
are THE VOGUE TAILORS Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The new immigration law setting up (A. Roden, Cutter) Rogers rules for the entry of foreigners into Brazil places agarian immigration on the preferred list. Likewise it removes the C95. 00 95. 00 barriers heretofore raised agaVestido hecho a la inst certain European workers.
Suits made to Measure At the same time the differ medida de casimir of English Tweeds ent States can indicate what im inglés migration they prefer by recom Call on us and be convinced mnending that bilateral treaties Pase usted adelante y con that this is not only an See Our Lines of be made with foreign nations vénzose de que no se trata Advertisement Tweeds, Serges, Palm As a result of the new law Ja de un simple anuncio. Es But a Fact panese may be allowed wider cierto. Beach, Linens and immigration, as was the case Drills.
Se reciben abonos desde Weekly payments of from previous to 1934.
UN COLON ONE COLON It is likely that Sao Paulo will make a bid for Japanese por pagos semanales.
Make your choice. Pay accepted.
immigration, as there are about La especialidad de la Casa 12, 000 any amount from one Japanese We Specialize in now in the State. There are other Japanese Breeches Ingleses English Breeches colón upwards. We make colonies in the Amazon basin.
The law gives the governyour suit to your entire ment power to limit or suspend the entry of immigrants of gi.
Enrique Yankelewitz satisfaction.
ven races or origins. However, Proprietor.
an official spokesman explained that that applies to any race and is definitely a prerogative The law provides that all that of the government.
the law.
is necessary to enter Brazil is FROM PAGE Agricultural interests have for a passport duly visaed by Brasome time urged greater en zilian consular officials abroad. from time to time seek employtries of agrarian workers, Sao Foreigners allowed six ment, This suggestion, if carriACCOMPLISHMENTS AT THE Paulo alone claiming a short months to obtain a police idened into effect would afford traage of about 300, 000. To promotification card, without which vellers on this section tivo trains te greater immigration the law they are liable to expulsion.
every other day instead of one farction, called the Joe Guards of the double sales. He now allows 80 90 immigra Louis deden Party was con resolutely denied doing so, but tion of foreigners from coun allowed to be taught to minors Foreign languages will not be as is now the case.
As it is not known that Mc.
ducted by the Administration of had it not been for the interventries from which there are less under 14 years of age and for Sheehy, has ever failed to favou.
this Society, last Monday night. tion of friends, he might have than 3, 000 persons now in Bra eign languages newspapers.
rably consider a request for a when it appears that some of experienced some very rough zil.
books and magazines win be reasonable modification in the the more zealous caterers made treatment.
the mistake of dispensing alcohSuch unpleasat occurrences at nomic reconstruction program In an effort to aid the eco prohibited in the rural regions. operations of his trains, whereby the facilities of the travellolic beverages on the lawn in ad. these gatherings are very deplor recently announced by PresiThe immigration law puts be banks and banking establishing public would not only dition to that which was being able and do not tend to promote dent Getulio Vargas, the law emnts in full control of all ex enhanced but the best interests disposed of in the Canteen which harmony, peace and respect.
creates an immigration and co change transactions, thus elimi of his Company served, we feel caused tie liquors to be seized Just a little toleration and for lonization council to regulate nating exchange establishments. convinced he will regard this by tire Fiscal Guards.
bearance with another present matter as an urgent Shortly after this had taken would soon calm unruly pasnecessity, and so continue to place, great melee commenced sions and replace confidence and merit the high estimation of STATISTICS OF THE LOUIS SCHMELING FIGHT as young Mr. Horde was suspect esteem.
our public. The Down Matina ed of! Having informed thel Branch is fast becoming as imAccording to the figures releas to 015. 096. 17.
portant as the Estrella Section, ed by the New York Press, the of this huge sum Louis receiv so we hope the conveniences ANOTHER ACCIDENT AT PENSHURST net Gate receipts for the sensa ed 349. 288. 40: while Schmel extended travellers on this lattional Louis Sehmeling fight ing got 174 841. 20. Federal amounted to 803. 111. 00 which. Toxes absorbed 89, 889. 51, and those whose line of life compel ter run, will soon be enjoyed by CRISTOBAL. Attlantic Side nouncement of the plans, it added to the Radio and Movie that of the State 47. 093. 66.
Boy sebuts are working on plans would appear that many more earnings, brought the total sum them to patronize the Railway.
for a caiping and scouting trip than that number will make the into the mountains of Costa Ri trip.
ca during the latter part of this The trip will probably take 50, 000 MORE INSECTS FOR BRITISH MUSEUM month and early August. At the about three weeks and the en Among the Exceptional eol, Some of the specimens are last meeting of the Scout Coun campmen twill be made at Ellection of 50. 000 in ects recent large as cabbage butterflies, Since the above was written, cilio was decided that the trip Aodeo, a ranch near San Jose cy offered to the British Mu and others so small that the we gather that Mr. Sheehy, havwould be made it more than 16 which has long been a mesca seum are many so small that beauty of the markings on their ing been approached by the Di.
scouters would join. From the for vacationists.
hey can only be clearly seen bedies, no bigger than a pin rector of this Journal, has willresponse made to the early an through a microscope. They head, and their milli ingly conceded that beginning were gathered from all parts metre long wings, cannot be) Tuesday the 5th. instant the of the world over a period of seer. by the naked eye.
Down Matina Train will make ANOTHER VISIT FROM BOY SCOUTS EXPECTED sixty years by Mr. Edward Mey An official of the Entomolo the double trip, moring and africk, who died a few months gical Department of the Mu etrnoon; and on Saturdays it Vaile Mr. Findlay was away to see to the delivery of his ago in England at the age of seum said the collection is the will go down the Branch after in Alajuela, another derailment Bananas to the Penshurst Com 83. He was considered the great most remarkable of its kind in the Local so as to afford all took place on his tramway sys pany when the unfortunate acest authority on minute moths, the world, and it was impossi the chance of getting in and out ten on the Penshurst Planta cident happened. He was rushed which carry the high sounding ble to place anything like a co for the week end. We gladly tione inconsequence of which Mr. immediately to the Hospital in scientific title of Micro Lepi rrect value on it as there was pass this pleasant information Ewbank, a farmer, got his leghe city, and it is hoped no deptera. Mr. Meyrick knew the no one qualified to do 20. The on to the large circle of our broken.
untoward event will prevent his names of all the insects, hun collection was unique.
readers who are directly inteDr. Ewbank was on his way having a speedy recovery, areds being named by him.
rested, and on whose behall we tender Mr. Sheehy our most grateful thanks.
one as on Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
SALOMON CHIN Wee. Le ESTRADA Precios Economics Artículos del Pais COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Abarrotes y Licores LA IBERIA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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