
Página THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY JULY 2nd. 1938 Hospitals. Clinics. Health Resorts. Hotels. Butchers Shops. Dwelling Houses poor is the task of a Vicar Apostolic who in the name of Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back the Holy Father as a Missionary de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Bishop must go out to seek the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before conversion of those who live dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
surrounded by the darkness of error to bring back to the fold de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do noi the sheep, who have stayed Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitornos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which and to make known the faith de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
to those who have never heard its teachings. The missionary COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON spirit, which moves the world under the powerful influence of ou rgreat Pope, will move your UKURASA HINIPUOLISIMUAHNUTIE pastor and missionaries to go THE FIRST EPISCOPAL LETTER OF OUR VICAR APOSTOLIC ding their sorrows and mistor to the most remote points even tunes but also for the rich and at the loss of (Concluded. poverty you might be rich. Il early life at home, as a tender powerful, that they may under an dlife to convert souls. This Cor. VIII, seed developed later in the stand the true value of the tem sam espirit should fill the caFor us the Holy Father states: teaching of the catechism perfect pory riches of the earth and use tholics of the Vicariate grateful Among 80 much sof fishness, Now to accomplish best this ed in carly manhood, and ap them for their own good and for the faith received in baptism, with a holy zeal to be ap sower of hates and creator of work it is necessary to build the plied in real life is the basis of the good of human society.
situations calling for vengeance, life of our faithful on the funda human society, a secure bulReligious instruction and edu plied to the conversion of the there is nothing so opportune Itions of Christian Doctrine. wark against the attacks of the catio nwill aid greatly in bet heathens not only by their pra and useful as the wide teaching Christian doctrine in the teach enemies of the faith, an ever tering human actions, in estee yers but their alms. May God of the Gospel of Jesus Christing of the catechism and in gelasting rock against which the ming and respecting the basis grant that the Propagation of the the example of charity which neral education should be the waves stirred up by human pas of society, the sacrament of ma Faith, which flourishes in the knows no boundaries, or races, continual aim of the pastor, the sions beat in vain. doctrine rriage, its sanctity. unity and whole Republic to the admiraand is extended to all, even our priests and even the faithful peo for all social classes is the mot unbreakableness, it will reach tion of the Catholic world will enemies ple, to of the Church. Not only for the men in possession of autho extend more and more in this More than ever we are oblig The doctrine instilled in the the poor so that they may beer rity, teaching them, big and Vicariate so that it may attain ed to preach this virtue because heart of the child during its with resignment and understan small, that there is no autho the place of honor which it de we have noticed with great grief rity except that of God that serves among the Costa Rican in our heart that in our Vicarite all authority not only of the Catholics.
there are many misled by the Church but also of the State coIn the foregoing, my beloved mes from God and should be doctrines of Communism which, brethren, we have outline the with false hopes, promise the respected by all.
broad program which will be poor a happiness which this Because of this we ask all unfolded before your eyes; a world cannot give.
who love the Church and the gigantic task, a divine rather Do not the majority of our country to do everything pos than human undertaking. How faithful belong to those who sible to further religious teach can we dare to undertake such must labor by the sweat of their ing and their application to a task which is beyond our hubrow to earn the bread they and everyday life, to be faithful in man ability? In view of the hutheir families need for their the fulfilling of their religious man weakness, which is our lot, existence? We would be an unduties, in the purity of their ha, we have chosen as our motto worthy son of Saint Vicent, the bits, in Christian charity and in the words of the Psalm: Spe Apostle of Charity and father rans in Domino non infirmabor.
respect for authority. trusting in God you will not of the poor, if we did not in a To accomplish this we are be weak. What our human bovery special manner concern counting in a very special mandy lacks will be supplied by ourselves with the condition of SHOULD NEVER BE WITHOUT ner on the help of the laity in the hand of God. Our hope is the poor, those preferred in the the Catholie Action, which the our God who can make abuntove of Him who came to Pope has called his favorite dant that which we lack. II preach the gospel to the poor AROMA. DELICIOSO.
child. Due to its organization cor ix, 7) so much, that we and try to reconcile the separatunder the authority of the Holy dare to use the words of the ed hearts and close up the abyss Father and with the wise coun Apostle: Cum infirmor, tunc which the world each day seems sel of the priests it should be a potens sum. II Cor. XII, 10. to be trying to deepen to the powerful help in the difficult when we feel overwhelmed by detriment of Christian civilizamission of propagating the faith human weaknesses we shall be tion.
and guiding christian society.
strong through the Grace of May God grant that we find ma God inasmuch believe Let us hear the voice of the ny zealous catholics well train that He who has called us will Representative of Christ who ed and practicing their religion aid us with His grace.
urges the practice of charity so that they might attain what In this same hope we shall Brainst the piling up of wordly the few priests of the Vicariate raise our hands to Heaven each goods. Blessed are the poor in cannot do in spite of all their day and particularly in the Hospirit (Mat. V, 3) were the first efforts. The harvest indeed is ly sacrifice of the Mass so that word which came from the lips great but the labourers are God in His goodness may sho.
of the Master in His sermon on few (Mat. IX, 38. wer blessings on the pastor and the mountain, All Christians, his flock on the missionaries rich and poor, should raise their Yes, my beloved hcildren, and the faithful and the eyes toward Heaven rememberthe harvest is great in our Vi souls to be converted so that ing that we have not here a cariate and the labourers, the all, guidad by their star like the lasting city but we seek one that priests, are few. For this we ho Wisemen of old, may be able is to come. Heb, XIII, 14. For pe that you will not ignore the to adore and serve with perfecLois our Holy Father speaks first voice of the Holy Father who tion our Saviour.
of all to the rich that they wishes us to seek the increase forgetting for the time their Sperans in Domino non inin the number of priests. These firmabor, have put my trust wordly possessions, practice additional priests should come in the Lord and shall not be aimsgiving and pay a just salary from this same Vicariate. The confounded. Just so could we to the laborers so that they and Church wishes it so, and makes translate our motto in view of their families can live. The it a matter of conscience for the the great responsibilities bearing poor at the same time Vicar Apostolic to work to this on us.
though they exert thmselves in EDOBLE FUERZA end. This work should begin Yes beloved children some accordance with the laws of in the Christian home as the day God the Supreme Judge of charity and justice to better Holy Father states. The prin the Universe will demand of us their worldly position should most logical an account for each of your remain always poor in spirit. Alas for the pastor valueins more the spiritual open, will always be the home, through whose blame or negligoods than the wordly goods the true and deeply christian gence a single soul is lost for and pleasures. Enc. on Comhome. The greater part of the Eternity! We trust in the Samunism. for FLIES, MOSQUITOES, BED BUGS, FLEAS, the Bishops and priests whose cred Heart of Jesus to whom It is not possible to develop ROACHES, etc.
virtues the Church extolls owe our Vicariate is consecrated more this important subject at Order it for your Grocery. Drug Store or Butcher Shop. the beginning of their vocation that He may guide and protect the present time, which is so Sold in half Bottles and Gallons in all Drug Stores and sanctity to the example and us through the perils of life.
admirably treated by the Holy and Groceries.
teaching of a father full of faith We trust also in our Mother, Father in the Enciclica mentionand many virtues, and to a the Venerable Patron of ed. We can only say that it shall chaste and pious mother of a beloved Costa Rica, the Queen be our preferred task to try to which the love of of the Angels. May she be our unite all in the practice of God and one neighbour reigos mediator before the throne of Charity which as St. Paul states is the bond of peace. and to de MARCIAL SOLERA side by side with the purity of God. The Star of the Sea will its habits. Ene. Sacerdotii Ca be the dependable guide of our bring all to the bosom of Him SOLE DISTRIBUTORS tholici. fragile ship which some day at who being rich, became poor the end of our life will carry for your sakes; that through hie Preach the Gospel, to the To paga 11 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
as we FLY RAYO on inse TICIDA even The Insecticide with the Greatest for the flowers of sanctity to souls Death. Dealing potency our Droguería COSTA RICA Comits


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