
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE ise Bless those who despitefully to the level of such condition?
you and persecute you. The thoughts we think become Vould we think thoughts of evident in our lives. To bless late; would we brood in dark our neighbours, calls to the suresentment over certain inci face the goodness in them, ents; would we let ourselves brings out the Soul of goodness, allow in the mire of self pity, so that nothing can be hurtful, we definitely knew we were nothing can be adverse in them.
inly dragging ourselves down Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Salurdey July 91h. 1938 Nɔ. 202 De TRAVELLING ON THE DOWN MATINA BRANCH WIRELESS NEWS OUR WATER SUPPLY NOW ASSURED RAILWAY VIENNA This is the greatest necessity been provided by our very inteThe High ComDE missioner for annexed Austria with which the City is faced. rested Minister of Finance, don Many complaints having reach y influx of labourers, but the declares that as far as the Nazi great deal of talk has been Francisco de Gutierrez, in dus regarding the inconve trains going in that direction Regime is concerned, Kurt current regarding the construc association with the Minister of tences being encountered by do not remain long enough for Schuschnigg, the deposed Aus tion of a new system, Several Public Works, whose departtavellers on the Down Matina those who need work to get in train Chancellor, is not married Commission have discussed the ment has been allocated the sum question of Water and its use of 225. 000 colones to commence tranch of the Northern Rail touch with the employers of man. But even if he were mar fulness. Many Engineers have operations, and that Engineer ay, we were tempt ed to per labour; for before they can ried. the Commissioner further Dis nlly observe what was really conclude negotiations the train states, he would not be permitt had the task of locating the don Federico Gutierrez has, we asen instruceli bppening around this very im would leave them in a locality ed to enjoy privileges which route along which the piping understand. received bis prtant centre of operations. where no lodgings can be had other persons under arrest do should be laid to avoid destructions to institute and supervise to tion by the Banana River as hap the work which it is estimated await its return trip on not enjoy.
pened to that selected by the should be completed Many important Banana Farm the third day, hence trey are within Hubbard Company. Then arose eighteen months. We therefore ts aroun ETAOIN ETAONET forced to return whence they the question of the cost and the hope to see our Water Supply rs are located in this valley, came, without being afforded ples mong them being. The Matins the opportunity, very often of NEW YORK. In a sweepsource from which the required properly installed and fulfilling requirements before don lanana Company: don Fernan seeing those with whom they ing decision, upholding validity amount would have to come. all e o Alvarado; Mr. Willie Hug of had gone to treat. great deal of the Federal Act and Execu Thanks to visit, during last year, Leon leaves his Seat.
a Vatia; and Messrs. Lachner of inconvenience and disappointtive Order against the hoarding of our progressive President, He promised it; he expressed Co. who, in addition to their ments are consequently caused of gold, Federal Judge Leibell Lic. don Leon Cortes, we had the wish to see Limon Water effectively installed ha kisting vast investments, onsidering the matter of fur and all concerned are praying British American Tobacco Com the inauguration of so essential Office and we are seeing are both employers and labourers: dismissed a suit broght by the the promise that he would gua Supply rantee the necessary cash for before the close of his term of the aer large extensions, some to that this state of affairs will be pany Ltd. for recovery of.
much as 400 hectareas, we brought to the attention of the 333. 000 from the Federal Re Leon is one whose word can be an undertaking. And as don fulfilment of this hope.
An Adequate and efficient Apart from the Company genial Superinten serve Bank of New York. The ruit industry, there is also a dent of Traffic. Mr. Frank Company claimed it had sold relied on at all times, we gladly Supply of this precious fluid ery marked impetus in the Sheehy, with a view of his mo 1010 bars of gold to the Bank note that through his instru for our City! Is it a possibility?
sumber business being carried difying the present schedule under protest four months after mentality, the first instalment can it be realized?
men in this area, more than a covering this run. It is suggest the Executive Oder of 1933 was toward the cost of the work has De core of carloads of Cedar logsed that the train which leaves enacted and that the price of ave been shipped to foreign Matina for that branch after the gold had since risen 15 an e arkets apart from the large arrival of the Local could be ounce. The Judge ruled that the THE POLITICAL GONG HAS SOUNDED uantity of Laurel and other made to return in time to con Bank, in paying 249, 236 for Imber supplied local sawmills. nect with the evening trains the surrendered gold, had ob It might seem a bit early, the Mandatorio of State, and These and their allied acti and so facilitate those who must serve dthe full market price. but as body of water long con launched by an emplovee of the des naturally call for a great (TO PAGE Hred in a secluded spot will government a visiting Insone day eventually burst forth pector of Schools, can well be NEW YORK Vialent deaths in all its beauty, so had this imagined. As a consequence of AN AWFUL CATASTROPHE fourth of July celebrations for pent up enthusiasm in our po this most indiscrete act the re at least 475 persons in the na litical stream to come forth signation of the party concern tion. New York led all other at the Bauquest which Eleven children are report city Fire Brigade, instructed!
recen ed was requested by the Minis Sattes in the death parade with to have lost their lives in tc await an alarm which would tly took place at Corona ter of Education at the instan isboa, Portugal, as the result advise them of the start of the TO PAGE 11 dc, in honour of the visit of ce of the President.
an effort on the part of the fire. The idea was to demonst President Cortes to attend the The Political Torch having civic Authorities to demostra rate the speed with which the function connoceted with the lay been lit, there are several na e the effective methods being children could be rescued.
ing of the Foundation Stone mes being mentioned in connec THE FOURTH OF JULY used for the extinction of con Most unfortunately, however a of the Municipal Offices of tion with the 1940 campaign lagrations.
delay occurred in the giving that District. In the very pre among them being those of don The children were stationedo fthe alarm, so that on their Time was when from Bocas sence of don Leon there were Ricardo Pacheco Lara, our pre various parts of an abardon arrival the Brigade found the del Toro, Almirante and Guabi unexpectedly heard the shouts sent Minister of Public Works building which had been building completely envelop to. from Guapiles and other of Vivas regarding the desires and Agruculture; and Lic. don, horo Islaly saturf ed with gaed in the flames and all the distant parts of the country, not of the populace for the candi Juan Rafael Arias, actual Pre oline, and the members of the children dead.
even excluding the Capital, San datures of the Veteran, don Ri sident of Congress, who, by the Jose, the Sons of Uncle Sam cardo Jimenez, and Doctor Cal way has served two full terms could be seen wending their derón Guardia. The surprise in the exalted position to the way to this City to lend their which this premature gush of satisfaction of wall which proves aid in celebrating the glorious politcial enthusiasm produced him a great Leader. The names, Fourth in the accustomed, good on the otherwise quiet atmos of others are also being mentio old fashioned way. But as in phere, in the very presence of (TO PAGE 9)
every other phase of the things SERVICIO DE VAPORES of this life, a change has come about, weare no longer affordSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con ed the pleasures derived from escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
the annual invasion, while the glories of the ever famed Day Llevando café para todos los puertos are commemorated in a much Europeos y Americanos more conventional manner within the confines of the CommuLUMBER YARD VAPORES SALIDAS nity House.
Thus on Saturday night last We have opened a Lumber Yard VERAGUA Julio 10 the year festival took place in that centre of pleasure, where CHIRIC Julio 17 where we carry in stock a complete much mirth and charm TALAMANCA Julio 24 indulged in by a select group assortment of all kinds of Native drawn from our City and its nearby surroundings in addition Lumber. Special sizes to order.
to several from the ships in ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
Port. Dancing was enjoyed until We also have Portland Cement, Roofthe wee hours of the Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
when on departing all felt it had ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenbeen good to be there to assist Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la tine and all other building materials.
commemorating the day UNITED FRUIT COMPANY which gave birth to a Nation SEND IN YOUR ORDERS who during the comparatively cm los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica short period of one hundred and sixty two years should have so TELEFONO 3156 developed as to have earned a conspicuous position among the Limon Division Great Ones of the Earth.
Malware UNITED FRUIT COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY were morn, in LIMON TRADING COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    InvasionLeón CortésNazismPresidentes de Costa Rica

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