
Dr. Medal Jr.
HOMEWARD BOUND MOST UNFORTUNATE OCCURRENCE During the night of Thursday can imagine what his dismay BIG REDUCTIONS IN SONG BOOKS: of last week, a most unfortunate must have been when on hear.
After very many years of incident brought to a close the ing the cry of anguish and pain obsence spent here and CHORAL TREASURY: life of a most valuable man in by human voices, he rushed elsewhere, Mr. Albert Balin Abate the Scientific Researches of the forwar dto find Mr. Neveemann left these shores last Sunday for Country morally wounded and his comCHORAL ANTHEMS: his home in Naples, Italy. He Mr. Fernando Nevermann, apanion pretty near the same.
was accompained by his wife.
well known German Entomo Railway transportation was imCHILDEN HOSANNAS, etc. di Don Balin, as he is more ge logist and an exceedingly use mediately rushed and the injurTierally known, was prominently ful member of the National ed parties brought to the hospiassociated with the commercial Scientific Research Division of tal here, where, in spite of all Our Kife of our city up to a few years went out along the Cairo district plish. Mr. Nevermann died on Agricultural Department, that medical skill could accomago when, as a consequence of His in company with another Scient Monday morning.
Yailing health, he retired to a COMmore quiet existence. He was a ist, to investigate the ravages panion was left in a precarious of the Wee Wee Ants. As it condition.
most génial comrade and very WIRELESS NEWS is said that certain of these in sympathetic to all deserving The remains of the unfortucauses. We wish Mrs. Abate sects only wreak their damages nate deceased were taken to San FROM PAGE dations which had taken place and himself an exceedingly during the hours of night, the Jose where the German Colony at Kobe, the principal port in two Scientists went out tu in and the Professors and Students 37. Automobile traffic was res. the Western region of Japan, pleasant voyage, and that they both many be spared to enpoy vestigate them with the aid of of the National College of Agri ponsible for a ton of 245; drown The damage to properties is many more years among those two flash lights.
cutlure arranged matters in con ings for 126; shootings 33, su said to be very extensive.
most dear to them.
It transpires that a son of Mr. nection with the interment. Thecides 19. train accidents 12; fire.
Charlie Scott of Ontario Farm ATLANTIC VOICE takes this works only three and 47 from was also out hunting tigers; and menas of expressing its sorrow various other causes.
having shot one a few nights for the loss of so valuable a life, JERUSALEM. Further aisLic. DANIEL ZELEDON previously, on seeing the two and also of sympathysing with ture are reported from various lights moving together, the the Scott family in the tragie turbances of a very serious nayoungster thought they came sufferings so suddenly placed on TOKYO. Iniormation reach parts of Palestine, and clashes ABOGADO from the eyes of another tiger, them by this fatality.
ing here state that more than with the Police have caused the and so made the fatal shot. Who 500 deaths had occurred in con deaths of twenty persons and y NOTARIO PI BLICO sequence of the disastrous inun injuries to some 38 others.
THE WORLD OF TODAY Oficina: Altos Pascual Ingianna It is well known that ninety hatred, suspicion, presecution, per cent of readers regard news war and every kind of evil of wars, bloodshed, dissentions stalking around; how can any of everey kind, political trage one dare to say. Evil is not a PERSONAL dies, gruesome murders, gossip reality? How can any one dare ings and the like as the articles to assert it is a shadow when it Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel which should not be carried by is such a reality in our lives that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments It is very gratifying to see our newspapers. But in these anxio and in the lives of nations?
genial Second Comandante, Cous times one can hardly allow world without God; because he previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulate Jonel Ismael Pantoja, has suf news items of the kind to go un Man has been running the ficiently recovcred from his noticed, hence we cull the fol would not have God run it for of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy recent serious attack of Palu lowing from a recent issue of the a King who would be visible dismo, to be once more attend. Science of Thought Review; it is him. Long years ago, man chose 0000000000000coe Domoeoooo. 36. ece ing to his onerous duties.
from the pen of Olive Mercer among the people, as his imagiColonel Pantoja has been very Now, it will be said. Look at nation was not capable of en of Order, a God of Love. There Most High in their minds. Then enthusiastic in connection with the world of today, with its tertaining the idea of a King is no evidence, anywhere, they they will know what to say, the Calle al Cementerio on who, though invisible, IS THE say, that He exists. If He did, what to do, where to go and which work, we have the idea GUIDING PRINCIPLE within would He not stop the inhuman when to proceed.
he contracted his illness. we WEDDING BELLS everything and behind an thin cruelties so evident and begin Can it be done? Does not the would suggest that until he comgs. And God has given man to usher in a reign of Peace and Father know it is not in human pletely regains his health, he attractive ceremony took freedom to run the world. Righteousness? Yet is that not nature to direct itsell? and has keep away from the construc place in the Cathedral last Wed the only way by which he could there ever a time on the earth thee and lead thee? Did He allowing him reins of power as precisely what He is doing? Was He not promised. will guide tion still being carried on.
nesday morning, when Mr.
Mc Donald and Miss Cynthia learn his IMPORTANCE. Today when so many Leagues were not make the promise to Moses, Fredericks, one of the Teachers we are crying out for leaders to set up to counteract wrong and will be with thy mouth and BIRTH OF QUADRUPLETS at the Catholic School in this guide us because man has come to bring Peace to a Distracted teach thee what thou shalt say.
city, were joined in Holy wed to the end of his own resources world? Was there ever a time Surely such a promise can be lock. After the close of the cereand knows not where to turn when so many Cities formed claimed by cach of us. Is it not FILM RECORDED mony an anjoyable reception Soon, very soon, not only mar. Societies to deal with the wel believable that divine help is was held at the home of Mr.
as an individual, but nations as fare of mothers and children, to at hand, ready to shoy us the further advance has been Blackman, the happy couple units in the Cosmic Plan, will look after the old and infirm, way, ready to direct and guide the us, ready to tell us even the made in Medical Science by the elaving thence for the Railway come to themselves and see the to benefit the blind. and taking of a picture record of the station where they entrained on result from man rule on the time when so many hearts burn bring the right responses? But travail, the devastation which crippled? Was there ever such a right words to speak that will birth of quadruplets. The chil the regular passenger to spend earth ed to reform our dren, three boys and a girl, were a short time in the Capital beprisons, to how unbelievable it is that we Is it not time the Invisible bring new life to our Churches, do not accept these divine offerborn in the Walton Hospital, Li fore setteling down to their fu. King became visible? Is it not to provide better education for ings; we will not even take time verpool, England, on the 13th. ture life.
June, and the color film of their Both parites are well known manifest in flesh? It has been ditions to the poor? Everyw voice speaking in time the Spirit of God became the masses, to bring better con to listen to God still, small the night birth has been exhibited to a in Limon, the groom having oc manifest, so far, in one man only here we heat of reforms to make watches. Nor can we take time group of physicians and surg cupied a prominent position in eons at the Institution.
Fraternal Associations, in Jesus the Christ was reveal the world a happier place, to to contact His Spirit in the morn while The work of taking the pic the bride has long been actively in Body. But after 2, 000 years create easier conditions for all? rected aright by it. Where two ed the fulness of the Godhead make people more contented, to that all day long we may be ditures was greatly facilitated by serving our Catholic Fraternity. is this enough?
the time of the birth being a great crowd of friends and fruit of this PERFECT LIFE on nothing better than your heart in My name there am in the Where is the But the trouble, is God has or three are gathered together ocrrectly predicted by Gyneco weel wishers were at the station logists who took Ray pictures to congratulate them and bid Earth today? Where is the eager and my heart to work out His midst to guide and bless them. acceptance of THIS LIFE as goodness; nothing more capable But instead of realizing The picture story is to be used them God speed in which the True and worthy, the perfect than your hands and my hands Presence we draw up our refor this to assist in alleviating childbirth, ATLANTIC VOICE joins with PATTERN to be copied? Where to bring forth the vision into ms and our new laws without and will be lent to professional the hope that their future may soceities for clinical observa be a long and thoroughly happy paring to be in the same Image! than your mind and my mind of guidance, hence our reforms are the unnumbered hosts pre reality; nothing more skilful giving a thought to our need tions only.
Do you think God would have to use in solving the complex do not work, our Leagues fall, OOO. 009. 05. 200wGO909. 0060aucout996 risked the sufferings of Jesus problems of today. Do you won our efforts after bettermeats Christ on the Cross, if there der that Leagues fail to fulfil and what should have been a were to be no vital results of their obligations? Do you won righteous cause, are frustrated, infinite value from His Death der that all reforms fail in the for it takes more than human Think you the Son of Heaven face of their stupendous diffi efforts to bring in an era of righwould be born in the World at culties? And what is the remeteousness.
LIMON, COSTA RICA all if only hatred and lust and dy? That our Leaders should be Is it not noticeable how soon sreed were forever to rise to themselves led by seeking the after Adam and Eva went forth MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS the surface and be manifest Spirit of Truth. For our Refor to battle with the difficulties of among men?
Compro cacao Material de Tranvía mers to be themselves reform the wilderness that the Image Many people say they cannot ed by utter selfsurrender to Di of God was obliterated. EnmesServicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo believe in a God, for the chaotic vine Will. For our Welfare Wor hed in the subtle strength od naconditions of the world today kers to be, themselves. guided ture, they begat Case in their Importación de mercadería en general.
seem to deny the very existen and directed by an implicit faith own image and lives. The ce of a God of Beauty, a God in the omnipresence the (To page 12)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Guillermo Niehaus Co.


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