyed Llevando café para todos los puertos Para EUROPA via Cristobal: Against the Franco HitlerEuropeos y Americanos Mussolini forces have had the VAPORES and effrontery of bombing SALIDAS sinking two more merchantnenor the British maritime JAMAICA Julio fleet, encouraged by the seem ing cowardice of ChamberVERAGUA Julio 10 lain.
CHIRIQUI Julio 17 england proud boast of Mistress of the Seas is now only a myth, with the rights of her merchantmen to tread ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
the waters pocketed by MusAGENCIA COSTA RICA solini to the disgrace of all Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
truehearted Britishers. noted spokesman for the AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la Fascist Regime has declared UNITED FRUIT COMPANY that Italy nad advised General Franco to use moderation on los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica in his efforts to prevent Bribombing of vessels having bring the number of ships so tish and other foreign ships contraband cargoes, but dis destroyed during the month from carrying supplies to gov claimed TELEFONO 3156 Italian responsibili of June to sixteen and an agernment Spain. He however ties therefor.
Igregate of fifty since the out added that Italy approved the These latest bombings break of the warfare.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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