
Next to LA PROVEEDORA Dr. Jiménez Gu Lumber Deposit COSTA RICA SODA SAITA WALK FACTORY New and Complete Assortment of Lumber Fábrica de Hielo Messurements less than feet at y Refrescos 25 per foot LIMON An Oper Letter to the President of the Limon Division FLORIDA ICE AND of the FARM Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DEN SURGERY (Medican College of Virginia (Medical College of and Atlanta Southern College and Atlanta Southern Ofrece servicios en su sus clinica Dental situada frente offers his services al Parque Vargas y contiguo new up to date Dent a la Municipalida. located in front of to next to the Munici es NEW OFFICE OPENED a Mr. Mitchell, to look up to you for council and It is pleasing to note the ins entire affairs of the Dear Sir: support if necessary; but having tallation of the Office of the housed and condu Although am sure it must adopted a strange philosophy Jamaica Burial Scheme Society One cannot refrain have done so, beg to call your by instituting an autocratic rule ir Fourth Avenue. The fixtures gratulating the Board atter:tion to an article which of pride and tyranny, the proshow great taste on the part gement for the busin appeared in the editorial co gress of the entire movement of the Board of Directors. pentities which seem lunin of the Atlantic Voice of has been stagnated here.
Although the youngest Socie been lying dormant.
the 11th. June on the Univer also wish to draw your atty of its kind in our midst it as one most generou al Negro Improvement so tention to the advice given in has, bythe push and businest interested writer says ciation.
the fifth paragraph of the same acumen of its Directors, surpas se for all accomplish am sure you will agree that article, regarding the calling seg all others. They have se RIAL SCHEME every paragraph rings true, and of a general conference in Licured a beautiful lot of land Mr. Peter Blackman is of the most vital necessity. non in August to promote feel ARE WE IN SOVIET on which their office is now es feel that as he had 16 you take a retrospective ings and sentiments of fraternity tablished, and where, later, the opportunities, he may giance, Sir, over the period of among the members of the Orgain Caesar Right mineteen years since the incep ganization and the Race as BASUTO LAND?
tion of the Organization in this whole. You, being the principal Corr country, you will find, with cfficer of the Division, would SAD ANNIVERSARY Iruch chagrin, that we lack pro suggest, Sir, that you fall in Dear Mr. Editor: gress, substituting contrary emo with the noble advice and send tions therefor; that we encou out invitations to the various Please afford me the space Thursday next, will com RECOGN nage bickering in the place of Divisions, retired Officers, and necessary to expres: my feelmemorate the second anniver sent harmony; hate in that of love vell wi hers and so make the ings toward a notification sary of the loss which the im and that our leadership has Limon Division the gay and hap to me on Thursday of last week mediate family and a large Vailed abrolutely to qualify py throng as of yore. While to attend the Police Court the circle of our citizens expe We thank Mr. with the ideals of the Associa the nations of the world are following day at a.
rienced by the ever regret landes for his lettel tion. Hence the failure. There making strenuous efforts to seOn arrival at the Court, able death of one of our sin it would not do the is nothing in this world as se cure peace, by pacts and treawas met by the Secretary who cerely appreciated citizens phy of the decease rious as leadership. man, ele ties for self preservation, the told me he understood from the Mrs. Rhoda Lord.
any good we cravab vated to the position of a lead Black man is setting barriers in President. of the It was on the 7th of July cy for the non ag It is gratifying er of this downtrodden Race of nie own path. vile philosophy Mr. Mitchell, an alle 1936 that Mrs. Lord crossed of the Great that he acknowled ours, should be always inspir e have long practised without ged Cuban, that am writing the Threshold ed with the spirit of living and any gain. Thru ting you will re weekly articles, in the new. Beyond, leaving her two sons, Faith at last, and also four daughters two sons in had the opportunity dying a martyr to the cause, it cognize, the wirdom contained papers against him, and to ting him away in th the Service so demanded it. ir. the suggestions, we await speaking things against him. Illaw an dother relatives You are being elevated, Sir, to your move.
was warned by the Secretary mourn her departure, to all of of the Mechanic on should have overlo the Presidency of the DivisioYour for better understand that if such complaint was a whom we again extend, Dai Headquarters of the Associa ing.
gain made to the Court; will this sad occasion, our deepest feel, all misgiving condolence.
te fined the sum of fifty coloing to their theme.
tion in this Province. The va.
rious Branches should be able Liverpool Spur. Eugene Roper nes. vigorously pointed out to this official the fact that the Pesident of the Republic does of the above article leads one have been installed not hinder anyone writing a to feel that, if Mr. Horde ex in Africa? May the gainst his actions, much less periences before the Police 17 ve His children then poor Mitchell. told him Court Secretary are correct, it Rulers.
if wrote anything against is fortunate that Garvey back For the guidance o himself or any other party, it to Africa movement could not linistic leadership. th vould be for them to take le materialize? It would surely of Chief Justice Hugh EVERYTHING for the BRIDE gal proceedings against me be have produced a second Stalin produced in our lasti before fore the proper Courts, but so perience BRIDEGROOM can be got the Police Page 11. As such a long as am writing facto con expressions, proviced they are also upheld in this nected with a discussion no one not slanderous, are to be gag might be well that THE PEOPLE HOUSE could stop me.
ged by President Mitchell in read. As the Secreta JACK ORANE SUCS.
This secret Citation President Cortes country, what this, why should he. served on me through the Se would it be when he would midate Mr. Horde?
cretary, as the Judge of the LACK OF HYGIENE Court seem to know absolutely putate nothing of it. Mitchell had this The sanitation of this town, to cut those branches which give dine believing would adhere Siquirres, cannot be worse. Tak him shade for his siestas in the to the threats of the Secretary ing into consideration that we deys when it is dry, quite forge ard discontinue my defence of have here, paid by the Govern ting there are more rainy days the people rights. But may ment and Municipal Board, athan dry ones in Siquirres. inform him that he is only disLUMBER YARD Doctor, a Sanitary Inspector and The quantity of swamps sur turbing a sleeping Lion. Mr.
Agent of Police of Hygiene, a rounding the outskirts, such as Mitchell, according to the Cons jete politico, a Municipal In are in Sr. Beltran pasture, the titution of the Organization, a We have opened a Lumber Yard tervertor, and others, there Cue tas lands, etc. would cer copy of which have in my pos ought to be a batter showing tainly give much labour to Sr. session was not legally elected where we carry in stock a complete from these officials to demons Martos for his energy and pay, President.
trate their communal interests, but things generally are prin According to an address deliassortment of all kinds of Native if even for their salaries sake. cipally run by sympathy and vered last Tuesday night by Mr.
One has not got to go far to spite and, at times, by political Mitchell, it can clearly be seen Lumber. Special sizes to order Brud. the real reason why there intrigues.
we are having a Mussolini in We also have Portland Cement, Roof are so many mosquitoes, even Our commercial affairs have Costa Rica. Again ark, are the in the day time, in this town been experiencing a depression. coloured peoples of this country ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen ship. Take a look at the Al Some think it is due to the exo going to stand by and see the mond grove beside the market dus of the labouring men to the deitruction of this wonderful tine and all other building materials on the western side, and also at Pacific; others attribute it to organization? Let our slogan be the charcos or swamps perpe the poor price now to be had for MITCHELL MUST GO.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS tually created right under the our small cocoa crop. Whatever Thanking you Mr. Editor.
hose of the Doctor. The Inter the cause, one thing is certain, ventor will not budge unless business has been poor for the Edwin Horde.
the Treasurer tells him to do past two months Limon Division so, while the doctor advises not Petgrave.
ED NOTE The seriousness Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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