
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JULY 16th. 1938ERENCH WIVES AND LEGAL RIGHTS The Estimates of The LIMON TRADING COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY me man limon Divisionamento nozime COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY By Lansing Warren sines matters, and release her Public Works Dept.
from the supervision of her hu PARES One of the best band, hitherto the same as that The amount which it is esellers in France recently has exercised over minors. Now for timated will be required to LUMBER YARD been the copy of the French the first time, under the law, carry out the various items Government Official Journal the wife will have the right to of improvements In Public containingthe new law which apply for a pasport, to sign a Works and the fomenting of We have opened a Lumber Yard moditie the status of the marcheck without her husband agricultural undertakings dur where we carry in stock a complete a red worrian under the Civil Counter. signature, to enter in ing the government comde. Both husbands and wives to a business contract, and to ing financial period has been assortment of all kinds of Native have been buyers: wives they file uit in a court of law. increased by more than three Juridically, Love acquired, and the liusbands therefore, the quarters of a million over Lumber. Special sizes to order.
wanting to find out if it be true, the new law is a charter of that of the previous year.
os reported that they have lost emancipation.
The estimated amount agWe also have Portland Cement, Roofthe last vastige of control over The new law declares the gregates 2. 557. 000 which in ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentheir souses.
married woman is endowed eludes 1. 700. 000 for roads, Comparison of the texts with full exercise of her ci bridges, waterworks, schools tine and all other building materials.
shows nothing to presege a re vil status. woman separat and national buildings. The Pacific volutio in the married relae from her husband for good maintenance of the SEND IN YOUR ORDERS tionship. The victory which the rearon will not be compelled to Railway will absorb, it is Reminists of France have been submit to his financiel control, anticipated, 857, 000 while hoilles is important not so much Wives will also have the right, 10, 000 colones is to be spent ia the way it will affect the Witherto withheld by the law, by the Agricultural de partment for scientific material happily married couples as for ei engaging in business and cup and observations.
itsetbacts on cases of unhapporting themrelves.
Ample provision, we note, wywarciages.
Otherwise, it is likely French is made for the construction Miuch has been made of the marriages will continue in the of roads in every Province THE ERECTION OF NEW CHURCH removal from the marriage vow even tenor of their ways.
except ours. What apparent of the bride promise of obe The new bill contains two sa indifference! Whose fault is dience. But the promise to obey feguards for men. The wife, it it, may we ask?
Oue connot help thinking Elders. Messrs. Beckford, what important realizations Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Milit elf had long ago become a is provided, may exercise her may be achieved by the liner and Mrs. Mack, in conmatter for jokes. According to sew business rights without infixed determination of any ference and unfolded his spi the old reading of this article, terference so long as she does member of the human Race, ritual engagements made in the Civil Code drawn up 130 not involve the family fortuwhen the accompiishments with the Divine Ruler of all years ago, the husband owed, ne in her transactions. The new of the Pastor in charge of things by which. He had pro his wice protection, and the Article says nothing either 2the local Religious Sectmised to build him a house wife owed her husband obe bout protection or obedience, known as the Penticostal Bap wherein. He should be wordience but instead proclaims that the tist Union and his few ad shipped. The work soon comOE greater consequence to the busband is the head of the faherents is noticed. These peo menced, the spot chosen along French woman is a number of mily. The law give him that Fábrica de Hielo ple, the poorest of the vici the road to the cemetery and other reforms in the Civil Code, title. Let him exercise it if he nity, we may say, in mate on which now stands a beau phich will accord a wife a can y Refrescos rial welfare, started, some tiful little chapel, completemeasure of independence in bufew years ago, what may be ly painted, with a roadway LIMON designated a peculiar reli leading up the hill to it.
gion of their own, in an or This dernonstrates the pow dinary thatched ranch wither of concentrations, meditamother carth as its flooring. tion and right thinking. Any Here they worshipped the one of us can achieve any Supreme Being by their in project if we will but direct cantations MATINA and exhortations lour thoughts in the right diy 24 MILLAS and in which was located a rection and steadfastly imsmall LA FLORIDA Bath wherein they plore the aid of Divine Om could freely dip as occasions nipotence and Guidance. The Los más surtidos Establecimientos de demanded as a Balm for their most bigoted must congratuLICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Fábrica de Hielo spiritual cleansing. They were late Mr. George Davis and Háganos una visita.
Venta de Leche mocked and jeered and per his handful of co workers secuted both in and out of the and regard their accomplish y Maderas Law Courts, but never at any ment in the erection of the time did they seem deterred chapel at the entrance to our from the ideas they had in City, from the Interior, as a Organized Terrorism Feared in Shanghai mind bright example of thrift, deDeath of Well known The time came when Mr. termination and co Davis, the Pastor, called his tive abilities.
operaResident of Siquirres Shanghai. The new outer of an alleged pro Japanese real et attacks against pro. flour mill.
apanese Chinese led Interna Two attempts were made on It is with much regret we tonal Settlement police to ta Mr. Yue life, one Russian and announce the death of Miss BIG REDUCTIONS IN SONG BOOKS: especial precautions against one Chinese bodyguard being Julia Watson on the 4th. ins what they feared was a well killed and three wounded. When tant in the San Juan de Dios rganized terrorist movement. police went to his home to es. Hospital, San Jose, after unCHORAL TREASURY: Ponce said that records cf cort him to court they discover. dergoing an operation.
ccent shootings showed that end that he had transformed the The deseased was an old CHORAL ANTHEMS: ew Me users having con recu house into a fortress with resident of Siquirres and a lye serial numbers had been ragnifying glass for a peephole sister of Mrs. Richard Miller, CHILDEN HOSANNAS, etc. at sed, indicating a wellplanted in the gate. He was surround who conducts the well known Butchery business in that ampaigal. They expressed fears or by twelve Russian and twel at a blacklist had been is ive Chinese bodyguards.
town. She leaves a large cire ted and that further killings ould follow.
BRITAIN KING ON SICK ing cause for much inquieAn example of the uneasines tude. The Medical Bulletins, used LIST to Japanese nympathiars by the attacks was seen in however, inform us he is re le of brothers, sisters and lantic Voice tenders its sinThe health of King Geor cuperating although still hav other relatives to mourn her de case of Yue Due. bsen, ownge of England has been giving to remain in bed cere condolence. May her departure, to whom the At. Soul find Peace and Rest.
a Jack Orane Sucs.
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We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON. GOTTESTANTIN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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