
PAGE 10 SATURDAY, JULY 9TH, 1934 THE ATLANTIC VOICE AIRPLANE INDUSTRY BOOMS THE REMEDY WICH IS AN EFFICIENT SUBSTITUTE FOR INSULINA TAKEN BY WAY OF THE MOUTH In striking contrast to the general trend, the aircraft Blessing for Humanity the United States is reported Hospitals. Clinics. Heal Resorts. Hotels. Butche Shops. Dwelling House PANCRESALETS acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss SHOULD NEVER BE WITHOUT DIABETES mellitus Profile AROMA DELICIOSO.
Regülar reduction of sugar excretion Improved tolerance for carbohydrates no ūndesirable after effects Sold by all Drug Stores ted States to speed up the FLY RAYO ins TICIDA highest level in its history Sales of airplanes, engines and parts for the first quarter of 1938 rose 48 per cent over the like 1937 period to 31, 900, 000. a new peak the only activated efficacious Exports more than doubled.
peroral treatment for Aided by the high level of production unit costs fell, and profits outstripped the The end, says the Financial World, is not in sight, for with acceleration of armament demand. the dominant driving factor fresh recods may be made before the end of the year. At the time of the World prophecy, Great Britain had not yet come to a decision concerning the the Literatura by the Agents: get back to a war basis, but FEUCLEBO S, CARVALHO y APPEL on June 10th. the order for 40 planes was placed, which, SAN JOSE. PO BOX 329 if delivered promptly may spell a repeat order. And then France may follow briBEFORE THE COURT OF APPEAL tain example and order a few American built planes on her own account.
The very many friends and, lalabos, who worked unceasympathisers of Mr. Luther singly and interestedly to THE AGE OF GRAB Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Obtain the freedom of this Henry of Cairo, who had youngman. He threw his who been charged with fraudul le soul into the suit, and In keeping with the game of ent shortage of the stock of went so far as to say he Grab, and following the exammerchandise entrusted to his would not practise any more ples of Italy official annexacare, will be pleased to learn at law if he lost this case. tion of Abyssinia, Germany ab he has been acquitted of all Bravo dca Albino for your sorption of Austria, and Japan blame in the matter by the determination and confiden Islands of Paracelsas situate 360 Appeal Court.
ce in the integrity of the hold on Shanghai, it is observed As will be remembered, Costa Rican Forum.
that France has grabbed the quite a series of robberies There were other similar miles to the East of the French were committed during last indictments at the same time Port Tourane in Indo China, year by burglars, which cau for practically similar shorta and the Japanese warned it sed shortages in several com ges. One against Mr. Ree would not be considered a friend mercial places and on acount ce, who was honourably ac ly act if they siezed the Island of which several clerks were quitted by the pleading of of Hainan which guards the dilsmissed and some, includ his Attorney Lic. don Paco route to French Indo China.
ing Mr. Henry, indicted and Fonseca Ch. a retired CriThe seizure of the Islands on their property embargoed to minal Judge here; another the part of France is regarded compensate the losses. was against young Mr. Syd as a strategic move to keep JaHenry, was convicted, ney Parsons of the 24 Miles pan out of Indo China, and to by the Penal Court of Commissary He was also con secure her an important airthis city and sentenced to victed on first instance, here, plane base whenecer necessary.
two years imprisonment. His but we are informed the Following on these activities, Attorney, Lic. Albino Villa Appeal Court has also acqui England has joined France in a lobos, appeled from this Jud tted him from responsibility friendly understanding, based on gment which has resulted for the shortages, due no a military alliance, with Tur.
in the present decision by the doubt to the fact that he key England guarantees a loan First Criminal Court of Ap was help up in his business of six million pounds sterling place at the point of guns to the Sultan for the purpose of All praise and congratula while his attackers satisfield buying arms and munitions of tions must be showered on themselves.
the efforts of Lic. Albino ViDOBLE FUERZA The Insecticide with the Greate Death. Dealing potency for FLIES, MOSQUITOES, BED BUGS, FLEAS, ROACHES, etc.
Order it for your Grocery. Drug Store or Butcher Sh Sold in half Bottles and Gallons in all Drug Stores and Groceries.
BOOTH THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE BEST Croesus the last of the Ly and to have accumulated BAKED diar. Kings, whose name has much ar Tiberius ah the tin bas obtained its rapid and great popularity by havBERLIN ever associated with visions of was murdered.
ing cured an immense number of persons who sufBREAD countless wealth, was not, we Ld Lucius Seneca and fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These BUNS now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from BISCUITS CAKES ere informed, the richest man Hus, were other substantia of his day. There were others, ney makers of that period such complaints as THE PEOPLE BAKERY says Mr. Blair Thomson, the former made 000. 000 COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, Writer, whose fortunes Box 179. Limón were his philosophical activities, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, considerably greater.
le the latter became poss BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION Croesus is said to have been of three and a half millio of this size. Reynolds Sunday worth between two and two the result of his fortune te News quotes a shipping expert and a half million pounds ster proclivities.
CRUISE SHIPS AS AIRPLANE CARRIERS as saying that this deck could ling. Claudius Tiberius, Rome The following afford us ec sily be lengthened to form a Second Emperor, was a much me idea of how lavishly flying deck and the vessel wealthier man. He left an sums were spent in those LONDON Aerial photo only by a funnel, could quickly speed, now stated to be 15 amoung equivalent to Caligula is stated to have graphs of Germany 5. 000. 000 be converted into aircraft knots, could be readily in 25, 000, 000 to Caligula, the the huge sum of 80, 000 cruise ship the Wilhelm Gust carriers.
Third Emperor, who succeeded single meal. Aesop a sit loff forerunner of a fleet of The Wilhelm Gutslof, of Thu modified she could ac in getting rid of the entire sum amount for one Dish. Helid twenty similar ships, have ar 25. 000 tons gross, is about 700 commodate thirty five aircraft in less than a year. Julius Caelus, 40, 000 for a Ban oused. considerable speculation feet long and has a deck area half the number of machines sar is estimated to have own while Lucullus, on va whether these craft, with their cf 53. 800 square feet claimed allotted to Britain new super ed a fortune of 22 millions occasions, partook of long upper deck, obstructed 10. be larger than any vessels carrier, the Ark Pöyal. prior to his election to Office, which cost him 20, 000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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