
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JULY 16th. 1938Next to LA PROVEEDORA Tokyo Minister Says Lumber Deposit SAITA War May Last 10 Years BRITAIN PLANS TIMBER RESERVE Berlin Dutline Pedestrian DUTIES New and Complete Assortment of Lumber Messurements less than feet at 25 per foot TOKYO, Japan. War nister Seishiro Itagaki, wh came here to worship at the Grand Shrines of Ise, decla red in an interview that Ja LONDON. tree cen can be reforested profitably pan must be prepared sus to evaluate Britain for will be checked during the fight at least ten years est wealth is now being un course of the census. Trained In my opinion, he said dertaken by an official For tree experts have been en the war will continue a lon BERLIN Police Cars Do not try to beat a veestry Commission, which has gaged for the two year task time.
with loudspeakers appeared hicle or trolley car.
as its object the planning of a of examining timber already Chiang (Generalisim on Berlin streets warning timber reserve for use in the standing. Meanwhile, an ad Chiang Kai shek of China When crossing une only against violations of the newl the indicated pedestrian laevent of a national emergen visory service has been inau may attempt to continue hos lifel cy. Headed by Sir Roy Ro gurated to supply informa tilities throughout his traffic duties. In accord nes.
binson as chairman and tech tion and assistance to own time. Consequently, it is net with Propaganda Minister Cross only with the Joseph Goebbels speech in green light.
nical expert, the commissioners of wooded properties, cessary that the Japanese ret Do not remain standing hopes to create a standing The present attention augurating a National Accito solve to continue fighting a reserve equal to three year forests is a result of Britain least ten years.
dent Prevention Week the on stree corners.
normal consumption.
duties of pedestrians are: Always cross the streets experiences in 1914. At that As long as Chiang conti If this plan is to be suc time the pressing Use the sidewalks, as quickly as posible.
demand nues, Japan must continue The street belongs to ve Do not throw fruit peel cessful, it is estimated that for timber laid waste vastSome third powers are mak hicles, so be careful before or other rubbish on the side six to seven billion new trees areas. To deal with the situa ing desperate efforts to pro il stepping on it.
will be needed. Wastelands tion an investigating commi tect their own interests walks or streets. Cross the streets only the tree was formed which, 10. Do not jump on moving must be planted and en China. However, such action when a sure way is clear. buses or trolley cars.
output of existing forests dou 1919, led to the formation of will not affect Japan.
bled. Approximately 2, 000, 000 the Forestry Commission.
acres now represent Britain This body had quietly catimber resources and it isrried out the work of reforhoped to increase that figure estation on a small scale unby 40, 000 annually.
til the present vast program The belief that two to three was drawn up.
Jos Coo. 000. 00 Greifswald, Germany. The tions on 50. 000 cattle and 3000 One of the Professors of State Research Laloratories sheep have demonstrated the boarding school noticed a boy on the Isle of Biems announ effectiveness of the serum, cleaning his knife on the ta ce the discovery by Professor it is said.
ble cloth, and immediately Waldmann and Dr. Koebe pounced on him.
of an inmmunizing The announcement of a se suppose that what you against hoof and mouth di rum against hoof and mouth generally do at home? hd sease.
disease has a special signifiremarked, sternly.
It is claimed the serum will cance for Germany because LIMA, Peru. Catholic to the Catholic religion or On, no. replied the boy el protect animals for at least she has been fighting a wides quietly, we use clean knives three months against the di pread outbreak of the disease episcopate in Peru has issued its institutions.
at home.
sease. Experimental inocula in the past year.
a pastoral letter with the ob They must go to confesject of discouraging Cathol sion, putting their creed into ub ics from becoming mem practice to carry on positive Circus Manager: Wathlebers of Rotary clubs. apostolic work in order to the matter?
Are you le The letter gently reprim attract Rotary members ands Rotary as an institution the Catholic faith.
India Rubber Man: Yes. es of neutral character which, Catholics must not cont m fed up with this showhe while professing no religión, ent themselves with the phi Every time the strong rejects no creed. Jews and lanthropic work of Rotary writes a letter, he uses me ty atheists alike welcome but also must become acti rub out his mistakes.
Shanghai Using literaIn the International Set within its ranks, it is obser ve members of frankly Cathlly gallons of serum, autho tlement here about 350 prov ved.
olic institutions. Are you married?
rities have inoculated more ed cases have been reported, While expressing the ina Above all, they must be No. Just naturally discon than a million persons aga resulting in sixty Chinese bility of the church to ap come affiliates of Catholic tented.
inst cholera in Shanghai and one foreign deaths. In Iprove and much less recom Action institutions, the only International Settlement and the French Concession 145 mend an institution of neu one in all the world that has French Concession within the cases have been reported, tral character, the letter an official charter to carry view that members of Rota past two months. Cholera with twenty one Chinese and does not prohibit Catholics on the Catholic aspostolate ry should enlist themselver now has attainded full epide one foreign deaths.
from becoming members but under the direction of the in the ranks of Christian cha mic proportions in Shanghai, Truck loads of doctors and allows membership only on, ecclesiastical hierarchy. rity and not stand aloof fron and is reported sweeping wi nurses move up and down the following conditions: Members of the priestho religion but carry on all theit de stretches of the China co the streets by the hour, jab Those belonging must od are expressly prohibited philanthropic works in ast, with 200 dead in Swatow, bing a needle into every Chi work to ensure that other from joining Rotary clubs. Christian spirit, under Chris South China treaty port. nese in sight.
members show no hostility The pastoral expresses the tian influences.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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