
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE God is the only Power, and and are destined to find blics Ite is Love and Goodnes3 Su and peace through discovering preme. He manifests in man yourself in the kingdom of life and affairs as harmony and Goed, with the roots of your order; and in his body as health life in God, and God life deep and case. Trust in Him.
down within your soul.
You are a child of Eternity, evoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: C. NATION Howard Hughes WIRELESS NEWS more HOPE FOR CACAO PRODUCERS Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday July 16h. 1938 No. 203 The General Manager of the National Bank, Mr. Julio Peña, and the Minister of Finance, Mr. Francisco De FRANCE ACTS ON PYRENEES THREAT Gutierrez, are expected here shortly for the purpose of definitely arranging for the construction of an appropriate In view of the concentra future contingencies, and of edifice in which to house our Branch of this important Instion of a large number of also blocking the means of Italian and German troops communication between Fran BREAKS AVIATION titution, on the plot of land on the Western side of that en in the Pyrenees, France is ce and the Republicans.
which the building of the Banco de Costa Rica is located. proceeding to heavtly rein. Nothwithstanding Mussoli In keeping with the aims and objects of the Bank, and force her anti. aircraft and ni assertion that, in keepRECORD in order to further facilitate the carrying out of some, the other frontier defences. Ting with the Chamberlain It is generally believed Peace Pact, Italian VolunManagement of the Institution intend to erect an edifice that the insurgents are pre teers had ceased emigrating of their own, which while adding greatly to the adornment paring to launch an inten to Spain, it is reported that of the commercial section of our city, will enable them to sive offensive in this sector several contingents of these After realizing one of the more readily assist our agricultural interests by granting of the Spanish war zone for landed recently at Cadiz and most brilliant achievements our farmers, large and small, loans on their crops, and to the purpose of securing con were allowed entry as labour in the history of aviation, trol of the frontier against ers.
purchase same at prices in keeping with rates which preand establishing a new world flight record, the American vail, from time to time, in the local and foreign markets.
Aviator, Howard Hughes and Adequate Bodegas are also to be constructed where our THE BANANA CONTRACT his four companions, landed Cacao will be received cured and graded on a real co opeMuch vexatious arguments to the charge, he clearly and safely at the Floyd Bennett rative basis.
and many long and heated emphatically gave assurance Aerodrome, New York, at 37 When, cs Manager of the local Branch of the Banco discussions, during which of his patriotism and loyalty minutes past one o clock last Thursday.
de Costa Rica, Mr. Gabriel Ramos, instituted a semi coopeeven the lives of some of our to the best interests of his In legislative rative system of dealing in our Cacao product, he encount: his giant monoplane Representatives country and the cause he now ered much opposition not only for the then purchasers of were threatened, have occur serves. The pathos of his res Hughes completed his flight around the world in three red in our National Congress ponse evinced such sincerity the product, but even from others connected with the Di as a result of the zeal cer of purpose that even his op days, 14 minutes and 10 serectorate of the Bank, who were to a large extent influenc tain Deputies displayed in the ponents regarded the accusa conds, thus reducing by more situation.
ed by Traders, having financial transactions with the Instion as being most unjust.
than fifty per cent the reThe Minister of Fomento The end of these heated cord established by Wiley titution; hence, as soon as Mr. Ramos left and started Caand Agriculture was parti discussions Post in 1933 when he did his is however now cao buying on his own account, all interest in the co opera cularly accused of being un in sight, as with some slight hours, 49 minutes and 30 sein seven days, 18 tive idea was lost, although, so far as we can gather much duly interested in the pass modifications this agreement, was gained from the system.
Matters reverted to, almost ing of the Contract and his of such vital import to the former conditions whereby our growers were subjected to so aroused theire of this economic prosperity of the Hughes made his flight in the local speculations and had it not been, we feel confihigh Executive Officer of our Republic may in a few days seven stages, the stops being government, that, in replying come into existence.
at Paris Moscow, Omsk, dent, for the fact that Mr. Romos persisted in buying at Yakustk, Fairbanks and Min prices much above other dealers, the lot of many of our neapolis, and he maintained small producers would have been much worse than that an average speed of than two hundred miles an which they actually experienced. In justice, therefore, to hour throughout the journey.
Mr. Ramos, his hands should always be upheld, despite Berlin. Reliable sources at 150, one hundred and twen multitude of over 30. 000 those who may enter the market at any time, all things report that Germany is con ty being listed as killed, 21 persons awaited the arrival being, of course, equal.
structing an offset to of the as prisoners and nine as mis of the five adventurers Maginot Line in the Rhine sing.
the air and accorded them the With the intervention of the Banco Nacional on land, to protect her western Evian Les Bains. Amer most enthusiastic reception.
co operative basis, if this is to be really so, much good will borders in the event of a ican and British Emigration accrue to our producers, as it will check undue speculation war in the east. In contrast Experts commenced on the by those who may engage in the business; for influenced by with France famous Line, 12th, instant, to draft a tech this Institution of the government, the best quotations will the German counterpart is nical report as a basis for a mental Committee formed by not a continuous one of con plan to establish a permanent the 32 nations, is under direcbe secured The Bank also propose making small loans to nected concrete and steel de Committee to aid Austro tion of George Brandt, repreapproved farmers on the advice of accredited Inspectors, fenses, but a system of hea German refugees in finding senting the United States DeWithin another year, therefore, it is hoped our farmers vily armed pillboxes and gun new homelands. The work partment of State and will be in a much better position than at present as a result emplacements commanding of compiling the report for Cooper of the British Home of these determinations.
every route into Germany. submission to an intergovern: Office.
Washington. President Roosevelt has agreed to act as an Arbitrator of the Chaco Peace dispute and has delegated Spruille Braden, Minister Designate to Colombia, to represent him.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Belfast, Northern Ireland Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con The observance of the 248th.
anniversary of the battle of escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
the Boyne, when the Dutch born William III decisively Llevando café para todos los puertos Fróximas salidas de Puerto Limón defeated James II, was comEuropeos y Americanos menced by a fierce new battle which left many cracked VAPORES SALIDAS Para Guatemala: heads. Swinging their clubs, the police fought a large CHIRIQUI Julio 17 mn. CORDILLERA Julio 26 group who marched into Maghera, Londonderry Coun TALAMANCA Julio 24 fy, from surrounding dis QUIRIGUA Julio 31 Para Europa via Cristóbal: tricts, and tried to remove the mn. CORDILLERA Julio 31 Orange Arches erected for the celebrations. The crowd responded with hatchets and ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
iron bars.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Rome. The Italian government has announced that Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la Italy aviators fighting for UNITED FRUIT COMPANY AGENCIA COSTA RICA the insurgents in the Spanish civil war, had brought down en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica a total of 580 enemy aircraft, AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 including two dirigibles. TELEFONO 3156 communique placed the total losses of Italian airmen a HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE UNITED FRUIT COMPANY CU HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarFranceGermanyItalySpainSpanish Civil War

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