
PAGE SATURDAY, JULY 16th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE THE MILLA MARITIMA LANDS AND THE SETTLEMENT PERSONAL Hospitals. Clinics. Health Resorts. Hotels. Butchers Shops. Dwelling Houses as we more RAYO SO inst TICIDA SC irb Theis Journal has always been the old rates in view of the fact It is a pleasure to see don as will be recalled, at the ser we were informed that all te Juan Montero, one of the oldest vice of the settlers on these im nents, who made good their and most congenial of our Railportant sections of the Republic, payments to December 1937, way Conductor, once more dis and in consequence of the pro would be entitled to pay on the charging his duties on one of paganda maintained, the Mi reduced basis in 1938. We were the regular passenger trains run nister of Finance along with informed that the order had notning between this city and San his subordinate officer of the yet become law, hence we will Jose, after an absence of geveTributación Department agreed have to wait uptil it had been ral months through ill health.
to make a very substantial re thoroughly adjusted by the Exe Mr. Montero was for many duction in the rental rates, but cutive Officers of the govern cars master of the Old Line nothing has yet been done and ment. Mr. Rencoret Bravo, the Presenger train, where he made settlers are having to pay after Financial Expert, who has been many good acquaintances and the original amounts.
investigating all matters of disome sincere friends. In fact, SHOULD NEVER BE WITHOUT rect taxation also gave hit at this service was regarded In consequence of the many tention to this particular mat his, just as the one on the Estre complaints received from these ter and until his recommenda Ha Branch is known as that of deserving occupants of govern itions are adopted by Congress our friend Mr. Weeks. These AROMA DELICIOSO.
ment lands, the Editor of this we shall have to be guided by two employees are indeed great Section of the Atlantic Voice existing conditions. The taxes a sets of the Northern Railway called on the principal Officers on these holdings have now ac Company for being acquainted of the Tributacion Department cumulated to three quarters, with almoit every traveller during a recent visit to San and we hope the government they are ever ready to hand out Jose, and enquired why the col will not, as we pointed out, every facility which may furth lection are still being made after press those concerned for a cin jer the best interests of the Com gle full payment; it would pany they so efficiently serve.
think be unreasonable to do In voicing the sentiments of this considering the THE KEITH BANK former the general travelling commurates are still adhered to. rity, the Atlantic Voice begs to We advise our readers to be welcome don Juan once BANKRUPTCY patient and awþit this new ar among us.
rangement which is coming to We observe the announce a close. It gives us pleasure to ment that the Trustee in charge further announce we have re Francisco Fonseca Ch.
of the liquidation of thi Esta ce ted on as urance that the te is arranging for the payment rates of rental for the strips LAWYER NOTARY of another dividend to the com along the Railway will also be PUBLIC mon or unsecured creditors. reduced from the present exOffice: The payment, we wderstand, torbitant rate of one cent per Adjoining to the City will be after the rate of one per square meter which equals one Public Library cent.
undred colones per hectarea, ENGLISH SPOKEN SIGHT AND INSIGHT FORMER JUDGE OF THE LIMON DISTRICT COURT In continuation of the art jestic dignity all ending in icle entitled The World of failures.
med Today. in our last week Christ kingdom is difDOBLE FUERZA issue, we now reproduce the ferent from all this; it works American Cruiser Visits following from the pen of in the hearts and minds and the same Writer: lives of men; in their respon On Tuesday last, the CruiSeeing that we can put ses to environments, in their ser Eric of the United Stadarkness and evil behind us reactions to another tes Navy, made the Port of as soon as we turn around wherever they are gathered Puntarenas under command and face the light keeping together in co operation of Vice Admiral Williams.
our thoughts and lips as it and brotherhood, for where The men were given shore behoves children of light to two or three are gathered to leave and all enjoyed them for FLIES MOSQUITOES, BED BUGS, FLEAS, do, we cannot say that God gether IN MY NAME, there selves.
created evil or that He is the am in the midst of them On Wednesday the students author of all our troubles and You may feel shocked and in the higher grades of our sufferings. God created Good disappointed to think He may schools Order it for your Grocery, Drug Store or Butcher Shop were accorded the and sent His Son into the not appear as a visible pre freedom of the large Sold in half Bottles and Gallons in all Drug Stores war world to show us that sick sence, but wait! What kind unit. The Vice Admiral and and Groceries.
ness and disease which we of eyes have you? Are they his Officers are offering the ourselves created could be very human ones limited to President of the Republica conquered by a change with a small range of vibrations, Banquet tonight, and the in us and a new orientation outside of which you are to members of Puntarena sofor our lives. Millions are totally blind? Or are the eyes cial circle will be feted aday looking for Jesus Christ of your spirit open and ready board, after which she will to again appear in human to behold the vision de MARCIAL SOLERA even weigh anchor taking pleaform. They affirm we cannot now? Do you remember that sant recollections of her stay have true peace until He co Elisha, when surrounded by in our Pacific Port.
SOLE DISTRIBUTORS mes. We cannot have new the armies of the King of heavens and a new earth un Syria, remained calm and until we receive another reve afraid for he knew that grea lation from him. They assertter armies, though unseen, tions to make them real for creations. For those who have not need a microscope to see He will come and set things were on the side of the King us here and now. It was only ears to hear, the world is new life in form, for we our right for us, and for the of Israel; and he prayed that the Virgins who had the ne already being judged and all selve shall have the vision; world; and for this consum the eyes of his servant might cessary Oil in their lamjs, that is withing it Nation. we ourselves shall have the mation they wait and wait be opened to see what he him who could enter into the wed gainst Nation, Force against understanding; we ourselves But can we really expect self was seeing; and the Lord ding feast. lamp filled with Force, Hatred, Tyranny, Per shall be quickened to percei this? Did Christ not say My opened the eyes of the young oil implies preparation, parsecution Soon we shall not ve the Day Star already on kingdom is not of this man and he saw, and behold tience, expectancy, watchful need an world. also am with you the mountain enlarged telescope the horizon.
was full of ness, eagerness. lamp that to see the new Star on the even unto the end of the horses and chariots of fire is lighted denotes world. If He has never left round about Elisha.
vision, earth horizon. Soon we shall (To be continued)
illumination, understanding, us in Spirit, if He has been So we see that when our love. It is not easy to develop invisibly working with CCCCCCC. CHESSERECC and among us all this time, ourselves related usiner eyes are opened we find all these divine qualities in to worlds the frailty of our human nacan we expect another visi of which we otherwise know ture; only Jesus Christ, work ble demonstration of His pre nothing. We see realities of ing through the Spirit, can sence?
which we never dreamed. accomplish such for us. And CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENT He is coming for His This world alone does not if we allow Him to work in SURGERY Own. those who have heard contain all the truth for man, us, if we hear and obey His (Medican College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia His voice and responded; he and the experiences for man. voice, is that not meeting and Atlanta Southern College and Atlanta Southern College is not coming to set up a When our eyes are inwardly Him in spirit? Is it not a preU. kingdom after the pride and opened other truths and vi paration for meeting Him ia Ofrece servicios en su pomp of this world. We alrea sions and experiences await ce to face?
clinica Dental situada frente offers his services in his dy have that type of kingdom us. And we need not wait For those who have eyes al Parque Vargas y contiguo new up to date Dental Clinic and have seen its kingship for these until we are what to see, the new heavens and a la Municipalida. located in front of the Park demonstrated with tremen is called dead. We only the new earth are already in next to the Municipality.
dous magnificende and ma need inner sight, inner intui form, in mental and spiritual oooed Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
one The Insecticide with the Greatest Death Dealing potency Ab Droguería COSTA RICA Dr. Jiménez Guier sus


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