
SATURDAY, JULY 9TH. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE THE VISIT OF AN OLD TIMER MR. MONTEJO RESIGNS POSITION OF MANAGER OF BANK OF COSTA RICA by Why CAFIASPIRINA Don Manuel Montejo, an old. the concession for the collecThe many friends of a most and good friend of Limon, who tion of government funds, would accustomed and genial resident laboured along with Mr. be cancelled. Such a withdrawal of this Province are glad to note Fields in the construction of our will of course produce a serious that Mr. George Chittenden city and the Northern Railway, effect on the earnings of the has not forgotten those with and has long represented the Institution, but in spite of Mr.
whom he was wont to sit in the Minor Keith interests, left Montejo having hastened bis 84YER alleyways and by the hedges the Republic some time ago on return and has vouched he never discussing the interests of his business connected with the at any time had anything to do BAYER Great Company. Although very Banco de Costa Rica of which with the settlement of the Counbusy, these days, in the Interior Institution he occupied the po try Foreign Debts, the Execuand Pacific Zones, he never for sition of Managing Director. tive Council is still determined kets Limon on the glorious 4th.
During his absence rumour to cancel the concession.
of July; he always drops in as he arose that he had gone to inter.
did last Sunday.
fere with the settling of the go that the National Bank, being Of course, it appears logical vernment debt with the EnWe know he is experiencing gilsh Construction Company. In an entire government Institution much worries regarding mat view of the fact that this Bank should be the one to earn the ters on the other side of the is the collector of all govern collection of all public funds, commissions allowed for the country, so we appreciate his mnet Taxes, thereby fulfilling calls, short thought they be, alla public duty, the Executive hence the real reason, we beFor many years CAFIASPIRINA has the more, and hope his anxieties could not regard the matter, if lieve, for the present decision.
Meantime don Manuel has been recognized as an unfoiling remedy will soon disappear so he can true, with e: agreeable eye. The resigned as Gerente of the BanB in colds, headache, influenza, and sheugrant his older freinds a little Directors of the bank yiere conco de Costa Rica, as he says bit more of his time.
sequently notified that or the BAYER matic complaints. You should insist on his Directors did not protect him expiration of the existing term, CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of as they should have during his absence abroad.
its sure effect, but also because it does not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys. NAVY OPPOSE NICARAGUAN CANAL The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears Washington The Navy Admiral William Leahy. LUIS WA CHONG on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of Department, in its report to act ing Secretar of the Nathe House Merchant Marine vy; said: It is the opinion GUACIMO y GUAPILES Committee opposed construc ofthe Navy Department that tion of the Nicaraguan ca since the measure was not nal. The report recommend included in the current budCantina, Licores Exed further study of the billi ges, an dsince it involves a on dollar project.
matter of great future consetranjeros y del pois.
Tienda bien surtida.
Similar objections were quence, studies relative to Abarrotes en general were voiced by the Commer tne proiect should be contiDANES TO SETTLE IN VENEZUELA ce and War Departments and nued without further comthe Federal Maritime Com mument at this time.
Precios sin competencia Copenhagen, Denmark. land, houses, a school and a mission.
Large scale emigration from church. After seven years Denmark across the Atlantiſ the land and houses will be C, was resumed recently come the emigrants proper when thirty. five families, ty.
comprising 187 persons, sail The emigrants were chosen ed for Venezuela.
from hundreds of applicants, ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE LA TRIBUTACION The government of Vene most of whom were farmers.
zuela paid their traveling ex Twenty more families will DIRECTA penses and granted them follow soon. DEPARTED FRIEND the 22nd, June, and as she liv ed a life of noble ideals, feel confident she hes gone to We desire by this means to receive her Crown of Glory.
give expression to the sorrow We also wish to extend our we fecl by the departure of condolence to the Bereaved faour sincere and ever constantmily as well as to the Baptist friend Mrs Hilda Jane Allick, Women Federation of which or Mis: Jenny, as she was gene she was the President rally known among her intima May her Soul tire happiness EL DIA 19 DE AGOSTO PROXDO COMENZARA DISTRIBUIRSE LAS tes.
eternal She fell into her last long Two Life Lon Friends sleep during the afternoon CEDULAS DE IDENTIDAD CON LAS FOTOGRAFIAS of July 1938 AFIASPIRINA 1 we CEDULA DE DE IDENTIDAD The politi political.
y se previene por última vez a los obligados a portarla que on hayan cumplido con la ley, presentando las declaracion es necesarias en la fórmula blanca marcada Nº y haciéndose fotografiar, que la cédula es requisito indispensable para todas las transacciones y para todos los actos del ciudadano, según lo dispone el articulo 49 que dice: La Cédula es un documento de identificación y como tal deberá presentarse en los Tribunales, en las oficinas públicas, en las mesas electorales y en los actos notariales o de carácter político, civil o comercial. Tanto las autoridades como los particulares interesados tienen derecho a exigir la presentación de la Cédula.
FROM PAGE advent as the Administrator of the Pacific Railway, then Mined as capable aspirants, and nister of Fomento and now Pre from what can be gathered, sident of Republic, has gi even though it wont be admitt ven prove abundant of his won ed, there is no reason why our derful administrative and pro present Chief of State shouldessive abilities: should be the not be considered, bu ausercore be given another term in away from the Adnetrations office, it is naturel to expect or don Rafael Yglesias, there that immense benefits will tas not been a Mandatario who accrue to the dignified progres has proven himself so full of of this small ye noble, coun progresive propositions of the betry among the greater nations nefit of his beloved country, as of the earth.
has don Leon Ever since his La fórmula blanca que lleva el 6 es la que debe enviarse inmediatamente a esta Administración con todos los datos de filiación, domicilio, etc. y puede obtenerse en todas las Gobernaciones, Jefaturas Pdliticas y Agencias de Policia.
PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES IN DRUG STORE La demora en obtener la cédula en agosto entrante les pcasionará dificultades a los obligados a portarla la Oficina de la Tributación les hace presente que a última hora no le sera posible atender a todos los atrasados.
Sar José, mayo de 1938.
which merits your Confidence, TheBotica Alemana Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
JORGE ARAGON CARLOS LARA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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